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Totalitarian Leaders of the 1930s

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1 Totalitarian Leaders of the 1930s

2 Josef (Joseph) Stalin

3 Josef Stalin Country: USSR (Soviet Union) Date in Power: 1924
Political Party: Communist Party Type of Government: Communist Title: “Man of Steel” (translated) Goals: 1. Create a modern Communist country and spread communism globally 2. Transform the Soviet Union from a farming nation to an industrial power

4 Josef Stalin’s Rise to Power
Became leader following the death of Vladimir Lenin and elimination of his competition Purge – forcefully removal of enemies and opponents The Great Purge – millions executed or sent to prison camps in Gulag (believed 8 – 13 million killed) Prison / Labor Camps Use of Secret Police State-run media

5 Josef Stalin’s Rise to Power
Created a cult of personality – made Stalin a hero by plastering posters all over and changing names of cities Used show trials to torture opponents into confessing to crimes Indoctrinated the youth Discouraged religion

6 Josef Stalin’s Policies
5 year plans for industries (3 different years over a 15 year period) at expense of its citizens Heavy industries of steel and iron promoted; oil production doubled; steel quadrupled By 1930 – Soviet Union emerged as a major industrial power only behind US and Germany Collectivization of farms (government control) At first resistance, but any peasant who didn’t let his farm be collected was killed 1932 famine sent no food to Ukraine region to punish

7 Benito Mussolini

8 Benito Mussolini Country: Italy Date in Power: (1919) 1922
Political Party: National Fascist Party Type of Government: Fascist Title: Il Duce (The Chief) Goals: 1. To create Italy into a world power as it once was with the Roman Empire 2. To right the perceived wrongs of the Treaty of Versailles (not receiving territory)

9 Benito Mussolini’s Rise to Power
Italy was upset over lack of land gain after WWI and they wanted a strong leader Regain Roman greatness Gained support (factory and landowners) by defeating extremist and ending worker strikes/riots Secret Police Brutal beatings (Black Shirts) Propaganda Censorship of the media Boys and girls educated on Fascist loyalty

10 Benito Mussolini’s Policies
Strong centralized government backed by a dictator; emphasis on the importance of the nation and its glory Supported the Catholic Church Extreme Nationalism (Fascism) “Everything in the state, nothing outside the state and nothing against the state.” Anti-Socialism Anti-Communism

11 Adolf Hitler

12 Adolf Hitler Country: Germany Date in Power: 1933
Political Party: National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) Type of Government: Fascist Title: Der Fuhrer (the leader) Goals: 1. To create a Third Reich for Germany 2. To right the wrongs of the Treaty of Versailles

13 How Hitler Promoted His Ideas
Through a book he wrote while in prison for attempting to overthrow the government (Mein Kampf) which outlined his political ideas based on Nazi beliefs 3 Main Elements: Desired to unite all German-speaking people under one grand empire; Wanted racial purity – blond, blue-eyed Aryans Inferior races (Jews, Slavs and all non-whites) were to form a work force for the “master race” Lebrensraum: Living space; national expansion Posed a threat to Czechoslovakia, Poland, Austria, France, Belgium and the Netherlands

14 Hitler’s Rise to Power SS – Personal military Gestapo – Police force
Propaganda State run media Terror and Repression Racial Laws (Nuremberg Laws) Concentration Camps Extermination Camps

15 Hitler’s Policies Rearmament of Germany in violation of the Treaty of Versailles Public works projects Racism (Anti-Semitism) Extreme Fascism – Nazism Enabling Act – Ignored Constitution Mass Demonstration Hitler Youth Censorship – book burnings Women – nurse, social workers or mothers

16 Emperor Hirohito Hideki Tojo

17 Japanese Military Generals
Hirohito, the emperor, was treated like a god and was a “figurehead” or leader without any real power General Hideki Tojo and his officers ran the nation after they felt threatened by civilian leaders Japan suffered during the depression from lack of natural resources Set out to build huge Japanese empire in Asia Invaded Manchuria for resources; established a puppet government (Manchukuo) Citizens were happy with the actions, so there was no complaint Tried to invade the Soviet Union, but failed Invaded China – Killed millions

18 General Francisco Franco

19 General Francisco Franco
A civil war broke out in Spain The Nationalists (Fascists and supporters of conservative policies) were led by General Francisco Franco Supported by Germany and Italy The Loyalists (supporters of the Republic, including communists, socialists, and supporters of democracy) Supported by the Soviet Union No help from the US because the US was maintaining isolationism, but Americans did volunteer and fought as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade After a 3 year struggle and nearly a million lives, Franco triumphed and created a Fascist dictatorship

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