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Chapter 6A ICD-9-CM Coding
ICD-9-CM Coding International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Used to code and classify mortality (death) data from death certificates
ICD-9-CM Coding International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) Used to code and classify morbidity (disease) data from inpatient and outpatient records
Overview of ICD-9-CM ICD-9-CM is organized into three volumes.
Tabular List Volume 2 Index to Diseases Volume 3 Index to Procedures and Tabular List
Mandatory Reporting of ICD-9-CM Codes
Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 Mandated reporting of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes on Medicare claims
Mandatory Reporting of ICD-9-CM Codes
Medical necessity Determination that a service or procedure rendered is reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of an illness or injury Criteria Purpose Scope Evidence Value
ICD-9-CM Annual Updates
CMS enforces regulations pursuant to the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA). Requires all code sets reported on claims to be valid at the time services are provided.
ICD-9-CM Annual Updates
Compliance means Traditional mid-year (April 1) and end-of-year (October 1) coding updates Must be immediately implemented so that accurate codes are reported on submitted claims
ICD-9-CM Annual Updates
If outdated codes are submitted on claims Providers and healthcare facilities will incur administrative costs associated with resubmitting corrected claims and delayed reimbursement for services provided.
Outpatient Coding Guidelines
Diagnostic Coding and Reporting Guidelines for Outpatient Services: Hospital-Based and Provider-Based Office Developed by the federal government for use in reporting diagnoses for claims submission
Outpatient Coding Guidelines
Developed and approved by – American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) – American Hospital Association (AHA) – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS, formerly HCFA) – National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
Outpatient Coding Guidelines
Although the guidelines were originally developed for use in submitting government claims, insurance companies have also adopted them.
Coding Tip Most critical rule involves beginning the search for the correct code assignment using the Index to Diseases/of Diseases.
Selection of First-Listed Condition
In the outpatient setting Term “first-listed diagnosis” is used. Determined in accordance with ICD-9-CM’s coding conventions as well as general and disease-specific coding guidelines.
Selection of First-Listed Condition (cont.)
Outpatient treated in one of four settings – Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) • Patient is released prior to a 24-hour stay. – Healthcare provider’s office
Selection of First-Listed Condition (cont.)
– Hospital clinic, emergency or outpatient department, or same-day surgery unit – Hospital observation setting Patient’s length of stay is 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds or less.
Coding Tip Outpatient surgery
Code reason for surgery as the first-listed diagnosis (reason for the encounter) Even if surgery is not performed due to a contraindication
Coding Tip Observation stay
When a patient is admitted for observation for a medical condition, assign a code for the medical condition as the first-listed diagnosis.
Coding Tip Outpatient surgery requires observation stay.
A patient presents for outpatient surgery and develops complications requiring admission to observation. Code the reason for the surgery as the first reported diagnosis, followed by codes for the complications as secondary diagnoses.
Coding Tip An inpatient is a person admitted to a hospital or long-term care facility for treatment with an expected stay of 24 hours or more.
Coding Tip In medical literature, you may see principal diagnosis referred to as first-listed diagnosis. Remember! The outpatient setting’s first-listed diagnosis is not the principal diagnosis.
Coding Tip Inpatient principal diagnosis
Condition determined after study that resulted in the patient’s admission to the hospital UB-04 secondary diagnoses include comorbidities and complications.
ICD-9-CM Tabular List of Diseases
Must be used to identify diagnoses, symptoms, conditions, problems, complaints, or any other reason for the encounter/visit.
Accurate Reporting of ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes
Documentation should describe patient’s condition using terminology that includes specific diagnoses as well as symptoms, problems, or reasons for the encounter.
Reason for Encounter Codes 001.0–999.9
Codes are frequently used to describe the reason for the encounter. Codes are from the section of the ICD-9-CM designated for the classification of diseases and injuries.
Signs and Symptoms Codes that describe signs and symptoms are acceptable for reporting purposes when the physician has not documented an established or confirmed diagnosis.
Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services (V Codes)
Provides codes to deal with encounters for circumstances other than a disease or injury.
Level of Detail in Coding
Codes contain three, four, or five digits. Codes with three digits Included in ICD-9-CM as the heading of a category of disease codes May be further subdivided into four or five digits Provide greater specificity
Level of Detail in Coding (cont.)
Three-digit disease code is assigned only if it is not further subdivided. If fourth-digit subcategories or fifth-digit subclassifications are provided They must be assigned. If not, the code is invalid.
Sequencing ICD-9-CM Diagnosis
First code for the diagnosis, condition, problem, or other reason for encounter shown in the medical record to be chiefly responsible for the services provided.
Sequencing ICD-9-CM Diagnosis (cont.)
Additional codes that describe coexisting conditions that were treated or medically managed during the encounter should also be reported.
