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Detector Technology Group (PH/DT)
1st meeting of the Steering Board 13 Nov 2008 13 Nov 2008
The group’s activities are concentrated in four areas:
Mandate of DT group The mandate of the PH/DT group comprises development, construction, operation and maintenance of particle detectors for the experiments at CERN. The group clusters common services and infrastructure which are at the benefice of all experiments at CERN, i.e. gas system support, thin film lab, silicon facility with bond lab, irradiation facilities, magnet support, B-field mapping, instrumentation and controls. The group’s activities are concentrated in four areas: Completion and consolidation of the ongoing LHC projects; Maintenance and operation: piquet services, shutdown and preventive maintenance, repairs and infrastructure support; New detector projects: participation in new developments (LHC upgrade); R&D: participation in common R&D activities in strategic fields; A single DT group will represent the main mechanical and engineering resource of the PH department and comprise a very significant fraction of the PH overall staff number (~20%). This fact is accommodated by a transparent management structure with direct representation of the main clients and the department in the steering body. The two main bodies to steer and manage the group are the Steering Board (SB) and the Coordination Panel (CP) 13 Nov 2008
Structure and organization of DT (10’)
Agenda Structure and organization of DT (10’) Overview of 2008 activities and manpower attribution (15’) Staff evolution Projects Services & workshops R&D activities Projections to 2009 Maintenance and operation of LHC experiments (10’) General approach M&O work packages Outlook on new projects (10’) Engineering R&D Status of APT (5’) Various items Space Detector cooling TS-LEA activities (gas distribution, cabling, EAM). Pending DT work package on MCP, DSS, RCS … EDMS ID AOB 13 Nov 2008
Structure and organization of DT
2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Structure and organization of DT DT = 81 staff (HRT snap shot, Nov 08. More details later) Group Leader : C.Joram Deputies F. Hahn (Resource Coordinator) A. Onnela (Safety, workshops) Secretariat: V. Wedlake (shared with NA48/NA62) The group comprises 5 sections. Section Description Staff Leader PH-DT-PO Projects Office 9 A. Catinaccio PH-DT-DI Detector Infrastructure 26 F.Hahn PH-DT-TP Technology and Physics 14 C.Joram PH-DT-EM1 Engineering & Mechanics 1 19 D.Perini PH-DT-EM2 Engineering & Mechanics 2 13 H.Danielsson For each of the 4 large LHC experiments, we appointed a DT experiment contact person (ECP): Paolo Martinengo (ALICE), Mar Capeans (ATLAS), Joachim Bächler (CMS), Burkhard Schmidt (LHCb) 13 Nov 2008
The activities of DT are organized in
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items 5 sections The activities of DT are organized in ~ 20 projects 10 services 3 R&D activities 6 mechanical workshops Projects Office Detector Infrastructure Technologies and Physics Engineering & Mechanics 1 Engineering & Mechanics 2 M&O 1 Detector Project 1 R&D Project 1 M&O 2 Infrastructure M&O 1 Detector Project 2 Infrastructure Project 1 illustration Most of the projects extend over more than 1 section Matrix organization. Most services are located in the Detector Infrastructure section. Projects , services, R&D Mechanical workshops Building Responsible Main Use 3 M. Van Stenis Specialized in glass and ceramic machining. CNC milling machine. 20 R. Dumps Small workshop, conventional tools. 108 F. Garnier Large Workshop / ATLAS Point 1 activities. 155 A. Wasem Small Work-shop for Gas Lab. 162 B. Cantin Large workshop, conventional tools. 166 L. Kottelat / J.Bendotti Conventional and CNC machines. 2252 D. Anstett ALICE activities at Point 2. 13 Nov 2008
People are spread over 7 clusters of buildings
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items People are spread over 7 clusters of buildings 13 Nov 2008
Overview of 2008 activities and manpower attribution
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Overview of 2008 activities and manpower attribution Average DT Personnel Resources in 2008 FTE’s % Staff 75 89% Fellow 3.8 5% Doct. Students 3.7 4% Proj. Ass 1.6 2% Total 84 100 % 27 FTE’s Cat. 2: 16 Physicists 7 Mech. Eng. 4 Electro-Mech., Electronics 48 FTE’s in Cat’s. 3+4 39 Mech. + General 9 Electro-Mech., Electronics Departures in 2008: A. Foussat M. Losasso M. Delattre E. Albrecht R. Brocard New recruitments: 0 ITER In addition: FSU: PH01 – pipe work, mech. Support, welding (-4-5 FTE) FSU: PH-02 – cabling work, electro-mech. support, (6-8 FTE) Retirement 13 Nov 2008
