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Fire Loss Control - Basic Elements

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1 Fire Loss Control - Basic Elements
Mgt. & Maint. IgnitionSources Building Construction OCCUPANCY Jail Fireworks Factory Day Care Code Enforcement Fuel Sources ResponseOn & Offsite CombustionProducts Detection & Suppression

2 NFPA 921 Fire Definition A rapid oxidation process with the evolution of light & heat in varying intensities.

3 Oxidation as a Chemical Reaction
Breaks down the fuel & oxidizer, allowing the atoms to recombine in the form of compounds different from those from which was started: Reactants - fuel & oxidizers Products - new components

4 Fire Definition A rapid oxidation process that generates heat.
Self-sustaining Exothermic Smoke producing

5 Fire Definition Rapid, self-sustaining oxidizing process that evolves heat, light & smoke in varying quantities

6 Fire vs. Combustion Fire Unplanned Uncontrolled Combustion
Level of control Fuel & oxidizers are regulated High efficiency

7 Fire Triangle

8 Fuel (stored energy) Wood, paper
Hydrocarbons (methane, butane, propane) Petroleum products

9 Oxygen & Oxidizers Unlocks the stored energy Oxygen Chlorine Nitrates
Chlorates Concentrated nitric acid

10 Sources of Heat Energy Chemical Electrical Mechanical Nuclear
Decaying organic material (oily rags - spontaneous combustion)

11 Fire Tetrahedron

12 Chemical Chain Reaction

13 Combustion Chain Reactions

14 Heat Transfer Conduction Radiation Convection

15 Convection / Conduction

16 Radiation

17 Fire Extinguishment Theory
Heat removal (water / cooling) Fuel removal (sometimes partial) Oxygen removal Stop chemical chain reaction

18 Definitions Upper Flammable Limit - The largest concentration of gas or vapor in air which can catch fire or explode when exposed to a source of ignition. Lower Flammable Limit - The smallest concentration of gas or vapor in air which can catch fire or explode when exposed to a source of ignition.



HYDROGEN 4.1 74.2 ACETONE 2.5 13.0 BENZENE 1.3 7.9 ETHYLENE 2.7 36.0 AMMONIA 16.0 25.0 METHANE 5.3 15.0


23 Liquid Fuels Key Definitions Evaporation
Vapor Pressure - The pressure exerted by a volatile liquid at a specified temperature. Flash Point - The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air and produce a flame when a source of ignition is present.

24 Liquid Fuels Ignition Temperature -The minimum temperature to which a fuel in air must be heated in order to start self sustained combustion independent of the heating source. Auto-ignition Temperature - The lowest temperature that a flammable gas-air or vapor-air mixture will ignite from its own heat source or contact with a hot surface, without spark or flame.

25 Classes of Flammable Liquids
Class IA - flashpoint below 73oF & boiling points below 100oF Class IB - flashpoint below 75oF & boiling point at or above 100oF Class IC - flashpoint at or above 73oF & below 100oF

26 Combustible Liquids Class II - flashpoint at or above 100oF & below 140oF Class IIIA - flashpoint at or above 140oF & below 200oF Class IIIB - flashpoint at or above 200oF

27 Solid Fuels Key Definitions
Pyrolysis - the chemical decomposition of a substance through the action of heat Piloted ignition temperature - heat level required to form a gas that will ignite when exposed to a spark Auto-ignition temperature - The lowest temperature that a flammable gas-air or vapor-air mixture will ignite from its own heat source or contact with a hot surface, without spark or flame.

28 Classes of Fire A - Ordinary combustibles B - Flammable liquids
C - Energized electrical equipment D - Combustible metals K - Cooking appliances involving combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils & fats)

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