Qualified Diagnoses Do not code diagnoses documented as
Probable, suspected, questionable, rule out, or working diagnosis, because these are considered qualified diagnoses. Instead, code condition to the highest degree of certainty for that encounter. These are a necessary part of the patient chart and are reported on the UB-04 for inpatient hospital claims.
Qualified Diagnoses Qualified diagnosis
Working diagnosis that is not yet proven or established Example Suspected pneumonia Code the sign or symptom Wheezing, shortness of breath, etc.
Chronic Diseases If treated on an ongoing basis
May be coded and reported as many times as the patient receives treatment and care for the condition.
Code all Documented Conditions that Coexist
Code all documented conditions that coexist at the time of the encounter, and require or affect patient care, treatment, or management.
Code all Documented Conditions that Coexist (cont.)
Do not code conditions that were previously treated and no longer exist. However, history codes may be reported as secondary codes.
Encounter for Diagnostic Services
First, report the diagnosis, condition, problem, or reason for the encounter that is documented in the patient record as being chiefly responsible for the outpatient services provided during the encounter.
Encounter for Therapeutic Services
Sequence first the diagnosis, condition, problem, or other reason for the encounter shown in the medical record to be chiefly responsible for the outpatient services provided.
Encounter for Therapeutic Services (cont.)
Assign code(s) to other diagnoses (e.g., chronic conditions) that are treated or medically managed or would affect the patient’s receipt of therapeutic services during this encounter/visit.
Encounter for Preoperative Evaluation
Assign appropriate subclassification code.
Ambulatory Surgery Assign a code to the diagnosis for which the surgery was performed. If the postoperative diagnosis is different from the preoperative diagnosis when the diagnosis is confirmed, assign a code to the postoperative diagnosis instead.
Routine Outpatient Prenatal Visits
For routine outpatient prenatal visits when no complications are present, report code V22.0 (Supervision of normal first pregnancy) or V22.1 (Supervision of other normal pregnancy) as the first-listed diagnosis.
ICD-9-CM Coding System ICD-9-CM has three volumes. Tabular List
Index to Diseases Index to Procedures and Tabular List
ICD-9-CM Coding System Tabular List and Index to Diseases
Used in provider and health facilities to code diagnoses Index to Procedures and Tabular List Used in hospitals to code inpatient procedures
ICD-9-CM Coding System Publishers make coding easier by placing the Index to Diseases in front of the Tabular List.
Supplementary Classifications: V Codes and E Codes
V codes are assigned when a circumstance other than a disease or injury is present.
V Codes and E Codes Like V codes, E codes are located in the Tabular List. E codes describe external causes of injury, like poisoning, accidents, or other adverse reactions affecting a patient’s health.
Appendices Appendices serve in coding neoplasms, adverse effects of chemicals and drugs, and external causes of disease and injury. In addition, the disease category codes are listed as an appendix.
Appendices Morphology of Neoplasms (M codes) contains a reference to the World Health Organization publication entitled International Classification of Diseases for Oncology.
Appendices Morphology Benign Malignant
Indicates tissue type of a neoplasm Benign Not cancerous Malignant Cancerous
Appendices Classification of Drugs by AHFS List contains the American Hospital Formulary Services List number and its ICD-9-CM code number. Organized in numerical order according to AHSF List number
Appendices Classification of Industrial Accidents According to Agency based on employment injury statistics Adopted by the International Conference of Labor Statisticians If difficult to locate the E code entry in the ICD-9-CM Index to External Causes, use this appendix.
Appendices List of three-digit categories contains a breakdown of three-digit category codes organized beneath section headings.
Index to Diseases Within the ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases
Two official tables that make it easier to code hypertension and neoplasms
Great Tools within the ICD-9-CM Index
Table of Drugs and Chemicals Index to External Causes (E codes)
Volume 3: Index to Procedures and Tabular List
Included in hospital version of commercial ICD-9-CM books Index to Diseases – alphabetical listings of main terms or conditions
Index to Diseases Main terms Subterms (essential modifiers)
Printed in boldface type and are followed by the code number Subterms (essential modifiers) Qualify the main term by listing alternate sites, etiology, or clinical status
Index to Diseases Step 1 Locate main term in the Index to Diseases.
Index to Diseases (cont.)
Step 2 If the phrase “see condition” is found after the main term A descriptive term (an adjective) or the anatomic site has been referenced instead of the disorder. Referenced instead of the disorder or the disease (the condition) documented in the diagnostic statement
Index to Diseases (cont.)
Step 3 When the condition listed cannot be found Locate main terms such as “syndrome,” “disease,” “disorder,” “derangement of,” or “abnormal.” See Table 6-1, which lists special main terms, for additional help.