Foreseen departures in coming 18 months + succession planning
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Foreseen departures in coming 18 months + succession planning Name Contract End Additional Info Succession Edo SBRISSA 05/10 Pre-Retirement Program (50%) + Saved leave. Only a few working weeks left Gilles Maire + team Roland REY-MERMIER 08/09 Saved leave / practically absent in 2009 20-30% of new LD PH-DT LD Stéphane RANGOD 10/09 3.5 months of leave to take Follow up of projects will be absorbed in DT José MULON - Early retirement in 08/09 New LD in Cat. 4 André Ferrand 12/09 Most likely only partly available in 2009 due to health problems No dedicated replacement; activities to be absorbed in DT-EM1 Daniel FRAISSARD Early retirement end-2009 DT technician to be formed as successor (Gluing Lab.) Ron PINTUS 06/10 Activities to be absorbed in CMS Francoise COSSEY-PUGET Early retirement in mid-2009 Decrease of work-load in Bond Lab. Jean-Claude LABBE On sick leave since > 1 year 13 Nov 2008
FTE’s versus Activity in 2008
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items FTE’s versus Activity in 2008 FTE % LHC Experiments (direct) 53 64% R&D 10 12% General Services Other (Work-shops, Safety, Admin.) 6 7% Non LHC Experiments 5 6% Total DT Group 84 FTE’s 100% The LHC part increases to > 80% if one includes R&D and Services that are dedicated to the LHC experiments 13 Nov 2008
Construction Projects and Design Studies
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Construction Projects Construction Projects and Design Studies M&O Services 2008 2009 2010 2011 ALICE HMPID 2.2 ALICE Tech. Support 5.5 ALICE TPC 2.5 ATLAS ALFA 1.5 0.5 ATLAS ID 3.9 ATLAS Tech. Support 2.1 CMS ECAL 1.3 CMS Pre-shower 3.5 2.7 CMS Tech. Support 1.0 CMS Tracker LHCb Muon LHCb RICH 2.9 LHCb Tech. Support 1.8 TOTEM RP 4.1 1.2 TOTEM T1/T2 0.4 Gas Systems 3.7 Magnet Control 3.0 Total LHC Construction 44.1 6.8 ATLAS Upgrade 0.8 0.9 CMS Upgrade 0.1 0.3 LHCb Upgrade 1.6 ALICE Upgrade 0.2 Total LHC Upgrade 1.4 3.2 3.3 Cloud 0.7 T2K Field Mapper + MSS 2.3 0.6 NA48/62 AD / AEGIS Total Non LHC R&D LHC constructions end mostly in 2008/09 LHC Construction LHC Upgrade Existing commitments only (preliminary) Non- LHC 13 Nov 2008
Existing M&O Projects LHC Non - LHC 2008 ALICE Operation
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Construction Projects M&O Services Existing M&O Projects R&D 2008 ALICE Operation LHCb Operation Gas M&O 4.4 Magnet M&O 2.7 ATLAS Operation CMS Operation TOTEM Operation Total LHC 7.0 NA48/62 1.1 CAST M&O 1.4 Total Non - LHC 2.5 LHC Non - LHC 13 Nov 2008
First experience after 6 months of operation:
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects Various items Construction Projects Gas Piquet Interventions M&O Services R&D First experience after 6 months of operation: Interventions outside Working hours: In average 1.5 Interventions per week In total 38 Interventions over 25 weeks ALICE 1 3% ATLAS 23 61% CMS 10 26% LHCb 2 5% TOTEM 13 Nov 2008
Piquet is operational since 2006 During 2008
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects Various items Construction Projects M&O Magnet, DSS, RCS, Piquet Interventions Services R&D Piquet is operational since 2006 During 2008 In average 4.7 interventions per week (2 outside working hours). In total 185 Interventions over 39 weeks (~50% outside working hours) ALICE 6 3% ATLAS 85 46% CMS 74 40% LHCb 20 11% 13 Nov 2008
Services Preliminary 2008 2009 2010 2011 Responsible
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Construction Projects M&O Services R&D Services Responsible 2008 2009 2010 2011 B-Field Measurements F. Bergsma 1.4 2.0 1.5 Bond. Lab. / DSF M. Moll, M. Glaser 2.6 2.3 1.8 Gas Support (non LHC) S. Haider 0.4 0.6 Glueing Techniques D. Fraissard 0.7 1.0 0.5 Irrad. Facilities M. Moll 1.2 1.9 Magnet Support (non LHC) D. Perini 0.3 0.9 Rad. Mon. 1.6 Scintillators A. Folley Thin Film A. Braem 2.7 2.9 Optical Lab. D. Piedigrossi 0.2 Total Services 11.0 11.9 11.4 11.7 Preliminary 13 Nov 2008
Future fellows and students not yet included.
