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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Mrs. Reiser First Grade Room 142 While you wait… *Write your student a note for them to read in the morning. *Please verify the Student Information Sheet details, fill out the emergency dismissal section, sign and leave it behind! Thank you for coming!



4 Thank you PTSA and ISF PTSA ISF Science to go I-Pad Field Trip
Teacher/Grade Level $$$ Raz Kids Box Tops/ Orange Ruler (fundraisers) ISF Book Room Science Curriculum

5 Orange Ruler Thank you for your support!

6 Mrs. Reiser My Life Before Grand Ridge: My Experience:
I grew up in Puyallup Played sports growing up My Experience: Undergraduate Degree at Central Washington University Masters in the Elementary Education at University of Phoenix online 6th year at Grand Ridge (4th, 2nd, and 1st!) My loves: Family  My Dog, Sports and Hiking Traveling, baking, and learning

7 Communication Email: The best way to reach me
In person: I’m always happy to schedule appointments to meet By phone: before and after school. Messages are NOT checked regularly throughout the day. If you need to relay a message, please call the office to ensure that it gets delivered. Planner – checked daily Newsletter: Bi-weekly Newsletter Class website: Upcoming events, volunteering

8 Weekly Schedule Monday – PE 1:55-2:25 Tuesday – MUSIC 12:40-1:10 Wednesday – NONE Thursday – PE 1:55-2:25 COMPUTER LAB 2:25-2:55 Friday – LIBRARY 10:30-11:00 MUSIC 12:40-1:10

9 Daily Schedule 9:00-9:30 Morning Meeting 9:30-10:30 Writer’s Workshop 10:30–11:00 Math 11:00-11:20 1st Recess 11:20-11:40 Lunch 11:40-12:20 Finish Math 12:30-1:35 Reading 1:35-1:55 2nd Recess 1:55-2:20 Pack up/Snack / Chapter Story 2:20-3:10 Science/Social Studies/Handwriting 3:10-3:25 Clean up/ Dismissal

10 Classroom Expectations
Show respect Solve the problem Make good decisions Grizzly Pledge: I am a safe, responsible, respectful grizzly. I have greatness inside of me. I will do my best to solve problems and make good choices to be the best I can be.

11 Student Expectations I expect students to…
Try to solve their own problems whenever possible Ask for help when needed Make decisions that don’t cause a problem for anyone else Take risks, try hard Be kind Be enthusiastic and curious Be an active community member

12 Teacher Expectations You can expect me to…
Communicate clearly, honestly, and on a regular basis Maintain an alliance with you and your child’s education Always look for the best in your child Hold your child to high standards Work hard to engage your child Help foster a love of learning Be kind 

13 Build a Reading Community
Aim for 10-20min each school night Reading Options: Read to student Student reading to you or someone else Raz Kids (coming soon) Student reads to self Tumble books If you would like, Record book title and minutes read in planner when initialing each night.

14 At home, please… Please sign/initial your students planner each night.
Check your child’s green folder and planner for notes and important papers Planner comes home daily with reminders/assignments written in planner and is returned to school each day** Please sign/initial your students planner each night. -Students write a sentence about the day to share; Children need to see people important to them reading in order to see reading as important! Let your kids see you reading ~magazines/newspapers; print and online Develop family reading time where everyone reads!!  Read a chapter book together! They love it! Ask questions and discuss books while reading

15 Motivation Systems Classroom: Celebration Marble Jar Group Points
Students Earn Tickets~ treasure box on Fridays School Wide: Grizzly Gold – Stuffie/PJ day last Friday! Pj day, bring stuffies, camp out?, read-in and other student initiated celebrations

16 Poster and Backpack come home the Friday before
Star Student Monday –Share All about me poster with the class Tuesday- bring favorite book from home to share Wednesday – bring special item from home to share (hobby, interest, toy, etc.) Thursday- teach the class something he or she knows how to do Friday – Rudd bear comes back and share page about adventure with the class. Lastly, bring in a jar of something for students to estimate (40-80 pieces please). **Starts in October Poster and Backpack come home the Friday before Show star student binder

17 1st Grade Curriculum Science Math Social Studies Health
Social/ Emotional Literacy Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Spelling/Phonics

18 Reading Workshop Making Meaning Comprehension
IDR (independent daily reading) Individual Conferences Guided Reading Groups (F&P levels) Shared Reading (poetry, songs) Daily Read A-louds

19 Reading Workshop Goals for first grade readers:
To acquire literacy strategies and skills To understand text (comprehension) Read accurately (decode) Read fluently (with expression) Expand vocabulary To develop (or reinforce) a love of reading and become life long readers!

