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Parent Council engagement: September 2015
Service Review Parent Council engagement: September 2015
The purpose of this evening
To share information with Parent Council reps and Headteachers. We hope that you: Understand the Service Review process and the proposals. Think about how you can help to explain to families what the proposals might mean for them. Can help us decide how best to consult more widely with parents.
To have high-quality education
What is the aim of this Service Review? To help all children and young people to achieve the best possible outcomes To have high-quality education To be within budget and sustainable for the future These reviews will look at all the education services for children from the age of 2 to 18 across all Dumfries and Galloway. By looking at everything from age 2 to 18 it’s possible to find ways of re-arranging services to ensure there is fair access to them and they make the best use of the money that’s available.
The reviews work by answering broad questions, such as:
How does it work? The reviews work by answering broad questions, such as: Is the service making the most of the resources it has to support children and young people? Is the service helping the Council to meet its priorities? How much does each aspect cost every year? Are the right people accessing the right services for them? Is the service delivered differently across Dumfries and Galloway? Are there other services that are doing something very similar? Are there examples of good practice from other local authorities which could help?
Education Services As part of the process, the Service Review of 2-18 Education Services has to identify the following savings in 2016/17 and 2017/18 : Total £3,400,000 This saving (£3,400,000) is 11% of the total amount to be saved by DGC by 2018. A team has been established to undertake the review. This is made up of Central staff and Primary and Secondary Head-teachers. Every single service within the Council is going through this process as part of the overall savings agenda. Ours is to save £3.4M. This [process is the only agreed and fair way that all services loo0k at their budgets, and make recommendations to EMs. although Education Services makes up 38% of the Council
Current Revenue Budgets
Financial context Current Revenue Budgets Early Years (including partnership providers) £5,644,000 Children’s Integration £1,593,000 Primary (excluding Supporting Learners review elements) £38,403,000 Secondary £46,681,000 Total annual budget £92,321,000 Service Review Savings Planned Target Value 2016/17 £1,400,000 Service Review Savings Planned Target Value 2017/18 £2,000,000 Total £3,400,000 This is the financial context. Not going through it. Savings identified by Corporate Finance for Education Services out of the £32,000,000 to be found by Dumfries and Galloway Council
10 March 2015 Meeting with all Headteachers
What was said: Nothing should be “off the table - everything should be looked at fully to identify the savings.” HTs are the ‘experts’ – their views are important. Not done in isolation by central team members. HT engagement has been crucial throughout.
The story so far …. the Service Review Team has
Scoped the review - agreed by Education Committee on 27 January 2015 Considered improvements to the service Reviewed the scope due to Scottish Government decision on teacher numbers Scrutinised budgets and impact on Council Priorities and Service Objectives Considered other Local Authority models and savings proposals and how they have done it Gathered information on costs Discussed with all Headteachers in March 2015 and August 2015 After the first year of Early Learning and Child Care we have looked at how and what we spend the money on
Revised Budget 2-18 Initial Scoping 2-18 years – Teacher salaries and running costs £92,321,000 Less Teachers salaries -£66,257,817 Remaining 2-18 Review Budget (non-teaching staff, property costs, DSM, travel, Early Years & Integration) £26,063,183 As removing teacher salaries significantly reduced the scope of the review – the following budgets have been added to help achieve the savings targets: Partners: Primary curricular swimming +£260,000 Education Services central budget (excluding grant funded activities and senior staffing budgets that will be reviewed as part of the Council Reshape) +£4,338,893 Total revised Scope 2-18 Service Review £30,662,076 Fundamentally we have to identify recommended savings of £1.4M from a total budget of £30.6M
The total is £30.6M
Service Improvements … what has been achieved so far?
A fair approach and more time for Primary Management Fairer distribution of office hours Support to manage school budgets Remember SRs are not just about savings – they’re about looking again at our business and taking opportunities to do things better – which is what the team have done with the areas listed. Fairness does not mean that everyone gains! There will be ‘winners’ and losers’.
Service Review proposals for savings:
The initial stages of the Service Review process are complete and the next stage is to have discussions with staff and Parent Councils about the next steps. Following these meetings, we’ll consult on the proposals. Consultation Period: 1 October to 10 November 2015 This is NOT the consultation process – this is sharing info and to gain your ideas about how you wish to be consulted. Taking account of all the background information, Authority priorities and Service objectives, Service Review Teams have had to think differently to identify a series of proposals for consideration.
Headteacher responsibilities include
Sharing Background and Proposals with all staff by 7 September 2015. Highlighting to staff the opportunity to contribute during the consultation: October - 10 November 2015. 3. Acting as a source of information for queries Working in Partnership with the Parent Council including attending Parental Involvement evenings with the Chair of the Parent Council and undertaking any follow up work.
Parent Council Chair responsibilities include
1. Sharing information with your school Parent Forum in the most appropriate way for them. 2. During the Consultation Phase, feeding back to Education Services with your Parent Council’s views on the proposals. 3. Working in Partnership with the Headteacher. This includes attending Parental Involvement meetings and undertaking any follow up work.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What questions do you have about the Service Review process and the proposals to help you manage this vital role? Please consider the proposals and identify any questions for a FAQ. to: No such thing as a daft question Where to send them to Comments by mid-September
Future Savings Proposals
2017/18 Further £2M
Thank you!
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