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The Larkin Street Outcomes Lifecycle: From Creation to Cultural Shift

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Presentation on theme: "The Larkin Street Outcomes Lifecycle: From Creation to Cultural Shift"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Larkin Street Outcomes Lifecycle: From Creation to Cultural Shift
Erica Werpetinski & Meghan Bernstein

2 Who we are Larkin Street Youth Services San Francisco, CA
“The mission of Larkin Street Youth Services is to create a continuum of services that inspires youth to move beyond the street. We will nurture potential, promote dignity, and support bold steps by all.” Erica Werpetinski, MBA Associate Director, Research and Evaluation Meghan Bernstein, MPA Manager of Program Evaluation

3 Introductions Your Name Your Organization
What do you hope to get out of this workshop?

4 Workshop Overview Introduction to Larkin Street The Outcomes Lifecycle
Takeaways Discussion/Questions

5 Introduction to Larkin Street
Larkin Street offers a broad continuum of services providing youth with alternatives to street life and opportunities to achieve long-term self-sufficiency Four Outcomes Safe and Stable Housing Two Years Post-Secondary Ed Self Sustaining Employment Physical and Emotional Wellness

6 Larkin Street’s Theory of Change

7 Larkin Street At a Glance
Agency Profile Totals in 2015 Staff 205 Programs >12 Youth Housed ~300 Youth Served 2,500 Average Client Age 21 Youth Exits to Stability 81% Sources of Revenue 56% Public Revenue 44% Individual, foundations, events

8 Develop/Modify Outcomes Framework
Outcomes Lifecycle Develop/Modify Outcomes Framework Collect Data Measure Results Share Results

9 Develop/Modify Outcomes Framework
Outcomes Lifecycle Develop/Modify Outcomes Framework Collect Data Measure Results Share Results CULTIVATE BUY-IN

10 Develop/Modify Outcomes Framework & Use Process to Inform the Work
Outcomes Lifecycle Develop/Modify Outcomes Framework Collect Data Measure Results Share Results COLLABORATE!! & Use Process to Inform the Work Cultivate Buy-in Cultivate Buy-in Cultivate Buy-in

11 Develop Outcomes Framework: Long-Term Outcomes
1. Safe And Stable Housing Sustained housing for twelve months post-exit from services 2. Two Years of Education Post-High School Attainment of an Associate's degree; or Completion of two years of college credits towards a Bachelor's degree; or Attainment of a post-secondary certificate 3. Self- Sustaining Employment Full-time employment earning a minimum of $14/hour; or  Full-time career track employment at less than $14/hour; or Part-time employment and post-secondary engagement; or  Career track internship position 4. Physical and Emotional Well-Being Ability to manage their physical health Ability to maintain behavioral, emotional, and social health

12 Develop Outcomes Framework: Outcomes Ladder

13 Develop Outcomes Framework: Outcomes Examples

14 Cultivate Buy-in Don’t Let This Be You!

15 Cultivate Buy-in Connect to Mission/Vision Relationship-building
Cultural Humility Varied Communication Mechanisms

16 Collect Data Implementation of Client Database
Group and Individual Trainings Transfer of Ownership/Accountability Customized Reports to Monitor Performance

17 Cultivate Buy-in

18 Cultivate Buy-in

19 Measure Results Prioritize outcomes and create customized reports
Develop additional reports to provide a complete analysis of the results Be intentional about purpose and provide feedback based on what’s most useful and accurate for key stakeholders

20 Programs: I can’t wait to use them in staff supervision!
Cultivate Buy-in Present results to various audiences via multiple channels Management and staff meetings, program sites, updates, agency intranet Hold individualized meetings to continue to build relationships and utilize results Programs: I can’t wait to use them in staff supervision! R&E: With just a few clicks you can run customized outcome reports on your own!

85% of youth will establish a bank account INCOME SOURCE 90% will acquire an income source in order to pay rent BUDGET 90% of youth will be able to create and manage a personal budget HS Diploma/GED 90% will have received their H.S. diploma or GED

22 Share Results: Short Term Outcome

23 Share Results: Short Term Outcome

24 Share Results: Intermediate Outcome

25 Share Results: Intermediate Outcome

26 Collaboration Work with programs to determine how to improve results
Agency-wide budget template Implement ways data can actively be used in programs Supervision, staff meetings, quality assurance Develop clarity on all outcome goals/measures – 2-way street, with both R&E and program input

27 Collaboration Generate ongoing discussion around process, outcomes, and implications – determine what’s working, what isn’t, and how feedback mechanisms can be improved

28 Modify Outcomes Framework
Focus on concrete, objective, and actionable goals (feedback from program staff) Modify measures where necessary Identify overlap and streamline goals to create a more clear and concise framework Work in progress…

29 Takeaways Address lack of knowledge/skills with customized training
Provide tools to enhance monitoring & accountability Ensure clarity & consistency of message Continue frequent communication – 2-way street Build & strengthen relationships: bridge the Data- Program gap

30 Feedback Questions/Discussion

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