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Using QR Codes to Promote Print with the Online Reference Centre

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1 Using QR Codes to Promote Print with the Online Reference Centre
Jamie Davis, ORC Coordinator

2 What is a QR code? QR (Quick Response Code) is: A type of bar-code
Often used to direct users to a website, , text, phone number, etc. Read quickly and easily by a smartphone, iPad or tablet (with a QR reader app)

3 Why should I care? ORC Codes can…
Direct students to a book trailer/book reading or author interview Idea: tape a QR code with trailer/reading/interview on the book cover Direct students to an article or interview with an author Idea: highlight a Canadian author every month using classroom/learning commons Provide information about different book clubs available in the classroom or learning commons Highlight holiday/event-specific content Ideas: veteran stories for Remembrance Day, staff favourites for Read-In week, content applicable to Earth Day Highlight the person your school has been named for Idea: find a great article about the person your school was named for and QR code it

4 Step 1: Is a QR Code the right option?
Use QR codes in measured and targeted ways to accomplish a specific task Ideas: promoting YRCA collection, directing students in nonfiction stacks, promoting book clubs, sharing resources Avoid QRing everything - less is more Instead ask: Will a QR code make this much more easily accessed by users? Will this QR code effectively communicate with students and/or staff that might not feel comfortable or have the time to talk to me directly? Will targeted QR codes engage my disengaged or resistant users? Can I maintain my QRed resources?

5 4 Quick and Easy Steps to a QR Code

6 Step 2: Select a free QR Generator
A small sampling of what is available… Features: colour adjust, add images Features: very easy interface, ability to create static (URL stays the same) or dynamic (URL changes as needed) QRs Features: add a logo Features: add logo from gallery, own collection or design your own logo

7 Step 3: Copy the Correct URL
Ensure you are using the correct URL for your QR code Articles within proprietary databases are password protected. If you copy the URL at the top of the web browser for your QR code it will not automatically lead the article Using a Permalink option provides a URL with the username/password embedded so it opens automatically from anywhere ORC Resources with Permalink option: Advanced Placement Source, Explora, Literary Reference Centre, Canadian Reference Centre, Other databases call a permalink a Bookmark ORC Resources with Bookmark option: Canada In Context, Global Issues In Content, National Geographic Kids Virtual Library, Science In Context, World History In Context Still others will need to have a code to add to the end of the browser URL to make the link into a permalink ORC Resources that need a code: PowerKnowledge Earth and Space, PowerKnowledge Life Science, PowerKnowledge Physical Science, Teen Health and Wellness

8 Some Exceptions to the Permalink Rules
Any of the World Book databases allow you to use the URL at the top of your web browser to create a permalink If you are in an open website that is included in the ORC collection Open Websites: Accent, The Atlas of Canada,The Canadian Encyclopedia, Early Canadiana Online If you click on a link that takes you outside of the database Example: going to a book trailer webpage from Why? Since you are no longer in a proprietary database you can use the URL at the top of the web browser for a QR code

9 Step 4: Create your QR Code
Once you have the correct URL, copy and paste it into your preferred QR generator Add desired colour, image, logo, etc Print, download, the QR code to yourself Print additional QR codes and use in measured, targeted ways to promote print Tip: Check the QR code before you print numerous copies

10 ORC Resources Ideal for QRing

11 Users can QR code permalinks from almost any page to: Promote the YRCA or Rocky Mountain Book Award books for the year How: Book trailers, book readings, author audio name pronunciation, author interviews Let staff know what teaching resources are available for class novel sets in the school book room How: Create a QR code that directs users to the resource page Share the Alberta Ed ELA Authorized Novel and Nonfiction Reading lists for grade 4-12 Create a virtual book club open to the whole school How: Select a book that will be made into a movie, read as a group with online discussions, then go to the movie together Promote Canadian Authors/Books/Illustrators How: Meet the author book readings in both English and French Create school specific personalized book listing How: Survey staff to highlight their favourite books, create grade specific book lists like “Best 5 for Grade 5”, recommended by students book listing

12 Explora (EBSCO Resource Interface)
QR codes to articles related to different nonfiction sections of your learning commons How: Paste a QR code to the shelf marker that provides information about that particular dewey section QR code to interesting article about a key author or work How: Post the QR code by the related resource or have a highlight section for the works in the classroom or learning commons QR code to an article about a current event How: Select from a range of topics (including celebrity news) post QR code by the magazine section of the learning commons or on the classroom door QR code to information about the historical figure the school is named for

13 PowerKnowledge Suite QR codes to articles related to nonfiction sections of the learning commons How: Paste a QR code to the shelf marker that provides information about that particular dewey section QR articles related to a school-wide theme/event How: Create QR codes with information related to school projects or themes like “Saving Our Earth”/Earth Day/Arbour Day *Please note that you need to include a code at the end of the URL to create a permalink in the PowerKnowledge Suite of resources

14 National Geographic Kids Virtual Library
QR codes to pictures/videos/magazines or eBooks related to nonfiction sections of the learning commons How: Paste a QR code to the shelf marker that provides information about that particular dewey section QR articles related to a school-wide theme/event How: Create QR codes with information related to school projects or themes like “Saving Our Earth”/Earth Day/Arbour Day QR codes to pictures/videos/magazines or eBooks about the school animal

15 “In Context” Databases
QR Code articles related to different nonfiction sections of the library How: Paste a QR code to the shelf marker that provides information about that particular dewey section QR code articles from one of the embedded journals How: Each “In Context” has at least 3 journals embedded within on various topics QR articles and post in magazine section or on classroom door Highlight Canadian content How: QR information about Canadian inventors, authors, scientists, veterans, etc. Provide information about a school wide theme/event How: Create QR codes with information related to school projects or themes in the school or classroom like “Elections”

16 The Canadian Encyclopedia
QR different veteran stories to post around the school during the month of November QR information about the historical figure the school is named for QR information related to the dewey sections of the learning commons How: Paste a QR code to the shelf marker that provides information about that particular dewey section QR code a relevant digital exhibit *Please note that in The Canadian Encyclopedia each article sections has a unique URL so it is very easy to target specific content and direct users there quickly and easily.

17 Additional Support is Available
For more support on using the ORC in your school go to What is available? Curriculum mapping documents Library Learning Commons Programming Ideas Schedule an ORC session Join the ORC Listserv

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