Index to Diseases (cont.)
Coding conventions – rules that apply to the assignment of ICD-9-CM codes Codes in slanted brackets Eponyms Essential modifiers NEC Nonessential modifiers
Index to Diseases (cont.)
Notes See See also See also condition
Tabular List Chapters Chapter heading is printed in uppercase letters and preceded by the chapter number. Instructional “Notes” that follow the chapter heading detail general guidelines for code selections within the entire chapter. EXCLUDES statement reference applies to the entire chapter.
Tabular List Major topic headings
Printed in bold uppercase letters and followed by codes in parentheses
Tabular List Categories
Major topics are divided into three-digit categories. Printed in upper- and lowercase and are followed by three-digit codes
Tabular List Subcategories
Four-digit subcategories are indented and printed in the same way as major category headings.
Tabular List Subclassifications
Some fourth digits are further subdivided into subclassifications, which require the task of a fifth digit.
Tabular List Fifth digits Required when indicated in the code book
Tabular List Fifth-digit entries are associated with Chapters
Major topic headings Categories Subcategories
Using the Tabular List After reviewing main terms and subterms
Locate the first possible code in the Index to Disease.
Using the Tabular List (cont.)
In the Tabular List Locate code, review code descriptions, and review any EXCLUDES notes to determine whether the condition being coded is excluded. Assign any required fifth digit.
Using the Tabular List (cont.)
Make sure that the code number is appropriate for the age and gender of the patient. Return to the Index to Disease for other possible code selections. If code description does not fit condition or reason for visit Enter the final code.
Using the Tabular List (cont.)
Apply to disease and condition codes and to additional classification codes. Index to Procedures and Tabular List Included only in hospital version of commercial ICD-9-CM books
Tabular List Coding Conventions
And Bold type Braces Brackets Code first underlying disease Colon Excludes
Tabular List Coding Conventions (cont.)
Format Fourth and fifth digits Includes NOS Notes Parentheses Use additional code With
Index to Procedures and Tabular List of Procedures
Principal procedures A procedure performed for definitive treatment rather than diagnostic purpose One performed to treat a complication One that is most closely related to the principal diagnosis
Index to Procedures and Tabular List of Procedures
Secondary procedures Additional procedures performed during the same encounter as the principal procedure
Index to Procedures and Tabular List of Procedures
Coding conventions Omit Code also any synchronous procedures
Hypertension/Hypertensive Table
Malignant Severe form of hypertension with vascular damage and a diastolic pressure reading of 130 mm Hg or greater Benign Mild or controlled hypertension Unspecified No notation of benign or malignant status
Neoplasm Table Neoplasms
New growths or tumors, where cell reproduction is out of control. Provider should specify whether the tumor is benign or malignant. Neoplasms should be coded from the pathology report.
Neoplasm Table Another term related with neoplasm is lesion.
Defined as any discontinuity of tissue
Neoplasm Table Mass Cyst Dysplasia Polyp Adenosis
Neoplasm Table Primary malignancy Original tumor site
All malignant tumors are considered primary Unless otherwise documented as metastatic or secondary
Neoplasm Table Secondary malignancy
Tumor has spread to a secondary site. Either adjacent to the primary site or to a distant area of the body
Neoplasm Table Carcinoma (Ca) in situ
Tumor that is localized, limited, encapsulated, and noninvasive
Neoplasm Table Benign Noninvasive, nonspreading, nonmalignant tumor
Neoplasm Table Uncertain behavior
Pathology makes it impossible to predict subsequent morphology or behavior from the submitted specimen.
Neoplasm Table Unspecified nature Neoplasm is identified.
But no more signs of histology or nature of the tumor is in the documented diagnosis
Neoplasm Table Primary malignancies
Malignancy is coded as the primary site if the diagnostic statement documents Metastatic from a site Spread from a site Primary neoplasm of a site Malignancy for which no specific classification is documented Recurrent (repeating) tumor
Secondary Malignancies
Metastatic and show that a primary cancer has spread to another site
Secondary Malignancies (cont.)
Cancer described as metastatic from a site is primary of that site. Assign code to the primary neoplasm. Assign second code to the secondary neoplasm of the specified site or unspecified site.
Secondary Malignancies (cont.)
Cancer described as metastatic to a site is considered secondary of that site. Assign one code to the secondary site and a second code to the specified primary site or unspecified site.
Secondary Malignancies (cont.)
When anatomic sites are recognized as metastatic Assign secondary neoplasm code(s) to those sites. Assign unspecified site code to the main malignant neoplasm.
Secondary Malignancies (cont.)
If the diagnostic statement does not specify whether the neoplasm site is primary or secondary Code the site as primary unless the documented site is the following.
Secondary Malignancies (cont.)
