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Nikita Alicea.

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1 Nikita Alicea

2 DIAGNOSIS Essential cofactor of methylation process of DNA & cell metabolism Also referred to as cobalamin Myelin synthesis & repair, RBCs formation Deficiency causes megaloblastic anemia, damage to white matter of the spinal cord and brain, and peripheral neuropathy

3 ICD-10 CODES Other dietary vitamin B12 deficiency anemia D51.3
Other vitamin B12 deficiency anemias D51.9 Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, unspecified

4 PATHOGENESIS Gradual onset usually after age of 60
Higher rates among European & African descents (4% to 4.3%) Causes: Malabsorption of vitamin B12 Pernicious anemia Impaired ileal uptake Dietary deficiency

HISTORY Presentation: Ages any age group Sore tongue, numbness & tingling pf extremities Weakness, dizziness, diarrhea, constipation Dyspnea on exertion, palpitations Abdominal tenderness, dementia

HISTORY ROS & Health History: Onset, duration and course of symptoms Usual bowel habits, blood in stool 24 hour recall of dietary intake Pins & needles paresthesia Weakness, fatigue & lethargy Alcohol consumption Medications; Rx. & OTC Past medical history Surgical history; Gastrectomy, resection of ileum Autoimmune disorders

PHYSICAL EXAM Vital signs, weight & height – Weight loss Overall appearance- Premature aging Oral examination- Glossitis Eye and dermal examination- Icteric Heart, lungs & abdomen auscultation Abdominal palpation & percussion DTRs & mental status examination Finger nose coordination – Poor Romberg’s & Babinski’s sign - Positive


9 DIAGNOSTIC TESTS CBC with differential Peripheral smear
Serum B12 level Serum methlymalonic acid Anti intrinsic factor antibodies Anti parietal cell antibodies

DIFFERENTIALS RED FLAGS Folic Acid Deficiency Myelodysplasia Aplastic Anemia Acute Hemolysis Chronic liver disease or Hemorrhage Hypothyroidism with brisk reticulocytosis

11 TREATMENT Vitamin B12 IM or Sub-q injections 100 mcg
Daily for a week, weekly for a month, then monthly for life Oral methylcobalamin 1mg/day for life Serum B12 monitoring Patient Education-Life long therapy Precautions Follow up

12 OUTCOMES Patients are able to live normal healthy life and maintain daily activities Symptoms are reversible with adherence to medication therapy Regular follow up is important

13 REFERENCES Hunt A Harrington D Robinson S 2014 Clinical review; Vitamin B12 deficiency.Hunt, A., Harrington, D., & Robinson, S. (2014). Clinical review; Vitamin B12 deficiency. BMJ, 349, 1-10. Cash J C Glass C A 2014 Family Practice GuidelinesCash, J. C., & Glass, C. A. (2014). Family Practice Guidelines (3 ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company Papadakis M A McPhee S J Rabow M W 2016 Current medical diagnosis & treatmentPapadakis, M. A., McPhee, S. J., & Rabow, M. W. (2016). Current medical diagnosis & treatment (55 ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education Goroll A H Mulley A G 2014 Primary care medicineGoroll, A. H., & Mulley, A. G. (2014). Primary care medicine (7 ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Stabler S 2013 Clinical practice; Vitamin B12 deficiency.Stabler, S. (2013). Clinical practice; Vitamin B12 deficiency. The New England Journal of Medicine, 368,

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