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APAN19 IPv6 Task Force Member meeting

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1 APAN19 IPv6 Task Force Member meeting
APAN IPv6 TF 26 Jan., 2005

2 What we have done Setup working team – TF
NOC, WG, website, mailing-list Develop native IPv6 Gigabit network in Asia Pacific region 6GN: APAN Native Gigabit IPv6 Network Connect to another regions North America and Europe Promote IPv6 network deployment, education and develop IPv6 applications Recent meetings 2003 in Bushan 2004 in Honolulu, Cairns 2005 in Bangkok, and will be Taipei

3 Venue in BKK Time: 2005.1.27, 9:00-16:00 Place: Room D
Chair: Jianping Wu Secretariat: CY WANG Full day meeting

4 Agenda, morning 0900-1130 IPv6 Network Infrastructure
Session Chair: Yan MA 1.Title: The IPv6 deployment in Thailand Speaker: Dr.Passakon Prathombutr, Thailand 2.Title: IPv6-FIX Project Speaker: Dr. Akira Kato (WIDE Project), Japan 3.Title: IPv6 Activities & Deployment Strategies in ERNET and IIT Kanpur Speaker: Navpreet Singh, India 4.Title: 6GN Deployment Status in Korea (tentative) Speaker: SangKyun Kim (ANF), Korea 5.Title: CNGI/CERNET2 project in China Speaker. Yan Ma, China 6.Title: The Road to IPv6 Revenue Opportunities Speaker. Yues Poppe, Director IP Strategy, Teleglobe

5 Agenda, afternoon 1400-1530 IPv6 Technology and Applications
Session Chair: Prof. JianPing WU 1.Title: Development of IPv6 Multicast Infrastructure on 6GN (tentative) Speaker: SeungIK Lee (ICU), Korea (* Remote presentation), Korea 2.Title: KDDI Lab's Full transition Speaker: Mr. Takahiro Kubo (KDDI Lab) 3. Title: IPv6 Projects and Products around WIDE Project Speaker: Dr.Hiroshi ESAKI, WIDE Project / IPv6 Promotion Council, Japan 4.Title: Advanced IPv6 Applications on 6GN (tentative) Speaker: JongWon Kim (GIST), Korea

6 Some speakers

7 Update APAN-TH start the IPv6 project APAN-KR upgrade 6GN
APAN-IN ERNET providing IPv6 connectivity to universities APAN-JP large scale IPv6 implementation APAN-CN launched CNGI/CERNET2

8 Characteristic of this meeting
More APAN members report their implementation of IPv6 Not just general topics, more specific engineering/implementation/trouble shooting topics discussed More applications stressed Over 22 participants, more then 18 organizations, new faces, see name-list for more detail 10 speakers from 6 APAN members

9 Attendees Over 22 participants More then 18 organizations New faces
See name-list for more detail

10 Future works At this meeting
Infrastructure, activities, applications stressed More technical issues will be discussed in the next APAN meeting Project proposals put forward HDTV Training Network Time Service

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