20 Choosing “Just Right” Books
Use the I PICK acronym to help pick books I - Choose a book P- Purpose why do I want to read it? I- Interest does it interest me? C- Comprehend Am I understanding what I am reading? K- I know most of the words

21 Writing Just like reading, we write every day!! Reading Responses
Writing Projects – Birthday Letters Class Books Personal Narrative – A “selfie” in written form Informational writing – All about Books Opinion writing – Book Reviews Fiction Writing – Fun story writing

22 Lucy Caulkins Writer’s Workshop
Goals: Beginning of the year - to get words on paper! End of the year - to write clearly and effectively while moving closer to conventional spelling, punctuation and grammar. Components of writing program: Modeled, guided, and independent writing Time to share writing with others--Kids can use document camera and microphone to share pieces of writing. Writing process--Brainstorming to Publishing/Sharing Student choice of topics as well as writing prompts from me... Four Units of Study--each unit lasts about six weeks

23 Hand Writing without Tears
Daily practice of good habits (posture, pencil grip -pinch & grip) Emphasis on Letter and Number formation Resources (workbook), music and more! Show handwriting without tears book

24 Spelling and Phonics Daily individualized program starts in January/ February Correct spelling is encouraged in daily writing--more and more as the year goes on... Classroom resources--word wall, environmental print, etc. Word families and phonics patterns (Phonics program, F & P) Proofreading is encouraged! "It's what writers do!"

25 Eureka Math Comprehensive curriculum
Written by a team of teachers and mathematicians Math in a logical progression Developed specifically to meet the math standards adopted by our state. Parent Resources Parent Roadmap Parent Tip Sheet Overview of the topics How you can support this learning at home

26 Our Science Units * Fall: Sun, Moon & Stars * Winter: Motion & Magnets * Spring: Habitats & Collecting and Examining Life All Year Long : *Writing: Science Notebooks We are Thinking like Scientists!

27 Social Studies and Health
Map and globe skills Families near and far (December) Rules and responsibilities at school Wants and needs Health Heathy habits Nutrition Heart Living safely

28 K-5 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum Second Step
Builds Positive Social, Emotional and Behavior Skills + Self management +Self Awareness + Relationship Skills +Social Awareness +Responsible Decision Making This year at Grand Ridge, we are implementing a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum called Second Step. The goal of Second Step is to proactively teach positive social, emotional and behavior skills, which positively impact students’ social, emotional and academic success. This is done through classroom teachers teaching lessons throughout the month, skill practice, reinforcement activities and parent communication called Home Links. Research has shown that children with social emotional skills can have empathy, manage strong emotions, solve interpersonal problems, make friends, get along well with others, and persist at tasks and follow directions. The Second Step curriculum is one way that we are building these skills in our students.

29 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
K – 3rd Grade Units Unit 1: Skills for Learning Listening • Focusing attention •Using self-talk •Being assertive Unit 2: Empathy Identifying one's own and others' feelings •Taking others' perspectives Showing care and concern for others Unit 3: Emotion Management Understanding strong feelings •Identifying and managing strong feelings Calming down strong feelings Unit 4: Friendship Skills and Problem Solving Making and keeping friends •Calming down and using Problem- Solving Steps What Is the Program? TALKING POINTS 1. Discuss the program's skills and topics in more detail: There are four main program topics—Skills for Learning, Empathy, Emotion Management, and Problem Solving—are divided into units at each grade level.. Unit 1, Skills for Learning: The goal of this unit is to build foundational skills necessary for successful participation in learning. Specifically, students learn to listen effectively, focus their attention, use self-talk, and be assertive. Unit 2, Empathy: The goal of this unit is to build students' ability to have empathy and express compassion. Specifically, students learn how to identify and understand their own and others' feelings, begin to take others' perspectives, and show compassion for others. Unit 3, Emotion Management: The goal of this unit is to develop students' ability to identify and manage their own strong feelings. Specifically, students learn how to understand and recognize their own and others' strong feelings, and how to calm down strong feelings by saying "Stop," naming the feeling, then doing belly breathing, using positive self-talk, and/or counting.  Unit 4, Problem Solving: There are two main goals for this unit. The first is to build students' ability to solve problems in safe and respectful ways. The second is to build students' skills for making and keeping friends.

30 Report Cards Report Cards for Students:
* November, March and June. They will only be available online (on Family Access) Assessed on academic, social, and communication skills as well as work habits. Scoring guides are available on the I.S.D. website.

31 Websites to use at home Brainpop Jr. Culturegrams
KCLS Student Accounts Clever PebbleGo And of course our classroom Connect website

32 Fun Friday Students will have choice time for the 30 minutes of the day. Time for students to make choices Engage with their peers Develop social skills Pull tickets for the treasure box

33 Volunteers Room Parent: Class liaison with PTSA/ end of year picnic planning Art Docent: Work with grade-level art docent to lead art projects in our class. Recruit additional volunteers to assist with projects. Science Volunteer: Assist with science kit inventory, materials preparation, and experiment supervision. Literacy & Math Volunteers: Work with small groups or one on one on targeted skills. Some materials prep as needed. Literacy & Math in afternoon. Clerical work Volunteer: Assist with materials preparation (at school or at home). All sign-ups will be online using

34 Volunteers continued…
Sign up on Starts in October Other Opportunities In School/out of school Field Trips PTSA events *Make sure paperwork (WSP) is complete.

35 Other… Birthdays Afternoon Snack ~ must be nut free 
Scholastic Book Orders Wish list: -Treasure Box items -Magazine Subscriptions- Lady Bug, Ranger Rick, Kids National Geographic -Room Parent

36 What can you do to support your child this year?
READ! READ! READ! Your child benefits from you reading to them and reading on their own at home. Check in with your student each night Go over their green folder and planner with them Initial planner when student finishes Help them develop routines to build academic success at school

37 Before you leave… Student Information Update Form- Please check that your information is up to date, sign at the bottom and leave on your student’s desk.

38 Thank you for coming and sharing your child with me each day!

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