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Chase Side Primary School Key Stage 1 assessment meeting

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1 Chase Side Primary School Key Stage 1 assessment meeting
Thursday 10th November 2016

2 A warm welcome! Purpose of the meeting:
Update on the national changes in Assessment arrangements Explain the school arrangements for KS1 SATS Opportunity to look at sample test materials Question and answers

3 A new National Curriculum was introduced in 2014…
As a result, the Standards and Testing agency (STA) has changed the tests so that they assess the new curriculum. Pupils took the new range of tests for the first time in Year 2 pupils this year will be the second group to take them.

4 DfE position statement
As part of the National Curriculum review, levels have been abolished. This is in part in response to concerns about the validity and reliability of sub levels. Levels have also sometimes been recognised as the driver of undue pace through the curriculum and possible gaps in pupil’s knowledge.

5 KS1 Assessment arrangements 2016
At the end of Year 2, children will take SATs in Reading, English grammar, spelling and punctuation and Maths. (SATs have to be carried out in May but there are no dates set nationally)

6 Reading 2 separate papers
Paper 1: A selection of texts with comprehension questions interspersed. Paper 2: A reading booklet with questions in a separate answer booklet. Each paper will take around 30 minutes (but not strictly timed) The papers will cover a range of text types including fiction, non fiction and poetry. The questions get progressively harder as the test gets nearer the end. Teachers have the option to stop the test at any point. There will be a variety of question types (multiple choice, ordering, labelling, copying, underlining)

7 Grammar, spelling and punctuation
Three separate papers in this section (this set of tests is optional this year) Paper 1: A grammar and punctuation written test (approx 20 mins). Children will be provided with a stimulus to write about, some marks will be awarded for handwriting Paper 2: A shorter test on grammar of sentences and sentence construction Paper 3: A 20 word spelling test taking 15 minutes

8 Sample spellings The word is faster. Hannah ran faster than Lee. The word is faster. The word is teddies. Amira had a large collection of teddies. The word is teddies.

9 Mathematics The new Maths tests comprise of 2 papers.
Paper 1: Arithmetic (15 minutes) Paper 2: Mathematical fluency: problem solving and reasoning. (35 minutes)

10 Reporting arrangements
We will no longer be reporting “levels” to you. Tests will be marked in school and be reported to you with a raw score. You will be able to see (by using a conversion tool) if this means your child is working towards expected, at expected or exceeding national expectations . We will still be committed to high quality teaching and learning opportunities this year and will be assessing children in many other ways throughout the year. This on going teacher assessment gives us valuable information about your child’s next steps and the opportunities we need to plan for.

11 How you can help? Ensure your child is at school on time and that their attendance is outstanding Ensure you support your child at home, particularly with spellings, times tables and reading Ensure your child is well rested Liaise with school if you have any concerns or questions at all Reassure your child, as we will, that we want them to do their best but that there is nothing to worry about. They are only 7 (or 6!) and have other exciting things to think about during their time at Chase Side.

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