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Construction Projects M&O Services R&D R&D Projects 2008 2009 2010 2011 WP4 / RD50 2.5 2.8 1.3 0.6 WP5 / RD51 5.2 6.8 4.5 1.7 WP6 / QC 0.5 1.1 WP7 1.6 2.0 0.8 AX-PET 0.2 0.1 X-HPD Mech. Eng. Total R&D 9.7 12.5 8.5 4.3 Future fellows and students not yet included. Preliminary 67% are Fellows, Doctoral or Technical Students. 13 Nov 2008
M&O for LHC experiments
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items M&O for LHC experiments General approach DT contributes to the completion and consolidation of the (approved) detector DT participates in the operation and maintenance of the sub-detectors with DT (or CERN) involvement. This may also include participation in (central) shifts, RPA interventions, etc. DT prepares and executes shutdown work DT maintains lab infrastructure, equipment, documentation, etc. required for maintenance and repair. Scope and foreseen resources are agreed in M&O WPs, one for each LHC experiment. Upgrade work is in general not included in the M&O WP. (LHCb VELO replacement (~1:1) is included.) 13 Nov 2008
M&O Projects LHC Non - LHC 2008 2009 2010 2011 WPs agreed Requires
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items M&O Projects 2008 2009 2010 2011 ALICE Operation 8.3 6.7 LHCb Operation 5.3 3.8 Gas M&O 4.4 7.0 6.5 Magnet M&O 2.7 3.5 ATLAS Operation 4.1 CMS Operation 3.0 1.2 0.7 TOTEM Operation 1.4 0.1 Total LHC 32.6 25.9 25.4 NA48/62 1.1 CAST M&O 1.3 1.0 Total Non - LHC 2.5 WPs agreed Requires 2nd iteration LHC Preliminary. WPs in preparation Non - LHC 13 Nov 2008
Outlook on possible new projects
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Outlook on possible new projects Present Status of Resource Allocation 2009 2010 Available FTE’s 85 76-80 Allocated FTE’s 77.5 ~60 Difference ~7.5 16-20 Envisaged boards/new jobs in 2009 Foreseen LDIC cases Gas group, Tech. cat. 3, 1 slot Tech. cat. 4, 1 slot Designer, 1 slot New positions Tech. cat. 3, LD, electro-mech., position open Tech., cat 3/4, LD, comp. for PH safety office Tech., cat. 3/4, LD, repl. Mulon Magnet expert, M&O, R&D, repl. Foussat, cat. 2 Eng., cooling ?, cat 2. not included! : DT and SFT will profit from 3 PhD students and 1 postdoc via the Marie Curie Network MC-PAD. 13 Nov 2008
General approach for new projects
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items General approach for new projects Avoid fragmentation into too many mini projects (~1-2 FTE) Collaborate with experiment’s CERN group Try to apply available expertise and infrastructure (DSF, bond lab, thin film lab, irradiation facilities, mechanical workshops, gluing lab...) Find interesting projects to keep phys/eng/tech up to date in new technologies Aim for ~2-3 main projects with major hardware deliverable + a couple of smaller projects. + engineering/integration/installation support First discussions took place… ATLAS upgrade: pixel endcap, m-strip tracker endcap) CMS upgrade: cooling (see next slide), muon RPCs, beam monitoring, humidity measurement ALICE upgrade: HMPID LHCb upgrade: VELO upgrade (40 MHz) TOTEM upgrade: Large GEM (T1), part of WP5 NA62: Giga tracker, Straw tracker, gas systems, controls, (RICH ?) 13 Nov 2008
Structure and organization
2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Engineering R&D (discussion forum, all LHC experiments + DT participating, moderated by L.Linssen) We expressed interest to participate in a couple of common engineering R&D activities, e.g. Detector cooling DT/CMX/AT-CRG intend to study suitability of CO2 cooling for large scale detectors. Pilot case: New CMS pixel det.; Timescale 18 months. Could be extended ... Reverse engineering = 3D models for high accuracy reconstruction of built structures. DT/TS-SU. 1 shared fellow requested. Time scale 2 years. Material for future detectors (structural, thermal, radiation hard, pipework and joining techniques). 13 Nov 2008
APT Status Preliminary data for 2009/10 in APT DT PH-Dep.
