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Service-Learning and Addressing Sexual Violence and Abuse on Campus

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1 Service-Learning and Addressing Sexual Violence and Abuse on Campus
February 29, 2012 Dr. Curt Brungardt Dr. Christie Brungardt

2 Who are we? Curt Christie
Omer G Voss Distinguished Professor of Leadership Director, Center for Civic Leadership Christie Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies Director, Women’s Leadership Project

3 Department of Leadership Studies
Mission: To educate and nurture citizens to lead our organizations, communities, state, nation, and beyond. Organizing Themes: Creating Change Collaboration Collective and Common Purposes

4 Center for Civic Leadership
Mission: to foster and promote the development of citizens and “citizen leaders” who will address and solve community problems. Goals: Develop knowledge, skills and values in students to be active, engaged citizens Utilizing higher education resources to partner with community to solve social problems

5 Why Partner Abuse?

6 Why Now Dear Colleague Letter U.S. Dept. of Education April 4, 2011
Any type of gender-based violence Sexual Assault Dating Violence Domestic Violence Stalking/Cyber Stalking

7 Why Now (cont’d)? 2004/2007 U.S. Department of Justice1
28% of college-age women are targets of violence2 Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) College-age women 4 times more likely than any other age group to face sexual assault3 More than 13% of college women indicated they had been stalked, 42% by a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend4 1 in 5 college students reported some form of physical violence and abuse in their dating relationships5

8 Why Now (cont’d)? 1 Wasserman, C. National Center for Victims of Crime, “Dating Violence on Campus: A Fact of Life” (2004). Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. 2 Dept. of Justice determined that Dear Colleague Letter is a “significant guidance document” under the Office of Management and Budget’s Final Bulletin for Agency Good Guidance Practices, 72 Fed. Reg (Jan. 25, 2007). 3 Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), Retrieved February 23, 2012. 4 Fisher, B. & Cullen, F. “Extent and Nature of the Sexual Victimization of College Women,” (Washington: NIJ, 2000) 5 Fisher, B., Cullen, F., & Turner, M. (2000) “The Sexual Victimization of College Women,” (Washington: NIJ/BJS).

9 Civic Engagement & Partner Violence
Academic: Service-Learning Internships Campus Action Community Action Statewide & National Action

10 Service-learning: Fall 2009
LDRS 310: Fieldwork in Leadership Studies Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)

11 Service-learning: Spring 2010
LDRS 310: Fieldwork in Leadership Studies

12 Service-learning: Spring 2010
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

13 Service-learning: fall 2010
Sexual Assault Response Advocate (SARA)

14 Service-learning: spring 2011
LDRS 310: Fieldwork in Leadership Studies - SARA

15 Internships Political Science Leadership Studies General Studies
English Psychology Business

16 Campus action FHSU Women’s Leadership Project
International Violence Against Women Forum The Red Flag Campaign AAUW Goal - Enhance personal safety knowledge/skills for FHSU women Campus-Community Self-Defense Seminars Panhellenic Council Dept. of Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics Club Sexual Assault Response Advocate (SARA) Student Affairs Kelly Center Options Domestic & Sexual Violence Services

17 Campus action Awareness of Gender-Related University Events
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes–Interfraternity Council Be Bold. Be Confident. – Center for Student Involvement Presentations on College Campuses throughout the Midwest Jana Mackey Day of Service – Tigers in Service; Jana’s Campaign Take Back the Night – Kelly Counseling Center; Dept. of Psychology; Student Health Center Men of Merit – Office of Diversity Affairs

18 community action Kansas Clothes Drive for Women
Domestic Violence Summit Public Awareness Middle & High School Presentations

19 Statewide Action Domestic Violence Tag Legislation
Batterer Intervention Programs (BIP) KS Attorney General BIP Advisory Board Statewide BIP Research Project Group Therapy Sessions (Victim’s Perspective) Public Awareness Presentations FCCLA KS College Counseling Association And many others

20 Jana’s Campaign
Public Awareness and Community Action Education and Intervention Programming Public Policy Advocacy Campus Action Initiative Men Stopping Violence Against Women

21 Successes Campus: Support from Administration
Support from Leadership Studies/CCL SARA Faculty from multiple departments involved Campus partners Increased campus awareness of issues

22 Successes Community: SANE Passage of HB 2517 – DV Tag Bill Legislation
Governor signed into law – April 2010 Certification of BIP with KS Attorney General KU Jana Mackey Distinguished Lecture Series Increased statewide & national public awareness

23 Obstacles Historically universities have downplayed frequency/severity of incidents of DV/SA Lack of sexual assault policy/training/response Underreporting Lack of appreciation/credibility in how this work is documented as scholarly work (e.g. tenure, promotion, merit reviews) Skepticism from established DV/SA organizations Our personal time, energy & emotional toll

24 Opportunities Increased enforcement of Title IX & Clery Act
Much greater sense of urgency More opportunities for a broader, open conversation Build broad coalitions across campus (e.g. campus SART) Look beyond campus and local to potential statewide partners Corporate sponsorships Local civic organizations

25 Thank You! Kansas Campus Compact California Campus Compact
Iowa Campus Compact Minnesota Campus Compact

26 Questions? Curt Brungardt: Christie Brungardt:

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