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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL PROSECUTING AUTHORITY PERFORMANCE FOR APRIL – JUNE 2017"— Presentation transcript:

6 September 2017

2 Quarter 1 2017/18 - performance overview Performance per sub-programme
CONTENTS Quarter /18 - performance overview Performance per sub-programme Honorable Members of the Committee

3 INTRODUCTION The NPA provides a coordinated prosecuting service that ensures that justice is delivered to the victims of crime through general and specialised prosecutions. Removes the profit from crime. Protects certain witnesses. Sub-programmes of the NPA: National Prosecutions Service (NPS) Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) Office for Witness Protection (OWP) Support Services

4 NPA Performance from April - June 2017
The NPA reports on 24 indicators in the 2017/18 financial year During Q1 the NPA reported on 22 targets, of which 15 (68%) were achieved and 7 (32%) were not achieved Two indicators (NPS - No of operational TCCs) & AFU (Value of recoveries for government officials convicted of corruption etc.) were not reported on during Q1 Two indicators not reported on are 1. operational no. of TCCs – no target for Q1, it is an annual target but no growth projected due to budgetary constraints 2. No target for AFU on value of recoveries for government officials convicted of corruption etc. – the Regional Heads are sourcing applicable cases

5 Performance Per Sub-Programme from April - June 2017
The NPS reported on 12 targets, of which 9 (75%) were achieved and 3 (25%) were not achieved The AFU reported on 8 targets, of which 4 (50%) were achieved and 4 (50%) were not achieved The OWP reported on 2 targets and both were achieved

6 Indicators not achieved from April – June 2017
Conviction rate in trio crimes Conviction rate in violent protests and industrial actions prosecuted Number of government officials convicted for corruption or offences related to corruption Value of freezing orders Value of freezing orders obtained relating to corruption where the amount involved is more than R5 million Value of recoveries in terms of POCA Value of recoveries relating to corruption where the amount involved is more than R5 million Prevention of Organised Crime Act

1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 1: Increased Successful Prosecution Status of performance per sub-programme Sub-programme 1: National Prosecutions Service Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 1.1 Conviction rate in high courts 87% (897) (224) 91% (213) 5% 1.2 Conviction rate in regional courts 74% (25 528) (6 382) 81% (6 526) 9% 1.3 Conviction rate in district 88% ( ) (62 075) 96% (71 272) 1.4 Conviction rate in complex commercial crime 93% (928) (232) 94% (201) 1% 1.5 Conviction rate in organised crime 90% (269) (63) (80) 4% 1.6 Conviction rate in sexual offences 69% (4 723) (1 176) 73% (1 292) 6% Bottom number is for lack

1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 1: Increased Successful Prosecution Status of performance per sub-programme Sub-programme 1: National Prosecutions Service Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 1.7 Conviction rate in trio crimes 85% (1 552) (385) 80% (419) (6%) Reason for deviation: Reduced inflow of cases coupled with incomplete investigation and collection of evidence at the scene of the crime as well as the absence of corroboratory evidence with regards to the identity of the offender. Notwithstanding the failure to achieve the target, the regions made a positive impact on the three categories included in trio crimes category. The total of 419 case convictions relates to 495 counts comprising of 258 house robbery counts, 129 business robbery counts and 108 vehicle robbery/hi-jacking counts. Further analysis indicated that the highest conviction rate of 82.4% were achieved in house robbery counts whilst the lowest conviction rate of 78.3% was achieved in Vehicle robbery/hi-jacking counts. Corrective action: The NPA continues to make contributions towards the improvement of case flow management at PEEC and NEEC. Regular engagement and the allocation of dedicated personnel to oversee the progress of these cases are some initiatives bearing fruit. The prosecutors are encouraged to continue focusing on close prosecution guided investigations to avoid the delays when SAPS is investigating these matters. Prosecutors are also embarking on training of SAPS investigators. This is an on-going process, with positive benefits being expected. Bottom number is for lack

