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AFN Insurance Brokers Inc. Alliance of First Nations

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1 AFN Insurance Brokers Inc. Alliance of First Nations
Gil Saunders President Member of M’Chigeeng First Nation

2 Who are we? National First Nation Insurance Brokerage incorporated since 1998 A National First Nation owned and operated brokerage company. Providing an exclusive “National Public Entity Program” specifically developed by AFN for insuring First Nation Government (community owned property, housing, various liability, crime, environmental etc…) all in one Program Policy. Presently have around 275 First Nation Communities as clients across Canada. Not to be confused with the “other AFN”

3 What Differentiates AFN from other Insurance Brokers?
We ONLY insure and provide services to First Nations unlike any other Broker or Insurance Company in Canada (or planet earth that am aware of) … without your First Nation business, we are out of business! We provide an “exclusive” Public Entity Program not available from anyone else … we created it (took 3 years work before we launched in 1998) specifically for First Nation Communities and First Nation Government … it is our Program and only available through AFN or our Associate Brokers.

4 We have carefully selected only the most highly qualified Insurance Brokers in Canada to represent our First Nations Program, those that have proven professionalism and affinity with First Nations … there are only ten (10) such Brokers across Canada … many Brokers have asked for our Program, but we feel critically important to “you” to only make our Program available with only the best Insurance Professionals and firms that we can find who meet our high standards in order to deliver the quality of service to you that AFN demands and you expect to receive.

5 Since 1998 we have been associated with the same Insurance Market (Zurich) underwriting our First Nation Program 100% … other Programs and Brokers have gone through many markets over the same period resulting in shorter term market loyalty and experience working with First Nations Clients.

6 What is AFN’s Relationship with CINUP?
Approximately 1 ½ years ago, AFN Insurance and CINUP agreed to combine our respective expertise in the different insurance services we each provided, to offer First Nations a seamless solution to “all” of their insurance requirements. We both recognized the quality and service standards of our respective organizations and have joined forces to better provide an “all around” service to our mutual clients which was previously not available from either of us. Both AFN Insurance and CINUP remain totally independent of one another, however, as we both respect our common interests in providing the best possible products and services to our mutual clients we are essentially endorsing one another in this regard … to better serve our mutual clients.

7 Who Else is Associated with AFN Insurance and How Does this Benefit You?

8 As each of our respective clients are part of a “National Program” we are better able to maintain the most affordable and available insurance despite regional claims i.e. floods, fires etc. i.e. Our Program less affected than other Regional Insurers due to the “National pool of premium and spread of risk to offset regional losses that may occur”

9 How Does AFN Insurance and Associates Feel it’s Made a Contribution to First Nations Since 1998?
Although we may not currently have your business, many communities have seen drastic improvements from “other” Brokers and Markets on both coverage and price … specifically resulting from their fear of losing your business to AFN Insurance … compared to when no one else was competing with them; The Insurance Industry has noticed that AFN Insurance has been around for 10 years and is still a strong viable Program that underwrites ONLY First Nations – result is that more Insurance Markets are wanting First Nations as clients as they know we wouldn’t still be around if First Nations were not “good” insurance risks.


11 Questions & Comments

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