Bone, brain, diaphragm, heart, liver, lymph nodes, mediastinum, meninges, peritoneum, pleura, retroperitoneum, spinal cord, or classifiable to 195
Anatomic Site Not Documented
If the cancer diagnosis does not contain documentation of the anatomic site but the term “metastatic” is documented, then assign codes for “unspecified site” for both the primary and secondary sites.
Primary Malignancy Site No Longer Present
Do not assign the code for primary unspecified site. Instead, classify the previous primary site by assigning the appropriate code from category V10, “Personal history of malignant neoplasm.”
Contiguous or Overlapping Sites
Contiguous sites (or overlapping sites) occur when the origin of the tumor (primary site) involves two adjacent sites. Neoplasms with overlapping site boundaries are classified to the fourth-digit subcategory .8, “Other.”
Re-excision of Tumor A surgeon, when performing a second excision to widen the margins of the original tumor site, Ensures that all tumor cells have been removed. Uses the diagnostic statement found in the report of the original excision to code the reason for the re-excision.
Coding Tip Read notes that apply to the condition you are coding.
Never assign a code directly from the table or Index to Diseases. Be certain codes represent the current status of the neoplasm.
Coding Tip Assign a neoplasm code Assign a V code
If a tumor has been excised and the patient is still undergoing radiation or chemotherapy Assign a V code If a tumor is not present If the patient is not receiving treatment but is returning for follow-ups
Coding Tip In a pathology report
Classification stated on a pathology report overrides the morphology classification in the Index to Diseases.
Table of Drugs and Chemicals
Poisonings occur as a result of an overdose, wrong substance administered or taken, or intoxication.
Table of Drugs and Chemicals (cont.)
Six columns are in the table Poisoning Assigned according to classification of drug or chemical Accident Accidental overdosing Wrong substance given Drug inadvertently taken Accidents during a medical or surgical procedure
Table of Drugs and Chemicals (cont.)
Therapeutic use Effect caused by proper substance administered in therapeutic setting Suicide attempt Self-inflicted poisoning Assault Poisoning inflicted by another person who intended to kill or injure the patient
Table of Drugs and Chemicals (cont.)
Undetermined If used, it will not state whether poisoning was intentional or accidental. E codes are used to explain the cause of poisoning or effect.
Supplementary Classifications
ICD-9-CM contains two supplementary classifications. V codes Factors influencing health status and contact with health services E codes External causes of injury and poisoning
V Codes Classification of factors influencing the person’s health status These services fall into one of three categories Problems Issues that could affect patient’s health status
V Codes (cont.) Services Factual reporting
Patient seen for treatment not caused by illness or injury Factual reporting Used for statistical purposes
V Code and Description Persons with potential health hazards related to communicable diseases Persons with need for isolation, other health hazards, and prophylactic measures Persons with potential health issues related to personal or family history
V Code and Description (cont.)
Persons encountering services in circumstances related to reproduction and development Live born infants according to type of birth Persons with a condition influencing their health
V Code and Description (cont.)
Encountering health services for specific procedures and aftercare Encountering health services in other circumstances
V Code and Description (cont.)
Person without reported diagnosis encountered during examination and investigation of individuals and population
Coding Special Disorders
HIV/AIDS Record states that patient is HIV and associated with AIDS – 042 When HIV is identified by provider – with 042 When screening for HIV was reported as nonspecific – Patient exposed to virus but not tested – V01.71 to V01.79
Coding Special Disorders (cont.)
When patient is HIV positive but not showing symptoms – V08 Counseling a patient after HIV testing – V65.44
Coding Special Disorders (cont.)
Common closed fractures Comminuted Linear Spiral Impacted Simple Greenstick
Coding Special Disorders (cont.)
Common open fractures Compressed Compound Missile Puncture Fracture with a foreign body Infected fracture
Coding Special Disorders (cont.)
Late effects Residual effect of a previous acute illness or long-term effect of the disorder Two codes required Primary code Identifies original illness Secondary code Represents original condition of the late effect
Late Effects Original conditions Fracture CVA Third-degree burn Polio
Laceration Breast implant
Late Effects (cont.) Malunion Hemiplegia Deep scarring Contractures
Keloid Ruptured implant
Burns Burns require two codes. – First for site and degree
Second for percentage of body surface
Congenital versus Perinatal Conditions
Congenital anomalies are disorders diagnosed in infants at birth. Adults can also be diagnosed with congenital anomalies because such disorders may have been previously undetected. Perinatal conditions occur before birth, during birth, or within the perinatal period, or the first 28 days of life.
E Codes Codes are used to describe the circumstances of an illness or injury. Many states require their use; insurance companies do not. These codes can expedite claims payment. NEVER use as a first-listed diagnosis on a claim.
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