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Exploring the barriers to service for women of color

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1 Exploring the barriers to service for women of color
Shattering Silence Exploring the barriers to service for women of color

2 Shattering Silence If we are to end sexual and domestic violence in our communities, we must courageously and honestly examine how racism affects our own organization and creates barriers for survivors of color who are seeking services. Dual/Multi-service organizations cannot create trauma informed spaces and give compassionate care to survivors without doing the same for their staff.

3 Domestic violence in the Black community
According to a national survey, African Americans are the victims of 1/3 of the domestic homicides in the United States each year. African Americans have a domestic violence homicide rate four times that of whites, making it one of the leading causes of death for Black women ages 15 to 35. Statistically, AA are also less likely to report or seek help when they are victimized.

4 Matrix of domination: White supremacist capitalist Patriarchy
Intersectionality is meant to highlight how experiencing multiple oppression can render AA women invisible within oppressive system . All systems of oppression are linked. WE CANNOT FIGHT SEXUAL ASSAULT AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WITHOUT ADDRESSING RACISM AND OPPRESSION!

5 Barriers for survivors of color
Each community of color has challenges and circumstances that are unique to their community.

6 Cultural and/or religious beliefs that restrain the survivor from leaving the abusive relationship or involving outsiders. Black women are strong (pride) - deny violence, vulnerability Black women are responsible for themselves and others around them; as African Americans we take care of ourselves - self-blame, self-sacrificing, embarrassed, ashamed if unable to control or endure situation Black women are responsible for keeping family together - avoid leaving (Have to consider effect of leaving on the children. How can you stop him from seeing his children?) African Americans "don't tell their business" - deny, or avoid disclosure Religious views (God will take care of it; pray; The Lord will change him)

7 Who you gonna Call? Strong loyalty binds to race, culture and family. • Distrust of law enforcement, criminal justice system, and social services.

8 Lack of service providers that look like the survivor or share common experiences. • Lack of culturally and linguistically appropriate services.

9 Lack of trust based on history of racism and classism in the united states.
The definition of racism has evolved to mean: a belief in the superiority of a particular race; a feeling of hatred or intolerance for other races; or acts of discrimination or violence against other races. REVERSE RACISM Racism is prejudice + power; in other words, it is an institutionalized form of discrimination deeply embedded in a society that provides one racial group with the power to act out their prejudice through systematic oppression of other racial groups. This system can’t be “reversed”, because the oppressed groups do not have enough power and influence to act against the dominant group in any significant way.

10 Fear that their experience will reflect on or confirm stereotypes placed on their ethnicity.

11 Attitudes and stereotypes about the prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault in communities of color. Jezebel Mammy Sapphire

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