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Draft Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

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1 Draft Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Draft Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat   © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. This information is released under an Open Government Licence - Canada.  Disclaimer: This resource is a work in progress and is not an official publication of the Government of Canada. It is provided in the original language and format in which it was created. If it is approved and finalized, it will be translated and made accessible. Ébauche Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada    © Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada. Les présents renseignements sont communiqués selon les termes de la Licence du gouvernement ouvert — Canada.  Avis de non-responsabilité: La présente ressource est en cours d’élaboration et n’est pas une publication officielle du gouvernement du Canada. Elle est fournie dans la langue originale et le format dans lequel elle a été créée. Si elle est approuvée et finalisée, elle sera traduite et rendue disponible. Open Government Canada Gouvernement ouvert Canada

2 Open by Default Pilot Project Overview Prepared by TBS CIOB IMOG
May 2017

3 Problem Statement Current Situation
At the core, GC information is trapped inside the GC and isn’t being leveraged by citizens or key stakeholder groups Citizens lack a meaningful way to interact with their government, and the GC does not yet have a full understanding of citizens’ interests Collaboration and consultation happens too late in the game, typically when everything has already been decided Systems don’t allow citizens to “see behind the curtain” Public interface is boring and static Public servants are nervous about sharing uncooked, unvetted information Why is it this way? Showcase a technical way to allow citizens backstage Partner with outside experts to make this a fun and useful experience Guide public servants to be open by default in a safe way Proposed Solution

4 Embracing the digital and open age means …
Citizen-centered, community driven Online, being where the people are Actively engaged COLLABORATE Collecting and connecting data and information Leveraging the network of networks Harvesting the wisdom of the crowd INNOVATE Building solutions in an agile, iterative, and collaborative way Leveraging cross-functional and inter-departmental teams Just in time information BE AGILE Better services and information to Canadians Showcasing how open by default helps collaboration Telling the story DRIVE RESULTS

5 Open by Default Pilot – Goal
To provide public access to non-sensitive federal information and data, in a timely manner, as part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to openness and transparency… …and to do this by default.

6 What? Another Pilot??? COME SEE WHAT WE’RE DOING
SMALL GROUP, BIG IDEAS This pilot is the first step in helping the Government of Canada (GC) become Open by Default. The GC will be unveiling areas of information, to allow the public to see what we’re working on behind the scenes. To start things off, TBS-CIOB has partnered with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Heritage Canada (PCH), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Statistics Canada (StatsCan), and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) to determine how best to operationalize the concept of Open by Default in the federal government. CH… CH… CH… CH… CHANGES RECYCLE, REDUCE, REUSE As part of the pilot, we will be looking at what it takes to open up a window into the inner-workings of government. This will also help reveal the cultural changes required to bring about an Open by Default mindset within the public service. As an initial step, the pilot will leverage the existing portal and departmental document repositories (such as GCDOCS) to provide a technical platform to get things going.

7 A Game Changer PROCUREMENT: This will be the first time that we’ll be procuring through a contest. The winner will receive a one year “maintenance” or development contract. PLATFORM: We are setting up an Open Research framework where we will achieve true citizen engagement and participation. The world has already moved to platforms likes Kaggle etc. – we cannot be left behind. OPEN BY DESIGN: This is the first critical step in moving the Government of Canada to becoming truly open and transparent.

8 Open by Default Use Case – Everyone Wins
1 2 3 GC climate change scientist Captures today’s field notes – draft working document saved in GCDOCS and made available through the Open by Default portal. Province of Newfoundland researcher Sees the field notes and finds them relevant to the research she is currently conducting. Connects her draft notes and some datasets to the field notes in the portal. Student at UQAM Uses the research package as a reference for her thesis, shares widely and asks questions via social media. START HERE 5 6 4 NGO focusing on food quality and safety Is made aware of this research package through social media. Sees potential for repurposing some of its data as evidence for food quality and climate change research. Shares with the international community. Researcher at UBC Provides additional information in his area of expertise on animal migration patterns. Connects with GC scientists to collaborate. Shares augmented research package with academic community. Doctors in Saskatchewan Use NGO’s research findings and publish open information on increases in certain types of food-borne aliments 8 9 7 Private sector data scientist Merges climate change scientist’s field notes with various open data sources and develops data visualizations to help identify key target problem areas. Reporter Makes connection between climate change, food quality, and the rise of food-borne illnesses based on visualizations. Reports on this topic. Health/PHAC/AAFC Canada Scientists Use published open information in emergency management information sessions 12 11 10 GC decision makers Determine where research dollars are spent. Invest money into further agriculture and climate change research. GC policy makers Initiates policy review with community groups as a result of citizen concern. Canadian citizens React to the media reports on social media. Influence the national agenda. Being Open by Default ADDS VALUE and INCREASES VALUE. In the end, everyone wins.

9 1 2 3 4 Open by Default Project Scope
Build a solution to enable Open by Default within the GC Develop the foundation, leveraging existing IT solutions within the GC (GCDOCS, CKAN etc.) 1 Engage with citizens and key stakeholders to ensure relevance of content and to establish a feedback loop Putting the people who will be using the information at the heart of the process, and including them the early stages of the conversation is the key to success Create a safe, segregated, well curated space where citizens can take a peek at what the GC is working on 2 Invest in change management to help operationalize the Open by Default concept in the GC Focus on the people, processes, and information needed to drive Open by Default adoption within Departments 3 BUILD SOLUTION ENGAGE WITH CITIZENS OPERATIONALIZE OPEN BY DEFAULT Organize a hackathon event to help define the path forward Leverage the power of existing networks and expert communities to help define how Open by Default can do more, and do it better Hold a discovery/pathfinding hackathon in the fall 2017 to turbo charge the platform 4 ORGANIZE HACKATHON

10 Timeline and Milestones
2017 April May June July August September Project Overview Scope and approach defined Stakeholders engaged Technical solution with initial content launched Hackathon announced Hackathon event IT Solution Architecture Build solution Test Stabilize and monitor Engage with Citizens and Key Stakeholders Identify eligible, valuable content Public communications plan and branding ID target audiences and partners Engage target audiences and create feedback mechanism Operationalize Open by Default Change mgmt plan, feedback loop Change mgmt and start training employees Hackathon Define hackathon objectives Build awareness and communicate Hackathon logistics and preparation

11 Partners and Stakeholders
Organization(s) Responsibilities Role Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (CIOB-Information Mgmt and Open Government) Develops and leads project, and communications (IMOG) Coordinates with all partners (IMOG) Provide advice and guidance on scope and implementation (e.g., Information Management etc.) Researches and articulates positioning/alignment of “open by default” within the Westminster model Develops and assists in creation of business rules, protocols, training (change management) Project lead TBS CIO – executive sponsor Canadian Heritage, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada and Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Identify “open by default” teams and topics Help implement the technical requirements for the pilot Pilot Departments Public Services and Procurement Canada Support GCDOCS integration Technical solution provider Statistics Canada Implement the technical requirements for the portal Shared Services Canada Enable the integration of cloud storage into CKAN (open source platform that powers Infrastructure provider Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation Share expertise and lessons learned from Open Heritage project Consider moving to portal Mentor

12 Remind us again why we’re doing this?
Government and its information must be open by default. Simply put, it is time to shine more light on government to make sure it remains focused on the people it was created to serve – you! Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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