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2 NETSTORM NetStorm tests the capacity of a web application (or Application Under Test or simply AUT) by emulating web-based real world users accessing the web application. It has several key terms: Scripts,Session,Transaction,scenarios

3 SCRIPT A Script (or test script) represents a typical session of web application user interaction. It has a well defined structure and keeps documentation of web application user actions. NetStorm executes a script to emulate a web user activity. A script can be executed several times during a test.

4 Script Contains Four Files
Script.capture: This file contain main url’s and the embedded url’s. Script.detail: This file contain detail of embedded url’s of each page. Script.c: This file contain the functions of the pages. Each page contain two functions like pre_page function and check_page function. Script.h: This file contain all the headers of a script.

5 On Toolbar there is button “Scripts”

6 9




Insert transactions Merge Page Split Page Parameterization

11 TRANSACTIONS A collection of one or more page navigations may be grouped together as Transaction. It is used to measure the response time of a particular page. Transactions are of two type: Start Transaction End Transaction Start Transaction is applied on pre_page. End Transaction is applied on check_page.

12 TRANSACTION IN GUI In GUI transactions are applied in script.c file.
ns_start_transaction("cavisson1“) ns_end_transaction("cavisson1", NS_AUTO_STATUS) Applied in Pre-Page of the page. Applied in Check-Page of the page.

13 MERGE PAGE “ MERGE PAGE ” as the name specifies it is used to merge the pages. It is applied with both the files like Script.capture and Script.detail. Right click on the page, a merge option will appear. All (Url’s + the Embedded urls of a page will added to an another page).

14 SPLIT PAGE “ SPLIT PAGE ” as the name specified it is used to split the pages. It is applied only in script.detail file. In script.detail put your cursor on the emb url you want to split with another e.g. right click on the emb url and split option will appear. Split Page show the Script name, Split page name, New page name and Url. Url give the information about the number of url’s you want to split.

15 CHECK POINT It contain number of options like :
Check point is used for search. It contain number of options like : Match text in page response Match text Fail on Message on failure Count parameter name Action on failure

16 Syntax : nsl_web_find Search can done by two types: Search for specific text:- is used to search a text “mercury” . Search for text by start & end of string:- is used to search a string by giving start and end point. Match text in page response:- All pages: Search from all pages. Specified: Search from specific page. Fail on:- Match found. Match not found .

Parameterization:- It is a technique to change the value of the variable at run time. TYPES OF PARAMETERS File Parameters. Search Parameters. Declare Parameters. Xml Parameters.

18 FILE PARAMETER File parameter:-
is used to show the values from the file created by the user in the script. In file parameter you have to define a parameter name and that parameter name can be used in Url’s,Header and Body. Syntax :- nsl_static_var


20 SEARCH PARAMETER Search parameter:-
is used to search a particular pattern by giving it Left Boundary(LB) and Right Boundary (RB). Syntax:- nsl_search_var.


22 DECLARE PARAMETER Declare parameter:-
is used to declare a parameter name in script and then use it in script.c and script.capture. parameter name can be used in Url’s,Header and Body. Syntax:- nsl_decl_var.



25 SCENARIOS GUI A scenario is the overall definition of a test. It has one or more scenario groups. Each scenario group consists of a group of virtual users executing a test script.

26 On Toolbar there is button “scenarios”



29 TYPES OF SCENARIOS Scenarios is of four types: Fixed Concurrent User(Default) Fixed Session Rate Mixed Mode(FCU + FSR) Goal Based Scenarios


FOR FCU & FSR: DEFINE SCENARIO GROUPS Add a scenario group with Group Name:G1,User Profile: internet; Type: script and number of users 10 on define scenario screen.


33 Scenario Schedule Option
Schedule Type Simple Advance Schedule By Scenario Group Simple Scenario: Means that all the phase type i.e. ramp up , stabilisation,duration and ramp down follow this sequence. Advance Scenario: Means that it does not follow any sequence of phase type.

34 Ramp up Mode virtual users are ramped upto specified number given by the user. It has following Modes: Simultaneously Step Mode Time Mode Rate Mode FCU FSR

35 Stabilization Phase: When the virtual users have reached the specified target. Test is being allowed to stabilize for a stable Run Phase.

36 Ramp Down Mode For FCU & FSR






42 Main Screen

43 Online Information Panel

44 Offline Information Panel

45 Left Pane Left Pane

46 Right Pane

47 Properties Of Panel(s)
Zooming Graph Time X-Axis Value View Graph Panels Detail Panel Track Baseline Debug Flag Change Granularity

48 Other Operation(s) Baseline Tracking Profile Management
Pause/Resume Test Run Associated RTG User Notes Run Time Progress TCP Stats

49 Baseline Tracking Graph can be seen in compare mode option. In this mode two graphs will be shown, one static baseline graph and another one current running Test Run graph. This is allowed only for single graphs. Baseline tracking is applicable in both mode online as well as offline.

50 Baseline Tracking (Online View)

51 View Log(s) Transaction Details Test Run Output Event Log
Debug Trace Log Pause Resume Log Scenario Difference Server Signature Difference


53 Analysis What is Netstorm Analysis?
Using this we can do some analysis on test run. Key features: Can add different type of graphs. Can draw annotations on graph to point out something Can generate HTML and Word report. Can save Analysis Can save as template

54 On Toolbar there is button “Analysis”




58 Add Graphs User can add graphs which are available in the testRun.


60 We can add different view types of graph.
Simple Graph Multi Graph Tile Graph Correlated Graph Percentile Graph Slab Count Graph Frequency Distribution Graph Derived Graph

61 Simple Graph This graph view type can have only one graph line on each chart

62 Multi Graph This graph view type can have multiple graph lines on chart

63 Tile Graph In this graph view type all graphs will tiled-up vertically. X-axis is common and Y-axis is specific for each graph.

64 Correlated Graph This graph view type will show correlated graph of two specified reports. On X-Axis it will have the data value of first report and Y-Axis it will have the data value of second

65 Percentile Graph This graph view type will show the data values by percentile.

66 Slab Count Graph In this graph view type we divide test run duration in to buckets. Each bucket will show the data value of report as 3D Bar chart.

67 Frequency Distribution Graph
In this graph view type each bucket will show the frequency of samples.

68 Derived Graph In this graph view type chart data values calculate by the formula defined by user.


70 Add Graph(s) with Different Test Run

71 Add Cross Compare Graph(s)


73 Add Graph(s) from Template

74 Add Cross Compare Graph Using Template

75 Annotations Annotations can draw to mark/point out any thing on chart. There are three types of annotations available to draw. Line Annotation Text Annotation Pointer Annotation

76 Graph with Annotation

77 Display Options This option is available on right click menu of every chart. Using this option user can the chart options.

78 Save Analysis As HTML Report
Open HTML Report



81 Save as Template

82 Save HTML Report From Template
Save Word Report From Template

83 Save Cross Compare HTML Report From Template

84 Save and Open Analysis We can save whole Analysis. Later we can open it to do further changes.

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