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Chapter 8 Section 3.

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1 Chapter 8 Section 3

2 Adding and Subtracting Radicals
8.3 Adding and Subtracting Radicals Add and subtract radicals. Simplify radical sums and differences. Simplify more complicated radical expressions. 2 3

3 Add and subtract radicals.
Objective 1 Add and subtract radicals. Slide 8.3-3

4 Add and subtract radicals.
We add or subtract radicals by using the distributive property. For example, Radicands are different Indexes are different Only like radicals — those which are multiples of the same root of the same number — can be combined this way. The preceding example shows like radicals. By contrast, examples of unlike radicals are Note that cannot be simplified. Slide 8.3-4

5 Adding and Subtracting Like Radicals
EXAMPLE 1 Adding and Subtracting Like Radicals Add or subtract, as indicated. Solution: It cannot be added by the distributive property. Slide 8.3-5

6 Simplify radical sums and differences.
Objective 2 Simplify radical sums and differences. Slide 8.3-6

7 Simplify radical sums and differences.
Sometimes, one or more radical expressions in a sum or difference must be simplified. Then, any like radicals that result can be added or subtracted. Slide 8.3-7

8 Simplifying Radicals to Add or Subtract
EXAMPLE 2 Simplifying Radicals to Add or Subtract Add or subtract, as indicated. Solution: Slide 8.3-8

9 Simplify more complicated radical expressions.
Objective 3 Simplify more complicated radical expressions. Slide 8.3-9

10 Simplify more complicated radical expressions.
When simplifying more complicated radical expressions, recall the rules for order of operations from Section 1.2. A sum or difference of radicals can be simplified only if the radicals are like radicals. Thus, cannot be simplified further. Slide

11 Simplifying Radical Expressions
EXAMPLE 3 Simplifying Radical Expressions Simplify each radical expression. Assume that all variables represent nonnegative real numbers. Solution: Slide

12 Simplifying Radical Expressions (cont’d)
EXAMPLE 3 Simplifying Radical Expressions (cont’d) Simplify each radical expression. Assume that all variables represent nonnegative real numbers. Solution: Slide

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