1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 1: Increased Successful Prosecution Sub-programme 1: National Prosecutions Service Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 1.8 Conviction rate in violent protests and industrial action prosecuted 74% (46) (6) 57% (13) (23%) Reason for deviation: Reduced inflow of cases coupled with incomplete investigation and the inherent challenges within these intricate cases such as reluctance of witnesses to testify, identification of perpetrators and discrepancies between the evidence of state witnesses resulted in a low conviction rate. Corrective action: Some regions assigned dedicated prosecutors to deal with cases of violent protest and industrial action and they are assisted by advocates from the DPP office that monitor and provide guidance. Training is provided to the police units attending to riots and marches as well as to investigating officers in the detective branch of SAPS. 1.9 Number of persons convicted of corruption or offences related to corruption where the amount involved is more than R5 million 33 8 0%

1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 1: Increased Successful Prosecution Sub-programme 1: National Prosecutions Service Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 1.10 Number of government officials convicted for corruption or offences related to corruption 210 53 49 (8%) Reason for deviation: Reduced inflow of cases coupled with a reduction in court utilisation. Several partly heard matters could not be finalised and resulted in the target not being attained, albeit marginally (only one official less than the set target of 50). Corrective action: Continuous engagement with all stakeholders are conducted on regular basis. The NPA is participating and monitoring progress in the ACTT meetings. 1.11 Conviction rate in cybercrime prosecution 74% (256) (60) 98% (82) 32% 1.12 Conviction rate at TCC reported cases 68% (1 511) (377) 77% (570) 13%

1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 2: Ensure that profit is removed from crime Sub-programme 2: Asset Forfeiture Unit Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 2.1 Percentage of completed forfeiture cases 96% (336/349) (84) 153% (129) 59% 2.2 Value of completed forfeiture cases R600m R120m R120.1m 0.1% 2.3 Percentage of freezing orders 100% (261) (65) 120% (78) 20% 2.4 Value of freezing orders R1.2bn R167.9m (72%) Reason for deviation: The delay in the finalisation of criminal investigations of complex high value cases at ACTT, as well as the budget cuts, have severely impacted on prioritised investigations. Corrective action: Measures to speed up the finalisation and setting down of pending forfeiture application papers were implemented. Priority will be given to activities to source new high value matters. The AFU will continue to consistently engage with its stakeholders to ensure timely referral of the relevant cases.

1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 2: Ensure profit is removed from crime Sub-programme 2: Asset Forfeiture Unit Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 2.5 Value of freezing orders obtained relating to corruption where the amount involved is more than R5 million R800m R448m R0 (100%) Reason for deviation: Matters were not ripe to be set down to obtain freezing Corrective action: The AFU will continue to engage with its stakeholders at ACTT to ensure that certain identified high value cases, which are currently under investigation in terms of both chapters 5 and 6 of POCA, are prioritised for finalisation. Special attention will be given to joint planning with the DPCI, SIU, SCCU and NPS to ensure that investigations are finalised and to ensure that the drafting of charge sheets are expedited. 2.6 Value of recoveries in terms of Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA) R300m R60m R26.8m (58%) Reason for deviation: Limited number of high value cases where recoveries could be made and more low value cases completed Corrective action: Enforcement in all cases will be prioritised. 2.7 Success rate of litigated cases 93% (312) (78) 99% (129) 6%

1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 2: Ensure profit is removed from crime Sub-programme 2: Asset Forfeiture Unit Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 2.8 Value of recoveries relating to corruption where the amount involved is more than R5 million (proceeds of crime and government losses) R100m R20m R2.8m (86%) Reason for deviation: No applicable cases were received. Corrective action: The Regional Heads are engaging with stakeholders to ensure that matters are referred and that investigations are completed.

14 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE Programme performance indicators
1. INTRODUCTION Strategic Objective 3: Ensure vulnerable and intimidated witnesses and related persons are successfully protected Sub-programme 3: Office for Witness Protection (OWP) Programme performance indicators Target Actual Deviation from planned target Status 2017/18 Quarter 1 3.1 Number of witnesses and related persons harmed, threatened or killed while on the witness protection programme 0% 3.2 Percentage of witnesses and related persons that walked off the witness protection programme 1.5% 0.2% (1/486) 87%

15 Q1 Budget Status 6 September 2017

16 NPA Overall Budget vs Expenditure as at 30th of June 2017 per Economic Classification
Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent Compensation of Employees 786,429,544 3,111,219,000 2,324,789,456 25.28% Payments for Financial Assets 12,756 -12,756 0.00% Goods and Services 148,405,749 512,509,000 364,103,251 28.96% Households 2,783,897 8,017,000 5,233,103 34.72% Machinery and Equipment 9,803,043 43,573,000 33,769,957 22.50% Departmental Agencies & Accounts 8,993,000 Buildings & Other Fix Structures Grand Total 947,434,989 3,684,311,000 2,736,876,011 25.72%

