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Sample evidences for Teacher Evaluation Robyn White

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1 Sample evidences for Teacher Evaluation Robyn White
Domains 2, 3, and 4 Sample evidences for Teacher Evaluation Robyn White

2 Learning Goal Participants will be able to utilize the Marzano protocol to capture evidence that will be used for Administrative feedback. Learning Scale 4.0: In addition to the score of 3.0, participants will be able to use iObservation to communicate with their administrator and provide evidence for each element. 3.0: Participants will be able to determine sources of evidence and capture that evidence for feedback. 2.0: Participants will demonstrate understanding of the protocol for Domains 2 – 4. 1.0: With help, partial success at score 2.0 content and score 3.0 content.

3 Domain 2: Planning and Preparing
The teacher plans for clear goals and identifies them in the lesson plan; he or she describes method for tracking student progress and measuring success. Developing: Teacher took action with no mistakes Applying: There is specific follow through Innovating: Must be collaborative…coaching and sharing. Recognized as a leader.

4 Planning and Preparing for Lessons and Units- Elements 42, 43, and 44
Possible evidence: Planning conference form (Formal observation) Curriculum Maps Lesson Plans PLC Minutes KUDS What other evidences might work for these elements?

5 Planning and Preparing for Use of Resources and Technology-Elements 45 and 46
Possible evidence: Planning conference Use of traditional resources (materials and human) Identify the use of available technology that can enhance students’ understanding Lesson Plans Teacher artifacts Game templates PPT slides Talk with a partner and consider other ways you can share what resources are use in a lesson.

6 Planning and Preparing for the needs of ELL, ESE, and Students who lack support for schooling- Elements 47, 48, and 49 Possible evidences: Planning conference or collaboration Lesson study Lesson plans PLC Minutes Common assessments Student artifacts What are some ways to show support of students?

7 Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching
The ability and willingness to examine one’s own teaching practices in a metacognitive manner. Think about why you became a teacher. Teachers should be reflective practitioners Based on teacher evidences Deliberate and Intentional

8 Evaluating Personal Performance- Elements 50, 51, and 52
Sample Evidences: Self reflection (prior to DP) Reflection conference (post conference form) Reflection notebook Documentation of Conferences/Discussions in iObservation Data/ Assessment Analysis Brief commentary by teacher with corroboration Lesson plans w/ notations PLC minutes discussing effectiveness of lesson Recording of Lesson

9 Developing and Implementing a Professional Growth Plan – Elements 53 and 54
Evidence Deliberate Practice completed on time Did you meet your goal? Monitoring of action plan Reflection guides Comments Move to finish when complete Stay on target

10 Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism
Collegiality and Professionalism are the context in which the other domains function. Teachers engage in specific activities that create a professional environment that foster’s teachers’ development. Looks at integrity and positiveness

11 Promoting a Positive Environment – Elements 55 and 56
Sample evidences Logs of parent phone calls, after school tutoring, mentoring sessions, etc. Parent/Teacher conference notes Attendance at PTA/SAC meetings, school concerts, sporting events Book study with colleagues PLC Meeting minutes Key to Applying: not only have positive interactions, but provide evidence of extinguishing negative conversations

12 Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Strategies – Elements 57 and 58
Sample evidences Conferences and discussions in iObservation Presentations at staff, department, or PLC meetings Mentor Logs PLC Meeting minutes Innovating Recognized as a leader with credibility across the school

13 Promoting District and School Development – Elements 59 and 60
Sample evidences Minutes/agendas from school and district meetings Participation in PD opportunities (AVATAR printout) Attendance at PLC meetings Accurate record taking (attendance, grades, etc.) Meets deadlines w/out reminders Follow expectations (duty, at door between passing, mark tardies/consequences) Participate in school initiatives (writing across the curriculum) Participate on school/district committees

14 Review Learning Scale Where are you now?
4.0: In addition to the score of 3.0, participants will be able to use iObservation to communicate with their administrator and provide evidence for each element. 3.0: Participants will be able to determine sources of evidence and capture that evidence for feedback. 2.0: Participants will demonstrate understanding of the protocol for Domains 2 – 4. 1.0: With help, partial success at score 2.0 content and score 3.0 content. Where are you now? For further assistance, please arrange for an individual meeting.

15 Next steps….. All evaluations must be completed by May 13th
Complete all formal observations Administrators will set appointments to discuss Domains 2, 3, and 4 (one full period – 50 minutes) While uploads are not required, they will assist administrators in providing a fair and accurate evaluation. Make sure Deliberate Practice is completed

16 Q & A

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