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Recruitment, Selection & Training

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Presentation on theme: "Recruitment, Selection & Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruitment, Selection & Training

2 Recruitment process Workforce Planning Job Analysis Job description
Person specification Internal v. external recruitment Advertising media Application forms & CVs Shortlisting Interviews & other assessment methods Appointment

3 Internal recruitment - advantages
Employee’s abilities already known Internal promotion is motivating for the workforce Recruitment & selection process is quicker Shorter induction period is required Less expensive Reduces risk of employing the wrong person, BUT Internal promotion usually creates another vacancy further down the hierarchy

4 External recruitment - advantages
Provides a larger choice of well-qualified applicants Brings in ‘new blood’ with new ways of thinking Overcomes jealousies that may occur if one member of a group is promoted above colleagues Can help a firm to improve its understanding of how other firms operate

5 Advertising media National & local newspapers
Trade or professional magazines Job centres Commercial employment agencies Specialist careers centres (e.g. army) University ‘milk rounds’ Local schools or colleges Local radio, national television & the internet Internal newsletters, notice boards Word of mouth Headhunting

6 Shortlisting Compare applications to criteria set out in person specification References from previous employers requested to confirm information

7 Interviews Panel interviews Aptitude & attainment tests
Psychometric or personality tests Assessment centres

8 Appointment Successful applicant must confirm acceptance of position, then organise employment contract Debrief shortlisted candidates who were unsuccessful

9 Legal requirements Equal opportunities legislation: Sex discrimination
Equal pay Race relations Disability discrimination Age discrimination

10 Factors affecting recruitment & selection methods
Level of job in the organisation Size of the organisation Resources available to fund process Cost of any particular method Supply of labour Culture of organisation

11 Ineffective recruitment & selection
Increases labour turnover Leads to increases costs in terms of further advertising, interviewing & training Negative impact on employee motivation & productivity Average cost of filling a vacancy per employee is £4,333, increasing to £7,750 when including associated labour turnover costs

12 Homework Case study on Recruitment & Selection Pages 238-239 Tesco
Deadline: Monday 23 February

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