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Project Management.

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1 Project Management

2 What is a Project Management?
Project: a set of interrelated activities necessary to achieve established goals using a specified amount of time, budget, and resources Project management: the application of the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques necessary to successfully complete a project. According to the Project Management Institute ( the body of knowledge of project management can be divided into five categories: initiation planning execution control closure

3 Characteristics of a Project
A unique, one-time effort Requires the completion of a large number of interrelated activities Resources, such as time and/or money, are limited Typically has its own management structure

4 Supplementary Characteristics for Projects
Projects generally have or include: Pre-specified deliverables after completion Pre-established limits and exclusions Specific intermediate goals or performance milestones. An element of risk Teams made up of several individuals who come from different departments or functional areas or who have unique skills Team members work on multiple projects at the same time 4

5 Example Projects in Different Functional Areas that Impact the Value Chain

6 Matrix, Project Organization Structures
President Research and Development Engineering Manufacturing Marketing Manager Project A Project B Project C 12

7 Three Interrelated Constraints in Project Management
All project management decisions involve three factors: time, resources, and cost

8 Project Management Tools and Techniques
The discipline of project management has a number of tools and procedures that enable the project team to organize its work to meet the objectives under the constraints: Work Breakdown Structure Precedence Relationship and Time Estimates Gantt Chart Network Diagram Critical Path Method (CPM) Cost and Time Tradeoff Analysis Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Resource Management 8

9 Work Breakdown Structure
Work breakdown structure (WBS): an approach that defines a project in terms of its subprojects, tasks, and activities Most fundamental technique for designing and organizing Activity: the smallest work package that can be assigned to a single worker or a team It is essential that care is taken to develop a realistic work breakdown structure. 9

10 Precedence Relationship and Time Estimates
Precedence relationship analysis: identification of the relationships and the sequence of activities within a project Great care is taken to estimate the approximate completion time for each activity. The project schedule, cost, and resource requirements depend on the precedence relationships and time estimates for individual tasks.

11 Gantt Chart Gantt chart: a special type of horizontal bar chart used to display the schedule for an entire project Named after Henry Gantt, who originally developed the chart in the 1910s. A Gantt chart with different color codes can be used to track performance while the project is in progress.

12 An Example of a Gantt Chart

13 Network Diagram Network diagram: a diagram with arrows and nodes (circles) created to display a sequence of activities within a project Activity on node (AON) approach: a network diagram that shows each activity as a circle (or a node) and connects the activities with arrows Activity on arrow (AOA) convention: a network diagram in which each activity is represented by an arrow, and the nodes are used to show the beginning and end points 13

14 Activity on Node (AON) and Activity on Arrow (AOA) Conventions for Representing Network Diagrams

15 Types of Critical Path Methods
CPM - Used when activity times are known with certainty Used to determine timing estimates for the project, each activity in the project, and slack time for activities PERT with Three Activity Time Estimates Used when activity times are uncertain Used to obtain the same information as the Single Time Estimate model and probability information Time-Cost Models Used when cost trade-off information is a major consideration in planning Used to determine the least cost in reducing total project time 15

16 Critical Path Method Critical path method: an algorithm for scheduling activities within a project for the fastest and most efficient execution Critical path: the path within a project that takes the longest time to complete Dictates the project completion time, the bottleneck path or the binding constraint Critical activities: the project activities making up a critical path Slack: the amount of flexibility in scheduling an activity within a project 16

17 Computing the Critical Path
Earliest start (ES) = 0 for all activities without predecessors; = largest of earliest finish times for all immediate predecessor activities. Earliest finish (EF) = ES + task duration, working forward in the project network Latest finish (LF) = for all ending activities = minimum project duration; = smallest of latest start times for all successor activities. Latest start (LS) = LF - task duration, working backwards in the project network

18 CPM with Single Time Estimate
Consider the following consulting project: Activity Designation Immed. Pred. Time (Weeks) Assess customer's needs A None 2 Write and submit proposal B 1 Obtain approval C Develop service vision and goals D Train employees E 5 Quality improvement pilot groups F D, E Write assessment report G Develop a critical path diagram and determine the duration of the critical path and slack times for all activities.

19 First draw the network D(2) E(5) F(5) A(2) B(1) C(1) G(1)
Act. Imed. Pred. Time A None 2 B A 1 C B 1 D C 2 D(2) E(5) E C 5 F D,E 5 G F 1 F(5) A(2) B(1) C(1) G(1) 18

20 Determine early starts and early finish times
EF=6 D(2) ES=0 EF=2 ES=2 EF=3 ES=3 EF=4 ES=9 EF=14 ES=14 EF=15 A(2) B(1) C(1) F(5) G(1) ES=4 EF=9 Hint: Start with ES=0 and go forward in the network from A to G. E(5) 21