17 NPA Overall Budget vs Expenditure as at 30th of June 2017 per Sub-Programme
Economic Classification Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent National Prosecutions Service (NPS) 737,750,162 2,897,010,000 2,159,259,838 25.47% Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) 32,077,738 131,909,000 99,831,262 24.32% Office for Witness Protection (OWP) 52,642,623 175,683,000 123,040,377 29.96% Support Services (SS) 124,964,466 479,709,000 354,744,534 26.05% Grand Total 947,434,989 3,684,311,000 2,736,876,011 25.72%

18 Budget vs Expenditure – Economic Classification per Sub-programme

19 Sub-programme 1: NPS as at 30th of June 2017 per EC
Economic Classification Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent Compensation of Employees 689,650,145 2,719,896,000 2,030,245,855 25.36% Payments for Financial Assets 6,442 -6,442 0.00% Goods and Services 44,936,382 165,202,000 120,265,618 27.20% Households 2,549,683 4,372,000 1,822,317 58.32% Machinery and Equipment 607,510 7,540,000 6,932,490 8.06% Departmental Agencies & Accounts Buildings & Other Fix Structures Grand Total 737,750,162 2,897,010,000 2,159,259,838 25.47%

20 Sub-programme 2: AFU as at 30th of June 2017 per EC
Economic Classification Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent Compensation of Employees 28,172,055 113,257,000 85,084,945 24.87% Payments for Financial Assets 2,967 -2,967 0.00% Goods and Services 3,654,801 18,170,000 14,515,199 20.11% Households 229,914 281,000 51,086 81.82% Machinery and Equipment 18,001 201,000 182,999 8.96% Departmental Agencies & Accounts Buildings & Other Fix Structures Grand Total 32,077,738 131,909,000 99,831,262 24.32%

21 Sub-programme 3: OWP as at 30th of June 2017 per EC
Economic Classification Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent Compensation of Employees 23,311,391 86,806,000 63,494,609 26.85% Payments for Financial Assets 3,347 -3,347 0.00% Goods and Services 29,294,972 86,813,000 57,518,028 33.74% Households 114,000 Machinery and Equipment 32,913 1,950,000 1,917,087 1.69% Departmental Agencies & Accounts Buildings & Other Fix Structures Grand Total 52,642,623 175,683,000 123,040,377 29.96%

22 Sub-programme 4: SS as at 30th of June 2017 per EC
Economic Classification Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent Compensation of Employees 45,295,953 191,260,000 145,964,047 23.68% Payments for Financial Assets 0.00% Goods and Services 70,519,594 242,324,000 171,804,406 29.10% Households 4,300 3,250,000 3,245,700 0.13% Machinery and Equipment 9,144,619 33,882,000 24,737,381 26.99% Departmental Agencies & Accounts 8,993,000 Buildings & Other Fix Structures Grand Total 124,964,466 479,709,000 354,744,534 26.05%

23 NPA Overall Budget vs Expenditure as at 31st of July 2017 per Economic Classification
Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent Compensation of Employees 1,044,941,840 3,111,219,000 2,066,277,160 33.59% Payments for Financial Assets 15,676 -15,676 0.00% Goods and Services 194,487,587 512,509,000 318,021,413 37.95% Households 3,012,609 8,017,000 5,004,391 37.58% Machinery and Equipment 10,179,276 43,573,000 33,393,724 23.36% Departmental Agencies & Accounts 23,536 8,993,000 8,969,464 0.26% Buildings & Other Fix Structures 1,557,099 -1,557,099 Grand Total 1,254,217,623 3,684,311,000 2,430,093,377 34.04%

24 NPA Overall Budget vs Expenditure as at 31st of July 2017 per Sub-Programme
Economic Classification Total Expenditure ENE Budget Allocation Budget Available % Spent National Prosecutions Service (NPS) 971,693,779 2,897,010,000 1,925,316,221 33.54% Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) 41,677,972 131,909,000 90,231,028 31.60% Office for Witness Protection (OWP) 65,884,287 175,683,000 109,798,713 37.50% Support Services (SS) 174,961,585 479,709,000 304,747,415 36.47% Grand Total 1,254,217,623 3,684,311,000 2,430,093,377 34.04%