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items APT Status Work Units 2009 2010 2011 PH-DT LHC Detector Magnet M&O 3.5 PH-DT LHC Detector Gas M&O 7.0 6.5 PH-DT Gas Support (non LHC) 0.6 PH-DT Magnet Support (non LHC) 2.7 2.4 2.5 PH-DT-Group 11.7 8.8 7.1 PH-DT Radiation Tests 2.6 2.2 PH-DT Si. Facility and Bonding Lab 2.3 1.8 PH-DT Special Labs 3.8 3.7 3.9 PH-DT Miscellaneous 7.5 16.1 17.5 Sub-total 41.6 45.6 WP4 2.8 1.3 WP5 6.8 4.5 1.7 WP6 0.5 1.1 WP7 2.0 0.8 PH Safety Office 1.0 13.1 9.2 5.2 LHCb Operation 5.3 LHCb Upgrade 0.1 1.6 ALICE Management + Operation 8.1 6.4 ALICE Test Beam 0.2 0.3 Not yet discussed 16.9 8.7 7.6 sub-total 30.5 20.8 19.7 Total 85.2 75.6 70.5 Preliminary data for 2009/10 in APT DT PH-Dep. Data available, but not yet in APT Data available Experiments Will be completed soon 13 Nov 2008
Space issues Departmental Silicon Facility (DSF)
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Space issues Departmental Silicon Facility (DSF) Alan Honma (CMXDT from 2009) will be in charge of DSF and bondlab. DSF space attribution needs to be re-discussed in 2009 (1 year after detector commissioning). 13 Nov 2008 M.Moll – PH-DT meeting 07 Nov
used for CMS ECAL endcap preparation, and LHCb VELO assembly
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Space issues Hall 168, ‘Crystal Palace’, used for CMS ECAL endcap preparation, and LHCb VELO assembly Agreement with CMS that Crystal Palace becomes available for DT. VELO area (somewhat extended), will be used for VELO replacement. 13 Nov 2008 M.Moll – PH-DT meeting 07 Nov
B 154: Clean / half clean lab space.
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Space issues B 154: Clean / half clean lab space. DT Gas detector lab Clean Room. Used by ATLAS Pixel team (storage) Clean room should be made available in order to recondition it for future projects (LHC upgrade). 13 Nov 2008 M.Moll – PH-DT meeting 07 Nov
Proposal by PH management & DT
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Detector cooling Proposal by PH management & DT Launch a common detector cooling activity in PH-DT (in analogy to gas systems activity). The initial mandate comprises Build up theoretical and practical expertise for future ‘advanced’ detector cooling systems (PFC, CO2, not H2O) Supports consolidation efforts for existing detector cooling systems Develop thermal management solutions for detector upgrades Contribute to standardization (equipment, controls) Experiments Experiments define clear interfaces and internal structure for all cooling related issues. Experiments Experiments A new Detector Cooling Working Group with a clear and strong mandate, steers the consolidation and R&D efforts. Experiments Detector Cooling Working Group PH cooling activity EN/ICE EN/CV TE/CRG 13 Nov 2008
The initial cooling team in DT could comprise :
Structure and organization 2008 activities LHC M&O Possible new projects APT status Various items Detector cooling Scope of Detector Cooling WG The initial cooling team in DT could comprise : 1 engineer 3-4 technicians 1 doct. student Lab space (available) Mechanical support (available) Synergies with DT gas systems and magnet controls A second engineer (cooling) expert should be added in 2009. PH intends to create a R&D WP (White paper funds) for cooling. 13 Nov 2008
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