21 Determine late starts and late finish times
Hint: Start with LF=15 or the total time of the project and go backward in the network from G to A. ES=4 EF=6 D(2) E(5) ES=0 EF=2 ES=2 EF=3 ES=3 EF=4 ES=9 EF=14 ES=14 EF=15 LS=7 LF=9 F(5) A(2) B(1) C(1) G(1) ES=4 EF=9 LS=3 LF=4 LS=2 LF=3 LS=0 LF=2 LS=9 LF=14 LS=14 LF=15 LS=4 LF=9 22

22 Critical Path & Slack ES=4 EF=6 D(2) ES=0 EF=2 ES=2 EF=3 ES=3 EF=4
Slack=(7-4)=(9-6)= 3 Wks D(2) ES=0 EF=2 ES=2 EF=3 ES=3 EF=4 ES=9 EF=14 ES=14 EF=15 LS=7 LF=9 F(5) A(2) B(1) C(1) G(1) ES=4 EF=9 LS=3 LF=4 LS=2 LF=3 LS=0 LF=2 LS=9 LF=14 LS=14 LF=15 E(5) LS=4 LF=9 Duration=15 weeks 23

23 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
The technique is based on the assumption that an activity’s duration follows a probability distribution instead of being a single value. The probabilistic information about the activities is translated into probabilistic information about the project.

24 PERT Three time estimates are required to compute the parameters of an activity’s duration distribution: pessimistic time (tp ) - the time the activity would take if things did not go well most likely time (tm ) - the consensus best estimate of the activity’s duration optimistic time (to ) - the time the activity would take if things did go well

25 PERT From these three time estimates about an activity, two probability distribution parameters are calculated: the mean (te ) and the variance (Vt ). te = ( to + 4tm + tp ) / 6 Vt = [ ( tp - to ) / 6 ] 2

26 Example: PERT

27 Example. Expected Time Calculations
ET(A)= 3+4(6)+15 6 ET(A)=42/6=7

28 Network Diagram A(7) B C(14) D(5) E(11) F(7) H(4) G(11) I(18)
(5.333) C(14) D(5) E(11) F(7) H(4) G(11) I(18) Duration = 54 Days

29 Exercise What is the probability of finishing this project in
less than 53 days? D=53 p(t < D) t TE = 54

30 (Sum the variance along the critical path.)

31 p(t < D) t D=53 TE = 54 p(Z < -.156) = .438, or 43.8 % (NORMSDIST(-.156) There is a 43.8% probability that this project will be completed in less than 53 weeks.

32 Additional Probability Exercise
What is the probability that the project duration will exceed 56 weeks? 30

33 Additional Exercise Solution
TE = 54 p(t < D) D=56 p(Z > .312) = .378, or 37.8 % (1-NORMSDIST(.312)) 31

34 Activity Cost-Time Tradeoffs
Project managers may have the option or requirement to crash the project, or accelerate the completion of the project. This is accomplished by reducing the length of the critical path(s). The length of the critical path is reduced by reducing the duration of the activities on the critical path

35 Crash cost per unit of time =
Chapter 18 Project Management Crashing a project refers to reducing the total time to complete the project to meet a revised due date. Crash time is the shortest possible time the activity can realistically be completed. Crash cost is the total additional cost associated with completing an activity in its crash time rather than in normal time. Crash cost per unit of time = Crash Cost – Normal Cost Normal Time – Crash Time

36 Activity crashing Crash cost Crashing activity
Activity cost Activity time Crashing activity Crash time Crash cost Slope = crash cost per unit time Normal Activity Normal time Normal cost

37 Crashing - Considerations
Pick activities on the Critical Path Determine Crash/Day costs Start with lowest cost crash/day Determine other effects of shortening critical path activities Continue to crash/analyze until optimum solution reached. Analyze Project Cost/Duration Graph

38 Project Crashing example
1 12 2 8 4 3 5 6 7

39 Time Cost data Activity Normal time Normal cost Rs Crash time
Crash cost Rs Allowable crash time slope 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 8 3000 2000 4000 50000 500 1500 9 5000 3500 7000 71000 1100 22000 400 200 75000 110700

40 Project duration = 36 From….. To….. Project duration = 31
12 2 8 3 4 5 6 7 R400 R500 R3000 R7000 R200 R700 Project duration = 36 From….. 1 7 2 8 3 4 5 6 R400 R500 R3000 R7000 R200 R700 12 Project duration = 31 Additional cost = R2000 To…..

41 Resource Management Two commonly used techniques are:
Resource breakdown structure (RBS): a standardized list of personnel required to complete various activities in a project Resource leveling: an approach to reduce the amount of fluctuations in day-to-day resource requirements within an organization 41

42 Computer Software for Project Management
Artemis Views (Artemis Management Systems) FastTrack Schedule (AEC Software) Microsoft Project (Microsoft Corp.) Oracle Projects (Oracle Corp.) PowerProject (ASTA Development) Primavera Project Planner (Primavera Systems) SuperProject (Computer Associates International) TurboProject (IMSI)

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