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Integrated Justice System (IJS)

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Justice System (IJS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Justice System (IJS)
Presentation – Portfolio Committee on Police Theme: Deterrence of Crime in South Africa through CJS modernisation By: Godfrey Leseba IJS Board Chairperson 10 June 2015

2 Agenda Brief Background & Objective Rationale for Programme Existence
Recent Strategic Developments Priorities & Work Packages Implementation Strategy IJS Programme Governance Integration Progress Status Highlights Case Integration Person Integration Business Intelligence BI Dashboard Look & Feel

3 Brief Background The IJS Programme was conceptualised upon approval of the NCPS by Cabinet in 1996 in order to modernise the Criminal Justice System The Programme was further given impetus by: Review of the South African Criminal Justice System seven-point plan (2007) Outcome 3 of the JCPS Cluster Delivery Agreement - “All people in South Africa are and feel safe” National Development Plan (NDP vision 2030) The primary objective of the IJS Programme is to: Electronically enable and integrate the end-to-end criminal justice business processes (i.e. from the report of a crime to the release of a convicted person), through technology solutions and Manage the related inter-departmental information exchanges across the CJS

4 Rationale for Existence
Deterrence of Crime in South Africa by: Eliminating swapping of identity at Remand Detention Facilities Ensuring effective and instant linking of criminal records, bail status and “wanted” status of persons at the point of arrest so as to: Provide enough information about an arrested person to the prosecution prior to first court appearance (48 hrs) Ensuring effective Identification of criminals based on crime scene evidence (e.g. finger prints, DNA) Enabling rapid processing of cases through the courts by providing information about case, person and exhibit seamlessly to speed up justice to victims of crime and punishment to perpetrators of crime

5 Recent Strategic Changes
Changed the IJS Board Composition and Reporting Line Five Key Cluster Integration Priorities approved by Cabinet Established & Capacitated the IJS PMO Assigned Senior Programme Managers to each of the 3 major Work packages Implemented the Interdepartmental Project Management Governance Framework & Tools Updated the IJS Board Terms of Reference (TOR) To enhance accountability for delivery & budget To improve leadership of the Board and its sub-structures To ensure adequate prioritisation of the Programme by all parties The 5 Priorities are outlines in Slide 6

6 Priorities & Work Packages
JCPS Cluster Priorities Delivery Work Packages CJS Single Person Identifier Person Integration Person Identification Verification Application (PIVA) – Including criminal record “fast check” Case Management Integration Case Integration 28 KPI Reporting dashboard Business Intelligence Single Transversal data store for JCPS cluster statistical requirements

7 Implementation Strategy
Step 1: Creating / upgrading departmental system capability to support and automate business process flow Each individual Dept is responsible for this step Step 2: Integrating the criminal justice business process Shared responsibility by IJS PMO , IJS Transversal & Depts Step 3: Criminal justice system end-to-end business performance measurement capability (known as the IJS BIS/GIS) Shared responsibility by IJS PMO & IJS Transversal & Depts

8 IJS Programme Governance

9 Integration Progress

10 Case Integration Achievements
CAS/ICDMS & ICMS Integrations: Electronic transmission of docket information has now been deployed to all 1153 police stations (incl. Military Police stations) across the country and 509 of 627 DOJCD courts. Legal Aid SA notifications have been enabled at 848 police stations and associated Justice Centres in order to send electronic messages for arrested persons that qualify for legal aid assistance to be assigned legal representation. CAS/ICDMS, ECMS & ICMS Integrations: This is a further enhancement of the case integration which now include the NPA Electronic Case Management System (ECMS). NPA Electronic Charge Sheet (Electronic J15) and Case Outcome Integration is now deployed to 22 Courts in Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN by 31 March 2015. Post implementation support and change management interventions are currently underway to gradually operationalise the system and optimise utilisation

11 Case Integration Work In Progress
Legal Aid SA: electronic Legal Aid Application (eLAA) – user testing is in progress. Production is planned for Q3 2015/16. DCS: Integrated Inmate Management System (IIMS) pilot rollout at JHB Correctional Centre was concluded as planned on the 31st March Further functional enhancement are planned for implementation in the current financial year. DSD: is preparing to integrate with SAPS to deal with cases related to children in conflict with the law. This will allow for the assignment of a probation officer electronically.

12 Person Integration Achievements
Person Identification and Verification Application (PIVA) Part of the Implementation of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) This Solution entails instant verification of SA ID’s via DHA HANIS system using biometric devices. PIVA version 1 is ready for deployment pending the sign-off of the Standard Operating procedures. Solution to be used for Firearms Licence applications within SAPS. Person Architecture framework and designs have been drafted by SAPS to pave the way for creation of a unique person identifier, integrated booking and person tracking in down stream departments.

13 Person Integration Work In Progress
PIVA version 2 – Criminal Record Check, Latent Search & Wanted persons Test via 10 finger print Search – SAPS must integrate the AFIS and CRIM systems while DHA must the HANIS system. NRSO (National Register Sex Offenses) – Clearance Certificates Integrated Booking Stream (SAPS): Re-engineer SAPS “booking process” – digital capture booths, iris & facial recognition, live-scan finger print integration to create single person object and identifier Re-align existing SAPS person related systems to use single identifier for tracking, case linkages, profiling and DNA sampling. [Detailed progress relating to National DNA Database development will be dealt with by SAPS]. Person Tracking & Integration Stream: Introduce electronic body receipting process using a single person identifier to electronically track the movement of persons throughout the system

14 28 KPIs – Business Intelligence Highlights
This solution enables the JCPS Cluster to measure the performance of the CJS using real production data to inform effective decision-making with regard to inter alia capacity planning across the value chain. Achievements: The state of the art Dashboard user interface has been completed and deployed to production. We have also deployed 14 of the 28 KPI Business Intelligence solution against a target of 9 KPI’s in the reporting period. This is a ground-breaking achievement of the IJS Programme which we perceive as a tangible game changer Work In Progress: Preparation of data uploads for DCS and DSD KPIs are in progress. This will enable the deployment of additional KPIs

15 28 KPIs – Dashboard Display
28 KPI Dashboard Look and Feel



18 Thank You Any Q’s ?

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