25 Cost pressures, unfunded priorities and Challenges

26 Cost Pressures Immediate requirement of R71,1 million on warm bodies within the NPA for the 2017/18 financial year. NT approved R57m virement to CoE. Forced savings will be effected in the following areas: R 15m – Machinery and Equipment R 15m – Travel and Subsistence R 12m – Property payments R 10m – Consumables R 5m - Communications

27 Unfunded Priorities Critical vacancies R63 million R 27,2 million for 156 Aspirants for 12 months R 35,8 million for DPP Offices in Polokwane and Mpumalanga NPA Critical posts identified 239 (Excl Mpumalanga and Polokwane) posts with total cost of R 134,988 million (R435 million over MTEF) Funding of Presidential Appointments vacancies (4 Special Directors and 2 DPP’s) of R 10,4 million (R33,6 million over MTEF)

28 Unfunded Priorities (Cont.)
PROGRAMMES 4: NATIONAL PROSECUTING AUTHORITY 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Total Shortfall on Warm bodies 71,181 200,705 223,588 495,474 Aspirants Prosecutor (156 for next 3 years) 27,239 29,227 31,361 87,827 Absorption of Aspirants 38,568 41,383 79,951 DPP Polokwane and Mpumalanga 35,815 38,429 41,235 115,479 Sub Total 134,235 306,930 337,568 778,733 Other Critical posts in NPA 134,988 144,842 155,416 435,246 Presidential Appointments 10,433 11,195 12,012 33,639 145,421 156,037 167,427 468,885 279,656 462,967 504,995 1,247,618

29 Challenges on Compensation
Total moratorium on filling of posts since 2015/ 2016 and related impact on staff morale and segregation of functions. NPA has lost 157 officials during 2016/17 and 55 in current financial year. Growth in requirement of services The sustainability of the NPA prosecutorial services due to the suspension of the Aspirant Prosecutor Training Programme No tool for employer initiating early retirement packages

30 Impact of reduced CoE Non-filling of vacancies will results in:
Increase in backlog cases Absenteeism due to increased pressure of existing staff Increased cost on EWP services Limited availability of prosecutors and negative impact on court performance Threats to witnesses due to reduction of protection services

31 NPA Change in Personnel numbers
PROGRAMMES 4: NATIONAL PROSECUTING AUTHORITY Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 CoE Actual expenditure (R’000) R 265,428 R 262,134 R 258,868 R 258,512 Head count 4,828 4,803 4,799 4,786 Average compensation per head (Rand thousand) 55 54 Number of posts additional to the establishment 147 134 115 113 Change in Personnel Numbers -13 -25 -4 Average attrition rate of 60% relates to Prosecutors, 20% to Advocates and 20% to Management and Administration

32 Projected overspending on Compensation of Employees (CoE)
2017/18 – 2019/20

33 Projected overspend on Compensation (CoE) – 2017/18
Scenario - No Resignations (Staff establishment unchanged) Economic Classification Original budget (2.34% increase) Projected expenditure (Incl. COLA) Performance Bonuses (80%) Projected Total Expenditure Variance 2017/18 Compensation of Employees 3,145,071 37,329 3,182,400 -71,181

34 Projected overspend on Compensation (CoE)
Scenario is based on the following assumptions No resignations – Staff establishment remains unchanged. 7.3% increase iro COLA 80% performance bonuses This will result in an anticipated overspent of R71,1,8m (2017/18); R 200,7m (2018/19) and R223,6m (2019/20)

35 Aspirant Prosecutor Training Programme
Aspirants Prosecutors appointed on contract LP-1 level and absorbed into LP-3 level Aspirants 12 months R’000 6 months R pm 27 238 13 619 Absorption of Aspirants into LP3 posts after training Cost Year 2 Cost Year 3 R 38 569 41 383

36 Continued Interventions to curb expenditure
Non filling of vacant positions - this will not sustain the NPA Aspirant prosecutor programme on hold – sustainability of the NPA Subsistence and Transport Only NDPP VIP catering approved. Optimal use of Fleet Vehicles vs shuttle use All long term contracts will be reviewed yearly New contracts – will reduce bouquet of services Review of IT services and contracts

37 Thank you


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