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Signal transduction in plants …introduction…

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1 Signal transduction in plants …introduction…
Michael Wrzaczek Dept of Biosciences, Plant Biology Viikki Plant Science Centre (ViPS) University of Helsinki, Finland Helsinki, August 18th, 2016

2 ...the process by which information is transferred from the
Signal transduction... ...the process by which information is transferred from the site(s) of perception to the site(s) of response... Leyser and Day (2016) Signal transduction. In: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants Signal transduction refers to the transmission of a molecular signal in a form of a chemical modification by recruitment of protein complexes along a pathway that ultimately triggers a biochemical event.

3 Plant cells constantly process external and internal information

4 Plant cells monitor a continuous, complex stream of information

5 Within cells – intracellular Anterograde and retrograde signaling
Signal transduction... Within cells – intracellular Anterograde and retrograde signaling Stimulus Vacuole Mitochondria Chloroplasts Nucleus Cytosol

6 Within cells – intracellular, but external stimulus
Signal transduction... Within cells – intracellular, but external stimulus Stimulus Vacuole Mitochondria Chloroplasts Nucleus Cytosol

7 Between cells – intercellular Extracellular Symplastic
Signal transduction... Between cells – intercellular Extracellular Symplastic Between cells and environment Stimulus Signal containment Spread

8 Difficult to separate inter- and intracellular signaling
Sevilem et al. (2013) Cell Adhesion & Migration 7: 27-32 Stahl & Faulkner (2016) Trends Plant Sci 21:

9 Signal transduction integrates development, photosynthesis
and environmental responses Allahverdiyeva et al. (2015) New Phytologist 208(3):

10 Signal transduction integrates development, photosynthesis
and environmental responses Allahverdiyeva et al. (2015) New Phytologist 208(3):

11 Few, if any, discrete signal transduction pathways exist in plants

12 Interactions between pathways allow signal integration

13 Thursday August 18 09.00 Michael Wrzaczek Introduction to signal transduction 10.00 Steven Spoel Transcription dynamics in plant immunity (Teaching lecture) 11.00 Moritz Nowack The Control of Programmed Cell Death in Plant Development (Teaching) 13.00 Mikael Brosché Transcriptional regulation - Negative regulation, more important than positive regulation? 14.00 Kristiina Himanen Regulated protein degradation in plant signaling 15.00 Michael Wrzaczek Post-translational modifications in signal transduction 16.00 Sachie Kimura Apoplastic ROS signaling and calcium

14 Transcriptional regulation and transcription factors
Lectures by Steven Spoel Mikael Brosché Farnham (2009) Nature Rev Genet 10:

15 Programmed Cell Death Lecture by Moritz Nowack

16 Post-translational modifications of proteins
Lectures by Kristiina Himanen Michael Wrzaczek

17 ROS signaling combines inter- and intracellular signaling
Stimuli (wounding, salinity, cold, heat, high light and flg22) (e.g. Ca2+) Lecture by Sachie Kimura Modified from: Miller et al. (2009)Sci Signal 2(84):ra45 Dubiella et al. (2013) PNAS 110(21):8744

18 Friday August 19 09.30 Moritz Nowack Things to do Before You Die - The Preparation of Programmed Cell Death in Plant Development (Research lecture) 10.00 Cezary Waszczak Redox signaling Steven Spoel Reversible oxidative protein modifications in plant immunity (Research lecture) 13.00 Julia Krasensky Protein Phosphorylation 14.00 Guido Durian Calcium signaling and kinases 15.00 Paula Mulo Retrograde signaling 16.00 Kaisa Nieminen Plant hormone signaling

19 ROS signaling combines inter- and intracellular signaling
Lectures by Guido Durian Cezary Waszczak Wrzaczek et al. (2013) Curr Opin Plant Biol 16:

20 Post-translational modifications of proteins
Lectures by Julia Krasensky Guido Durian P

21 Organelle communication - retrograde signaling
Lecture by Paula Mulo Allahverdiyeva et al. (2015) New Phytologist 208(3):

22 Plant hormones Lecture by Kaisa Nieminen

23 Monday August 22 09.30 Duarte Figueiredo Signaling events during plant reproduction (Teaching) 10.30 Ari-Pekka Mähönen Signal transduction in root development 11.30 Duarte Figueiredo Auxin couples fertilization to endosperm development (Research lecture) 13.00 Saijaliisa Kangasjärvi Light signaling 14.00 Kirk Overmyer Balancing tradeoffs between growth and pathogen immunity by brassinosteroids 15.00 Jarkko Salojärvi Bioinformatic methods to study signal transduction

24 Root development Lecture by Ari Pekka Mähönen
Mähönen et al. (2014) Nature 515:

25 Signaling in plant reproduction
Lecture by Duarte Figueiredo Figueiredo & Köhler (2016) Curr Opin Plant Biol 29: 16–20

26 Light signaling Lecture by Saijaliisa Kangasjärvi
Allahverdiyeva et al. (2015) New Phytologist 208(3):

27 Growth and pathogens Lecture by Kirk Overmyer
De Bruyne et al. (2014) Mol Plant 7(6):

28 Bioinformatics to study signal transduction
Lecture by Jarkko Salojärvi

29 Tuesday August 23 09.00 Student lectures
Aleksia Vaattovaara (Mentor Julia Krasensky) S-locus kinases and peptides Chang Su (Mentor AP Mähönen) Auxin-mediated lateral root formation in Arabidopsis Delfia Isabel Marcenaro Rodrigues (Mentor Kirk Overmyer) Chitin? Eeva Marttinen (Mentor Kirk Overmyer) Chitin? Kai Wang (Mentor Cezary Waszczak) Methods for identification of cysteine oxidative PTMs Kerri Hunter (Mentor Mikael Brosché) Stomatal development and signaling Lingping Zhu (Mentor AP Mähönen) Signaling in reproduction Mukrimin Mukrimim (?) Nashmin Ebrahimi (Mentor Michael Wrzaczek) ROS/RNS Omid Mohammadi (?) Riikka Mäkikä (?) Sitaram Rajaraman (Mentor Kaisa Nieminen) Hormones Yan Yan (Mentor Saijaliisa Kangasjärvi) Light signaling Yusuf Khan (Mentor Jarkko Salojärvi) Bioinformatics

30 Presentations Length: 15 minutes (plus 5 minutes for discussion)
Can be supported by powerpoint slides Evaluation criteria: knowledge of the selected topic connection to signal transduction if relevant connection to topics presented in the course ability to answer questions (from teachers and students)

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