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Evolution of MS’s Govnt. & Structure of MS’s Govnt.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of MS’s Govnt. & Structure of MS’s Govnt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of MS’s Govnt. & Structure of MS’s Govnt.
MS Studies Ch. 14, 15, & 16 Evolution of MS’s Govnt. & Structure of MS’s Govnt.

2 MS Constitutions MS has had 4 different constitutions
Const. of 1817 – Statehood Const. of 1832 – Jacksonian Democracy Const. of 1868 – After Civil War Const. of Current

3 MS’s Government 3 Branches Executive – carries out laws
Legislative – makes laws Judicial – Decides what laws mean

4 Old capital building

5 Jackson’s Capital Building

6 Capital building interior


8 Legislature Bicameral (two Houses) Most work done in Committees Senate
52 members 4 year terms Lieutenant Governor presides over Senate but is not a member House of Representatives 122 members Speaker of the House controls and presides over the House


10 Executive Branch Governor – Phil Bryant
Chief Executive Officer of the State Commander in Chief of the National Guard Can serve two 4 year terms Can veto legislation Weak compared to other state governors

11 Phil Bryant

12 Executive Branch (Cont.)
Other Elected Officials Lieutenant Governor – Tate Reeves Acts as Governor when the Governor is out of the state or incapacitated Secretary of State – Delbert Hosemann State’s Records Keeper Attorney General – Jim Hood Lawyer for the State Treasurer – Lynn Fitch Keeper of the State’s money Auditor – Stacey Pickering Checks financial accounts of all state agencies

13 Attorney General Jim Hood
Delbert Hoseman Sec. of State Attorney General Jim Hood Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves

14 Treasurer Auditor

15 Judiciary Branch State Courts Circuit Courts & Chancery Courts
Circuit Courts - deal with criminal law Chancery Courts – deal with problems of equity or fairness (recording deeds, keeping records of chancery court, keeping financial records) Court of Appeals Here appeals from lower MS courts Supreme Court Highest Court in MS 9 Justices Decisions are final unless sent to Federal Court

16 3 MS supreme court districts

17 22 Circuit Court districts

18 The 20 Chancery Court Districts

19 Federal Entities in MS Federal Courts
Two Federal Court Districts Northern – has three Federal Judges Southern – has six Federal Judges U.S. Senators and Representatives 2 Senators elected for six year terms 4 Representatives to House for two year terms

20 MS 2 senators Wicker, Roger F.- (R - MS) Cochran, Thad- (R - MS)

21 MS Congressional District

22 3rd District Gregg Harper 1st District Alan Nunnelee 2nd District Bennie Thompson 4th District Steven Palazzo

23 Local Government County & City Governments make up Local Government

24 County Government presides over rural areas that are not within a city
MS counties are governed by a board of supervisors The main source of revenue for a country is the ad valorem tax. Each county is divided into districts called beats.

25 County Government County Board of Supervisors
Chief governing body of the county maintaining roads, bridges, and ferries regulating fireworks levying taxes County Law Enforcement and Courts Sheriff – chief law enforcement officer in a county Tax Assessor - Courts – Each county divided into two to five court districts Each district elects a Justice Court Judge and Constable

26 Municipal (City) Government
When cities are created by the state, they are called Municipalities More than 300 today If an area petitions to become a city it must list the services that it plans to give its citizens. Types of Municipal Government Cities & towns may pick from four basic forms of Municipal Government Mayor-Alderman – Most Popular Mayor-Council Commission (mayor has no veto power) Council-Manager Another name for a city council is the board of alderman.

27 Mayor Alderman

28 Mayor-Council Plan

29 Commission Plan

30 Council-Manager

31 Function & Job of Municipal Government
Job is to provide public services such as: police and fire protection, clean water, sewers, and garbage collections. Repair and build streets and take care of recreational facilities, libraries, and parks. Eminent Domain = the taking of private property for public use. The government may take property to build a new road. citizens must be justly compensated (the issue may be settled in court.)

32 Eminent Domain FOR Against

33 Local Courts Justice Courts - County Court that handles small misdemeanors and civil disputes County Courts - Created in the large counties to take burden off of the Circuit Court Municipal Court - City court that serves the same purpose as the Justice Court does in the county

34 Jury Service Jury is a group of citizens chosen from the list of registered voters to hear evidence on a case and make a decision based on the evidence presented. A person may be dismissed from jury duty if they may suffer financial hardship from serving. A person cannot serve on a jury if they have been convicted of a felony. 12 people serve on a jury (15 on a grand jury) A grand jury’s main duty is to determine if there is enough evidence to indict a person. writ of habeas corpus = A court order requiring a person being held be brought before the court to determine if he/she is being held lawfully

35 School Systems Local Public Schools
More than 200,000 people in MS are employed in public sector jobs and nearly one-half of these jobs are in the public schools Compulsory age for school attendance in Mississippi is 17.

36 County & Municipal Schools
Two Types of School Districts County School Districts – County schools Superintendent is elected and a five member school board is elected Municipal School Districts – City schools School Board is appointed by the Mayor and the School Board appoints the Superintendent 5 members serve on the school board School funding comes from local property taxes, state funding, and some federal funding

37 Elections A person must be at least 18 years old to vote in Mississippi elections. A person must register to vote at least 30 days before the election to be eligible to participate in the election. Two primary parties in MS are Republican & Democrat Caucus Today it is usually a meeting by a party to discuss major issues of policy on public matters Primaries - held just before the General Elections. The people vote inside a political party for the candidate that they want to represent them in the General Election. General Election - the actual election process where the party primary winners run against one another for a public office

38 Primary and General Elections

39 Electoral College

40 MS voting stats from

41 MS Teenagers and the law
A person is considered a minor until they are 21 but there are many exceptions for 18 years olds. 18 year olds can enter into contracts for personal property. Marriage License Parents must be notified if the applicant is under 21. Boys must be at least 17, girls 15 (unless a chancellor approves) Both must be tested for syphilis.


43 MS Teenagers and the law
The Juvenile Justice System A delinquent child is one between the ages of 10 and 18 who has committed a crime. Children between the ages of can be tried as an adult if the crime is severe. Youth court proceedings are not open to the public and do not have a jury. Records are kept confidential.

44 MS Teenagers and the law
The most common drug used by teenagers is alcohol. You must be 21 to consume or purchase alcohol. You must be 16 to obtain a drivers license. The Implied Consent Law states that by getting a license you give a police officer the right to check your blood alcohol level if pull over legally. A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) can be charged if your blood alcohol level is at or above 0.08 percent. Refusal to take a blood alcohol test in MS is an admission of guilt. It is also illegal for a person under the age of 18 to posses or purchase tobacco products.

45 School rights and responsibilities.
Students between the ages of 6 and 21 have the right to free education. Have the right to express opinions, as long as it does not interrupt the instructional process. Students have the right to expect their academic information be kept private. Responsibilities Must conform to school policy. Responsible for your own learning.

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