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The Inventory and M&R Process

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Presentation on theme: "The Inventory and M&R Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Inventory and M&R Process
Janae’ Duhart & Sara Osborne

2 Purchasing & Inventory Staff
Carlas Smith Director of Purchasing and Inventory Bryan Smith Purchasing Specialist Barbara Jones Travel Coordinator Janae’ Duhart Inventory Control Specialist

3 Expectation This presentation will cover: Capital Assets
Improving inventory Tagging assets Who's responsible Inventory Forms Unwanted Items & M&R

A capital asset is defined as real, Stand Alone, personal or intangible property that has a value equal to or greater than the capitalization threshold of $5,000 and has an estimated life of greater than one year. PTC has invested in a wide variety of capital assets used in operations. These assets are broadly classified as follows: Buildings/Building Improvements, Equipment, -Tangible (refrigerators, stoves, cars, microscopes, etc.) Equipment-Low Value, (ipads, computers, laptops, projectors, etc.) Works of Art/Historical Treasures, Library Holdings, Intangible Assets, (software) Capital Leases (copiers)

5 Capital Asset Classification
The Asset Class is used to organize capital assets in the broad classifications. An essential function of the asset class is to establish a link between the asset master record (Tag Number) and the related posting to the accounting general ledger (5-750). Therefore, assets purchased, constructed or donated that meet or exceed the capitalization threshold ($5000) or minimum-reporting requirements must be uniformly classified, utilizing the existing asset class structure.

6 Low Value Assets Computers Tablets/ipads Printers Scanners Cameras
Projectors …etc. *Items susceptible of theft or loss

7 Are you responsible? How can you determine what you are responsible for? Department Head Inventory Control *Items you may be responsible for are computers, cameras, vehicles, printers, scanners, tools, etc. Consequences Your check could be withheld PERSONAL INVENTORY RELEASE OF ACCOUNTABILITY FORM Pay out of pocket

The Release of Accountability Form removes a person or department from being responsible for that item. LOSS/STOLEN Contact Campus Police -As soon as theft is suspected. Police Report Contact Inventory Control Release of Accountability form Remove from inventory records

9 Donations & Foundations
All donations/gifts become property of PTC upon receipt.

10 Inventory Purpose Tracking of Capital Assets is Authorized by the State Act 1973, No Why perform inventory audits? Accountable for all state property Keep records updated Remove disposed items promptly Investigate missing items

11 Inventory Process The Inventory Specialist will:
Contact Department by and/or by interoffice mail Providing suggested date and time to perform audit Current list of equipment Your assistance is desired, but not mandatory All off-campus items need to be brought in Physically confirm and count objects Notify Department of missing items

12 Off-Campus Form Used to track inventoried items that are used at/taken home or located off campus. Includes all equipment that belongs to PTC Needs to be updated every fiscal year or when a change has occurred

13 What To Do With Unwanted Items
DO NOT THROW AWAY! Contact: Inventory Specialist or Mail & Shipping Supervisor/Marketing & Redistribution (M&R) Coordinator Know who is responsible. Is the item a grant? Can someone else use it? Transfer

14 Request to Relocate Form
The Request to Relocate form (Transfer form) is to document any changes of location, department, and or responsible person. EXCEPTION Within department transfer – the Inventory Specialist at Asset number, description of item, and new location Inventory

15 Mail & Shipping Staff Sara Osborne Mail & Shipping Supervisor Malik Marks Mail & Shipping Coordinator Kenneith Lothery Mail & Shipping Assistant

16 Tagging Assets Process
The items are received in Mailing and Shipping An asset tag number is assigned The information of the item is recorded A responsible person is assigned per the PO information or department communication. Item is delegated to location recorded Items purchased by P-CARD, the Inventory Specialist will tag the item.

17 Improving Shipping & Receiving Process for Inventory
Give Shipping and receiving a heads up of items being delivered. Already know who is going to be the responsible party. Notify IT of Computers, laptops, iPads, tablets, etc. to be set up correctly… Via School Dude ticket.

