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Southwark and the Prevent Duty
Stephen Douglass Director, Communities
ABOUT THE PREVENT DUTY Prevent is part of CONTEST, the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. Focus of the Prevent strand is on the need to ‘stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism’. In practice, Prevent is focused on developing multi-agency early-intervention safeguarding responses to risks around violent extremism and radicalisation. Prevent duty placed on statutory footing in 2015 – local authorities, schools, colleges, health bodies and the police, have a specific duty to: “pay due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. Prevent duty is focused on all forms of terrorism and violent extremism – whilst ISIS-inspired terrorism remains the biggest current threat to UK security, communities also faces threats from far-right terrorism. (Murder of Jo Cox MP)
SOUTHWARK AND PREVENT Southwark assessed as Tier 2 priority area for Prevent in 2015. Priority area status provides funding for council for Prevent Coordinator post, and ability to bid for relevant local projects. Prevent Coordinator in post since March 2017. Aim to recruit Home Office-funded Prevent Officer (Education) by June 2017 to deliver expanded training and engagement offer for schools, colleges etc. Delivery of borough’s Prevent obligations being led through Communities Division (enabling strong links with community engagement and other safeguarding priorities like CSE) – but with wide-ranging participation from internal and external partners.
SOUTHWARK AND PREVENT Focus of Southwark on introducing the Channel case-management process for supporting vulnerable individuals, and raising awareness of the duty amongst partners and practitioners. Effective, multi-agency Channel process in place and accepting referrals – currently 50% Islamist / 50% far-right; mix of adults and young people. Development of ‘Southwark Children’s Services Practice Guidance on Safeguarding children from extremism’ provides frontline staff with detailed understanding of referral process, thresholds, and implications for practice. Presentations / WRAP training have been delivered to secondary schools in borough with support of policing colleagues, as well as to GPs with support of Southwark CCG. Southwark has maintained regular participation in pan-London groups (Prevent Comms Forum / Channel Chairs group) to develop and share good practice.
LOCAL DELIVERY PLAN Draft Local Delivery Plan builds on initial submission to Cabinet (Sept 2016) – refreshes and expands priorities now that full-time Coordinator in post. Draft document intended to reflect ambitious approach to developing good work across Southwark Council and with full range of partners (HE/FE, NHS, CVS). Two-year scope important to enable number of workstreams to be developed over time; though intended as ‘living document’ – priorities to reflect the changing landscape of risks and priorities across London and nationally. Draft document intended for review, consultation, and input from all partners through Safeguarding Boards. Intended for final Prevent Local Delivery Plan to be presented to next Joint Safeguarding Board (July 2017) for approval.
FOCUS ON SAFEGUARDING Cross-cutting theme of Local Delivery Plan is to work with internal practitioners and external partners to develop robust, responsive early-intervention safeguarding to support individuals who are vulnerable to radicalisation or violent extremism. Proposed work includes: Refresh of Southwark Practice Guidance (updated guidance / case-studies) Development of tailored WRAP training, prioritised for frontline practitioners Creation of ‘Practitioner’s Hub’ (resources, guidance, national good-practice) Opportunity to develop ‘Prevent Practice Leaders’ to drive internal development Work with SLaM and CCG around links with mental-health and implications for case-management practice. Updating of referral and assessment pathway for vulnerable adults not meeting existing thresholds.
PARTNERSHIP IS KEY The draft Local Delivery Plan recognises the cross-cutting nature of the Prevent duty, and the emphasis in the guidance on effective partnership-working between statutory organisations to build compliance right across the borough. Proposed work includes: Ensuring all local partners can contribute to the development of the new local risk profile (CTLP). Use of Safeguarding Boards to monitor progress and support delivery on a strategic level. Option for subgroups to be used to support specific workstreams – e.g. in relation to education, communities. Ongoing working with neighbouring boroughs on shared priorities, and development and sharing of good practice through Pan-London Prevent Network.
SUPPORTING EDUCATION Recognising the crucial role of Southwark’s schools, colleges, and wider education sector in building, the Local Delivery proposes extensive ongoing support for local partners in raising their understanding of and compliance with the Prevent duty, and in helping them to build resilience in Southwark’s young people. Proposed work includes: Refreshed offer of in-school WRAP training for all Southwark schools. Creation of ‘Prevent Information Guide’ to provide up-to-date self-assessment tools, referral guidance, and access to resources. Prioritised bidding for in-school local projects (esp. digital resilience / critical thinking). Partnership working with HE/FE institutions – support their compliance and draw on their expertise.
Local Delivery Plan reaffirms commitment to ongoing engagement with all communities within Southwark, as well as with voluntary/community/faith organisations, as a means of supporting cohesion and resilience across the borough, and fostering grassroots responses to extremism of all kinds. Proposed work includes: Proposed establishment of ‘Community Prevent Forum’ to build support for the duty amongst communities, and encourage co-ownership of solutions to the risks around extremism and radicalisation. Support for community and faith organisation to develop counter-narratives and communications that challenge extremist messaging online and within communities. Developing guidance for trustees / governors or local organisations to raise awareness of good practice around safeguarding and governance.
Draft document made available to all partners through Safeguarding Board for their review and feedback. All comments welcome to ensure that the final Prevent Local Delivery Plan reflects the key priorities for the borough as a whole, and that all partners are involved in its development as well as its delivery. Finalised plan and reporting to be proposed as item at next Joint Safeguarding Board meeting for formal approval. CONSULTATION PERIOD CLOSES FRIDAY 21st APRIL 2017 Any feedback / comments on this draft should please be provided by this date to: Ben Taylor (Prevent Coordinator) /
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