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Teaching energy – the CTU way

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching energy – the CTU way"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching energy – the CTU way
Igor Jex, FNSPE CTU in Prague

2 Energy The world is full of energy What we need is available energy
Energy is the blood of modern society Energy is valuable and should be used efficiently Energy is the blood of modern society

3 How to handle energy Generation Storage and transport Use
Changes – evolutionary (updates of existings technology) revolutionary (new sources and technologies)

4 Role of centers of educations
Educations of new generations of experts Training of staff Research and development (in cooperation with industry) Visions and models for the future Outreach and general service for the community, environmental aspects of energy generation … and many more

5 Internal structure of the CTU
Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Transportation Sciences Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Information Technology University centre for energy efficient buildings

6 First example – be effecient - UCEEB
Architecture and the interaction between buildings and the environment Energy systems for buildings Quality of the internal environment of buildings The mission of the Centre is to offer new scientific and technical innovation premises providing state-of-the-art research equipment and facilities for a unique combination of participating specializations. Building materials and building construction Monitoring, diagnostics and intelligent control of efficient buildings,

7 Second example – be inovative - FEE

8 Third example – be creative - FNSPE

9 Fourth example – training

10 Training reactor VR-1

11 Outreach Expert pool for ministries, agencies and mass media
Open days for general public Popular writings and public presentations

12 Summary High quality education International research
Large-scale cooperation with industry CTU is full of energy

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