18 Marketing & Redistribution (M&R)
Go to your PTC Portal and Click the Faculty Staff Tab In the sidebar on the left side of the screen click on M&R Submission at the bottom You will be brought to the form that needs to filled. Enter the PU Number System will auto-populate fields Click the “Add” button to add item to the Submission List Repeat Steps 1-3 until all items have been added Click the “Submit” button to complete request process. If You don’t know the PU Number: Check the “None” checkbox Enter a description of the item Enter the Serial Number Enter the Location of the item Click the “Add” button to add item to the submission list Repeat steps 1-5 until all items without PU numbers have been added. Click the “Submit” button to complete request process

19 M&R Process After your items have been submitted through the portal
Inventory Specialist will: Check to make sure you are responsible. Request is then scheduled. Within working days items should be picked up Contact will be made if exception occur. Once items are picked up, it will be automatically transferred to the Mail & Shipping department.

20 Certificate of Property Disposal (CPD)
The CPD is processed in the same manner as the SDF. When approved, this authorizes the agency to dispose of the property listed at their location. Currently there are five (5) categories for proper disposal. (A) Cannibalization (B) Destruction (C) Scrap Metal Sale (D) Negotiated Sale (3 Quote) (E) eWaste Recycle

21 Certificate of Property Disposal (CPD)
A Certificate of Property Disposal is a web based form that is filled out and submitted by the agency property manager, requesting to dispose of property at the agency’s location.

22 CATEGORY – A Cannibalization: To dismantle for parts to be used as replacements or as components of other machines or devices 1.) The disassembly of an item for its component parts for repair or maintenance of a similar item. Cannibalization may be authorized when greater potential value than disposal or trade-in exists. Authorization for cannibalization shall be approved by Marketing and Redistribution prior to any disassembly. If authorized, the item may be removed from the agency’s inventory property listing. Any residual material remaining after cannibalization must be processed through M & R. 2.) Motor vehicles eligible to be registered for highway use whether registered or not, may be cannibalized after obtaining authorization from M & R. These vehicles WILL NOT be removed from the agency’s inventory property listing until the carcass has been disposed of by M & R. No more than 90 days will elapse between authorization and processing of the carcass by M & R.

23 CATEGORY – B Destruction: The act of destroying.
Property that is broken, torn and soiled has no resale value may be authorized for destruction at the agency location. The property identified may be authorized for destruction by the state Surplus Property Manager on a case by case basis when requested prior to actions being taken.

24 CATEGORY – C Scrap Materials with Metal Contents: lead, copper, brass, iron, steel, tin, stainless
Property that is scrap with material contents of lead, copper, brass, iron, etc., will be disposed of by sale to local scrap dealers at local prices.

25 CATEGORY - E Computer and Electronic Recycle
Computer and electronic equipment may be disposed of in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Federal Bureau of Prison Recycle Division (UNICOR) and the Office of State Procurement, Marketing & Redistribution. This authorizes the agency to dispose of agency computers and electronics at a recycle collection center supported by ADEQ.

26 Vehicles

27 Please turn in two ignition keys for each vehicle.
If a vehicle is being pulled from service, don’t park it until you have approval and money to replace it, TURN IT IN TO M & R. The agency will not loose that vehicle slot and has two years to fill. Please turn in two ignition keys for each vehicle. Please do not sign the front or back of titles Do not sign the front or back of titles

28 In the event of an accident
In the event of an accident. Contact the insurance company so a damage evaluation can be made on the vehicle. If the vehicle is a Total Loss, contact M & R for instructions. If the vehicle need to be towed ask for it to be taken to the nearest State owned property or deliver to M & R If the vehicle needs to be towed, ask for it to be taken to the nearest State owned property or deliver to M & R

29 Thank You! Questions and Answers

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