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World Leaders of the 1900s 7th Grade Social Studies – Harold E. Winkler Middle School.

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1 World Leaders of the 1900s 7th Grade Social Studies – Harold E. Winkler Middle School

2 Brain Pop: Franklin D. Roosevelt

3 Franklin D. Roosevelt – The United States
FDR was elected President of the United States in 1932 during the Great Depression. President Roosevelt had developed polio at the age of 39. A life threatening disease of the nervous system. Roosevelt’s plan to end the Great Depression was called the New Deal (Relief, Recovery, Reform) - a series of programs, including, most notably, Social Security, that were enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1938.

4 Franklin D. Roosevelt – The United States
Roosevelt’s New Deal helped the U.S. economy in the 1930’s, but did not end the depression completely. As dictators rose to power in the 1930’s, FDR took steps to aid the Allied Powers Lend-Lease Act (1941)- program provided for military aid to any country whose defense was vital to the security of the United States. The plan gave Roosevelt the power to lend arms to Britain with the understanding that, after the war, America would be paid back in kind. December 29, 1940: The United States must be the great arsenal of democracy Roosevelt will serve 4 terms as President of the U.S. – the only president to serve more than 2.

5 Joseph Stalin – The Soviet Union
Grew up a poor and was an only child. Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto” was a very infleuntial book. Was inspired by the Russian revolution led by Vladimir Lenin. His real name is Joseph Dzhugashvili Last name means: Stal = Man of Steel. “Lenin” which together formed Stalin

6 Joseph Stalin – Soviet Union
Became leader of the Soviet Union after the death of Lenin in 1924. Became a totalitarian dictator – complete control of society by using fear, violence, censorship, and religious persecution. Used propaganda to sway beliefs and censorship to control the media. Persecuted people based on religious beliefs or ethnicity and used them as scapegoats.

7 Joseph Stalin – Soviet Union
Implemented a command economy – government controls all economic decisions. 1939 – signed a non-aggression pact with Adolf Hitler but sided with the Allies during WWII  Hitler invaded Soviet Union

8 Brain Pop: Adolf Hitler

9 Adolf Hitler – Germany Rebellious young life after the death of his father. 1907: Wanted to be an artist and moved to Vienna, Italy… failed to get into the Academy of Fine Arts. Abandoned his friends and went into a deep depression.

10 Adolf Hitler – Germany During WWI, he served in the German army as a Corporal (low ranking). After WWI, Hitler joined the German Worker’s Party (Socialist & Anti-Jewish Associations). Within months, Hitler was named Fuhrer (Leader) in the renamed Nazi Party.

11 Wallpapering with German Deutchmarks
Adolf Hitler – Germany As a result of taking the blame for WWI, the German economy was in depression. Many people became attracted to Hitler’s Nazi Party. In 1923, Hitler attempted to overthrow Germany’s existing government. The attempt failed, and spent 1 year in prison for treason. Wallpapering with German Deutchmarks

12 Hitler’s Stab-in-the-Back Theory

13 Adolf Hitler – Germany During his brief prison stay, Hitler outlined his plans on taking over Germany in his book, Mein Kampf . As worldwide depression hit in the 1930s, Hitler saw an opportunity to take control and by 1933, he was named Chancellor of Germany. Within a year, he took over as Der Fuhrer (The Leader).

14 Benito Mussolini – Italy

15 Benito Mussolini – Italy
1915: Joined the Italian Army during World War I. British and French promised Italy land so they switch sides! After the war, the Treaty of Versailles was not kind to Italy… promises were broken! Mussolini became bitter and criticized the Italian government much like Adolf Hitler did the Weimar Republic.

16 Benito Mussolini – Italy
In 1919, Mussolini formed the Fascist Party to oppose social class discrimination. He organized armed gangs called “Black Shirts”. They terrorized political opponents and spread Fascism.

17 What is Fascism? A political movement that is an extreme form of nationalism and dictatorship. It is a movement away from individual rights and focuses on the needs of the country only.

18 Mussolini’s Slogan: “Believe, Obey, Fight”
The March on Rome October 1922, Mussolini seized power through the “March on Rome”. He became known as Il Duce (The Leader). Controlled the media and used propaganda to gain support of the people. Mussolini’s Slogan: “Believe, Obey, Fight”

19 Communism What is Communism?
I am Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from What is Communism? Based on the theory by Karl Marx. A “classless society” where all participants are equal. State ownership and control of the means of production (command economy).

20 Nazism I am Adolf Hitler the leader (der Fuhrer) or dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945. What is Nazism? Extreme nationalism. Belief in the racial superiority of the Aryan or “Master Race”. Violent hatred towards Jews and blamed Germany’s problems on them.

21 Fascism Extreme nationalism. Totalitarian control.
I am Benito Mussolini the leader (Il Duce) of Italy from 1922 to 1943. What is Fascism? Extreme nationalism. Totalitarian control. Interests of the state more important than individual rights. Maintain class system and private ownership of businesses.

22 Rise of Dictators - Flocabulary

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