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Chapter 7 Section 1 Review

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1 Chapter 7 Section 1 Review
With additional Vocabulary for Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Section 1 Review

2 Plus: No President No Courts

3 Accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation
It succeed at Independence from Britain by ratifying the Treaty of Paris 1783. Land Ordinance of 1785.Created a way to survey and settle western lands. Northwest Ordinance. Created a way to add new states!


5 LAND ORDINANCE OF 1785 A Way to Survey and Settle Western Lands.









14 Northwest Ordinance 2. Also said:
1. How to add states in the Northwest to the Union. Have to have 60,000 people. Have to sign a petition. Write a Constitution 2. Also said: No slavery in Northwest Territory. Land sales profits went toward education.



17 Depreciation Paper money printed during the revolution had fallen in value or depreciated because it was not backed by gold or silver. Congress had borrowed from states and people and could not pay debts. Congress tried to use Robert Morris’ plan of a 5% tariff but because it required an Amendment to the Confederation and Rhode Island opposed the change the problem continued.

18 Problems with Britain Because Congress was broke and could not pay Loyalists for their property as it had promised in the Treaty of 1783 Britain was not leaving its forts in the Great Lakes region. A bankrupt government has no power at home or abroad.

19 Problems with Spain Spain had closed off the lower Mississippi.
An agreement was reached that reopened the Mississippi river. But, everyone note the weakness of the Confederation Government. “The Confederation government is little more than a shadow without the substance.”


21 1. Bicameral When a government’s legislative branch is divided into two separate parts, in this way the powers of the legislative branch are further limited. In England Parliament is divided into the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

22 2. Republic System of government where people elect representatives for them who make the day to day decisions.

23 3. Separation of Powers Dividing the powers of government so that no one branch of government has total control of the entire government.

24 4. Checks and Balances One branch is checked and balanced against another branch so that if one branch of government does something wrong the other branches can stop that branch.

25 5. Proportional Representation
System whereby areas, counties, states with greater populations get more representatives in a legislature.

26 6. Depreciation Money loses value.
Today it is worth less than it was yesterday or last year.

27 7. Depression A period of time where there is no economic growth.

28 8. Manumission Releasing a slave by purchasing their freedom.

29 9.Federalists 10. Anti-Federalists Those who supported the ratification of Constitution. Those who did not support the ratification of the Constitution for many reasons but mostly because it did not contain a Bill of Rights.

30 11. ENLIGHTENMENT Period in the 1600s when philosophers wrote and spoke about key issues involving man and government like: Natural Rights Equality Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Rights to Rebel Popular Sovereignty Republican Gov’ts

31 12. Legislative Branch The part of government that makes the laws. Like Parliament or Congress.

32 13. Executive Branch The part of any government that carries out or executes or enforces the law. Like the President of Prime Minister.

33 14. Judicial Branch The part of any government that judges the actions or laws of a government to make sure that it follows a key organizing principals.

34 15. Electoral College The institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United States every four years. The President and Vice President are not elected directly by the voters. Instead, they are elected by "electors" who are chosen by popular vote on a state-by-state basis.

35 16. Amendment A change, such as a change to the Constitution.

36 Ordinance A LAW.

37 Sovereignty Sovereignty: The independent authority over a geographic area, such as a territory, the ability to make laws for that area.

38 Popular Sovereignty

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