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Me after I quit being an astronaut.

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1 Me after I quit being an astronaut.
Sally Ride By : Courtnie Betteley

2 Early Life Experiences
Me as an astronaut. Early Life Experiences I was born May 26,1951 in Encino, California. Dale Burdell and Carl Joyce Ride are my parents. I had one sister ,her name is Karen.[Bear]. I was a very curious child who was encouraged to her best in everything I set her mind to.

3 Early Life Experiences
I loved to play sports , she played tennis , softball, and football. I also loved Shakespeare’s play’s , and looking at stars through her telescope. As a girl I loved to read books, but mostly science fiction books. Me playing tennis.

4 Education I went to Westlake school on a tennis scholarship.
I went to Swarthmore College , but dropped out to play tennis. After quitting tennis I went to Stanford University in Palo Alto , and graduated. -Me as a child.

5 Occupation I got a job with NASA in 1977 as a astronaut , mission control , and a mission specialist. While looking for a job I was a PH.D candidate looking for post doctoral work in astrophysics. When I was in space she worked with a team that designed the remote control mechanical arm that they use to retrieve and deploy satellites. A portrait of me as an astronaut.

6 Occupation Me on the Space shuttle Challenger. I had a lot of jobs , some of her jobs were astronaut , scientist , physicist , writer , and a doctor. I launched communication satellites and put them in the cargo area.

7 Occupation When the space she shuttle exploded I was in the one in the group that researched it. I was the president of the websites , and EarthKAM. I moved to NASA headquarters in Washington D.C that’s where I was an assistant to NASA. Me working on the Challenger.

8 Goals I wanted to become a professional tennis player.
I also wanted to become a professional football player. I wanted to be a science teacher. I wanted to be the first woman in space. Me and my team of astronauts.

9 Accomplishments I become the first woman in space in 1983.
I got a scholarship to a private school for playing tennis. I was a physics professor. I wrote 5 books. I was in the National Woman's Hall Of Fame. The space shuttle Challenger launching with me on it.

10 Accomplishments I received a lot of honors as an astronaut.
I received bachelors degrees. I was a director of the space institute. Some of the books I written.

11 Lesson I learned I learned that even if you are not allowed to do something don’t give up because you can achieve anything that you put your mind to. I am taking of in the Challenger.

12 Interesting Facts When I was launching into space 250,000 people came to watch. I operated a 50 foot robotic arm to pick up a 3000 pound satellite. I spent more than 343 hours in space. One of the patches I earned.

13 Sources Sally Ride Rebecca Gomez 2003
100 Amazing Americans Jerome Agel 1990 .com/articles/Sally-Ride Me as an astronaut.

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