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Presentation on theme: "CORNELL NOTE TAKING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Extreme Weather & Natural Disasters

3 Earthquakes Why do earthquakes happen?
What are the after effects of earthquakes?

4 Volcanoes What happens inside a volcano erupting?

5 Tsunami What causes a Tsunami?
Where does a Tsunami most affect humans on earth? Destruction of a Tsunami Tsunami Japan 2011

6 TORNADO How is a Tornado created?

7 Hurricanes How do Hurricanes form? Who is most affected by hurricanes?
Hurricane Lloyd How do Hurricanes form? Who is most affected by hurricanes? Where do hurricanes originate?

8 Blizzard What is the difference between a snow storm and a blizzard? 35 mph + Snow

9 Drought What is a drought? What are some of the effects of a drought?
Very little precipitation over a long period of time. Usually a season. Lack of water supply, failing crops, affects human health…….

10 Dust Storm Dust bowl 1935 How is a dust storm created?
Effects of a dust storm???? Dust bowl 1935

11 Baseball sized hail falling in a pool
Hail Storm Why is there Ice falling from the sky? OUCH!!! Baseball sized hail falling in a pool

12 Flooding Is it flooding if it rain 8 inches in a day?
NO. It is considered flooding if there is excess accumulation of water beyond what the ground can absorb and the drainage system can carry away.


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