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Cloning Club: Multiple proteins from one plasmid

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1 Cloning Club: Multiple proteins from one plasmid
Merrifield 163, first sythetic protein 1969 Bacterial expression construct

2 Cloning Club: Multiple proteins from one plasmid
You can clone an E. coli expression vector like this (multicistronic expression): Merrifield 163, first sythetic protein 1969 But why can’t you clone a mammalian vector like this?

3 The lac operon (3 genes under one promoter)

4 Initiation of translation
RBS (= Shine-Dalgarno sequence) 5-9 nt ATG: 80% CTG: 15% TTG&GTG: 5% E. coli UAAGGAGG Mammalian cells 5’-cap Kozak sequence The 5’-cap is (mostly) needed for the initiation of scanning Cap-independent Translation → IRES

5 Cloning Club: Multiple proteins from one plasmid
GOI 1 GOI 2 Promoter 1 Promoter 2 GOI 1 GOI 2 Promoter IRES internal ribosome entry site (IRES) GOI 1 GOI 2 Promoter CTG ATG non-AUG initiation GOI 2 Promoter GOI 1 G↔A 2A element Merrifield 163, first sythetic protein 1969 GOI 2 Promoter intron intron Prom. GOI 1 intron intron intronic expression GOI 2 Promoter GOI 1 modified intein intron „protein intron“ Ratio of expression between GOI1 and GOI2 can be regulated: IRES < cap-dependent translation, CTG << ATG

6 Baculovirus System More than one Gene Of Interest (GOI)
2 GOIs: pFastBac Dual (LifeTechnologies) Many GOIs: MultiBac (Geneva Biotech)

7 Baculovirus System The same plasmid for bacterial,
baculoviral and mammalian expression pTriEx (Novagen→Merck/Millipore) pQE-TriSystem (Qiagen)

8 Next meeting Topic: Gateway and Golden Gate Cloning
Again in room KOK7 (7th floor)

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