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The Eighth International Workshop on Hydro-Hegemony

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1 The Eighth International Workshop on Hydro-Hegemony
H H The Eighth International Workshop on Hydro-Hegemony 8 Law & Hydro-Hegemony Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG

2 8 PLEASE JOIN FOR GROUP DINNER! Smollensky’s on the Strand –
Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H PLEASE JOIN FOR GROUP DINNER! Smollensky’s on the Strand – 105 Strand, London WC2R 0AA

3 Hydro-Hegemony – A History
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Hydro-Hegemony – A History May HH1 – Introduction of HH Theory May 2006/7/8 HH2/3/4 – Furthering of HH Theory

4 8 H H Hydro-Hegemony: “who gets how much water, how and why”
Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Hydro-Hegemony: “who gets how much water, how and why” Power as prime determinant of outcomes Zeitoun and Warner 2006 Transboundary Water Interactions: Interstate relations over shared water resources

5 8 H H Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG
The Original Pillars of Hydro-Hegemony (Zeitoun & Warner 2006, pp. 451) The Revised Pillars of Hydro-Hegemony (Cascão & Zeitoun 2010, pp. 32)

6 Hydro-Hegemony – A History
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Hydro-Hegemony – A History May HH1 – Introduction of HH Theory May 2006/7/8 HH2/3/4 – Furthering of HH Theory May HH5 – Water Security January HH6 – Transboundary Water Justice May HH7 – Contesting Hegemony

7 A Conceptual Frame of Contest and of Compliance with a Hegemonic Order
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H A Conceptual Frame of Contest and of Compliance with a Hegemonic Order (Zeitoun et al. 2015)

8 Hydro-Hegemony – A History
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Hydro-Hegemony – A History May HH1 – Introduction of HH Theory May 2006/7/8 HH2/3/4 – Furthering of HH Theory May HH5 – Water Security January HH6 – Transboundary Water Justice May HH7 – Contesting Hegemony Now… HH8 – International Law

9 (Farnum, Hawkins, and Tamarian 2015)
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H A Conceptualisation of International Law & its Role in (Counter-)Hydro-Hegemony (Farnum, Hawkins, and Tamarian 2015)

10 8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Law as Violence States, like individuals, interact as property owners Violence — coercion — is at the heart of the commodity form: between equal rights, force decides so – Legal commodity-form as the structure of international law is violent

11 Law’s Capacity for Radical Change
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Law’s Capacity for Radical Change The indeterminacy of Law Law as power: law, the continuation of war by other means

12 (Farnum, Hawkins, and Tamarian 2015)
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H A Conceptualisation of International Law & its Role in (Counter-)Hydro-Hegemony (Farnum, Hawkins, and Tamarian 2015)

13 8 H H Content of international law manifested as bargaining power
Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Content of international law manifested as bargaining power Structure of international law forces non-hegemons to engage in sovereignty arguments, with assumptions of equality, in defence of hegemonic domination: an expression of ideational power Can the content of international law be leveraged to dismantle its hegemonic structure?

14 International Law, Water, & Power: Theories & Frameworks
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Saturday 24 October 2015 International Law, Water, & Power: Theories & Frameworks 8:30am Side Event: Early Career Networking Workshop (Room K4U.12) 9:30am Registration; Tea & Coffee (Room K-1.14) 10am Opening Plenary – The Making of International Water Law (Room K-1.14) 11am Panel Discussion – Law Confronting Power: Case Studies and Reflections (Room K-1.14) 12:30pm Breakout Group Assignments and Lunch Hydro-Hegemony and State Sovereignty (Room K3.11) Justice, the Law, and Water (Room K4U.11) Leveraging International Law as a Counter-Hegemonic Tool (Room K-1.14) 1:30pm Facilitated Small Group Discussion A 2:30pm Facilitated Small Group Discussion B 3:30pm Facilitated Small Group Discussion C 4:30pm Reflective Plenary (Room K-1.14) 6pm Optional Group Dinner

15 International Law & Hydro-Hegemony in Practice
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H Sunday 25 October 2015 International Law & Hydro-Hegemony in Practice 9am Plenary – International Law: Powerful Justice or The Powerful’s Justice? (Room K-1.14) 10:30am Mini-Lecture: Aquifer and Basin-Level Water Resources Distribution (Room K-1.14) 10:50am Mini-Lecture: Trade and Virtual Water (Room K-1.14) 11:10am Topical Mini-Lecture: Human Rights and Water (Room K-1.14) 11:30am Case Study Simulations – Participants will choose a track: Aquifer & Basin Distribution: Modelling and Arbitrating ERU (Room K3.11) Trade and Virtual Water: Trade Negotiation (Room K-1.14) Human Rights and Water: Legal Mechanisms Protecting Water Access (Room K4U.14) 1pm Lunch Break 2:30pm Case Study Reflective Discussions (in Simulation Groups and Rooms) 4pm Participatory Plenary (Room K-1.14) 6pm Closing

16 8 H H Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG
1. How does the way international law is made help or hinder its use as a counter-hegemonic tool? 2. How should law confront hydro-hegemony and power inequalities? 3. How should law and activism approach issues of state sovereignty in hydro-hegemonic systems? 4. How does law serve as both a liberating tool of justice and an oppressive instrument of hegemony? 5. Can international law change, either in content or structure, to become more effective in countering harmful hydro-hegemonic realities? If so, how? 6. What is the role of international law in governing potentially hegemonic virtual water trades? 7. How can international law influence water resources distribution in aquifers and basins? 8. How might human rights discourses and systems help to redress hydro-hegemonic realities?

17 During this weekend, please…
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H During this weekend, please… Make your language accessible and your tone inviting Notice how much you and others are (not) talking Consider whose voices we aren’t hearing and which issues we aren’t addressing

18 (Farnum, Hawkins, and Tamarian 2015)
8 Tweet! #HH8 @LondonWaterRG H H A Conceptualisation of International Law & its Role in (Counter-)Hydro-Hegemony (Farnum, Hawkins, and Tamarian 2015)

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