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The Executive Branch.

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Presentation on theme: "The Executive Branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Executive Branch

2 Introduction Purpose of Executive Branch Roles
Execute / carry out laws Roles 7 total Roles of the President Chief of State Chief Executive Other countries separate these. Why?

3 Qualifications Constitutional Informal / Traditional 35 years old
Natural Born Citizen (Schwarzenegger) Live in USA for 14 years Informal / Traditional White Male Wealthy Others …

4 Terms of Office Length of Term Maximum Time President can serve
4 Years Maximum Time President can serve 22nd Amendment “2 terms or 10 years” Why? Washington vs. FDR

5 Salary and Benefits Salary - $400,000 / year Expenses Benefits
Out of Office

6 Vice President How Selected (Historical vs. Current)
Importance of Vice President Jobs of the Vice President Constitution: President of the Senate Take over for President All other powers will depend on President

7 Cabinet 15 Cabinet Positions Each Specialize in Area With Jurisdiction
Departments / Secretaries Defense, Education, Homeland Security, State, …

8 Presidential Succession
Who Takes Over the Presidency ? Vice President Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore President’s Cabinet State of the Union Address

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