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Dry Eye & Schirmer’s Test

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1 Dry Eye & Schirmer’s Test

2 Objective and Outcome The trainee will gain knowledge about:
Dry eye and its causes and treatment Symptoms and signs of dry eye Diagnostic tests of dry eye Schirmer’s Test and its procedures.

3 What is the Dry Eye? Deficiency of tear film due to various causes.

4 Signs of Dry Eye Precorneal tear -film Marginal tear Strip
Conjunctiva-congestion Cornea- Punctuate epithelial erosions Abrasions Filaments Mucus discharge

5 Dry Eye Symptoms Burning, stinging, FBS, dryness, gritty, discomfort, tearing, decreased vision, photophobia.

6 Causes of Dry Eye Congenital Steven Johnson Syndrome MGD Lagopthalmos
Ectropion Vitamin A deficiency Post chemical Injury Coloboma of the lid Chronic Blepharitis Computer worker Long term use of contact lens

7 Influential Factors of Dry Eye
Foods / Drink (e.g. alcohol) Visual Tasking (e.g. PC use) Systemic Medications (e.g. anti-histamines) Arid Conditions (e.g. Midwest) Windy Environments (e.g. air conditioning, forced heat) Pollutants (e.g. exhaust, smoke)

8 Treatment of Dry Eye Preservation of the existing tears:
Punctal Occlusion Supplementation of tears Drops Ointments Slow-releasing inserts Gel-tears

9 Preservation of the existing tears
Lid tarsorrhaphy Moist – chamber goggles

10 Diagnostic Tests Staining: Tear break-up time :
Rose Bengal Fluoresceine Evaluates the extent of conjunctival and corneal damage Tear break-up time : Stability of tear film Impression Cytology mapping

11 Schimer’s Test A 5 mm wide and 35mm long, special filter paper (whatt man no.41) is placed in lower fornix

12 Procedure and techniques:
Schirmer’s test I , and done without anaesthesia-evaluates the reflex secretion Schirmer’s test II and done with anaesthesia-evaluates the basal secretion.

13 Thank you

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