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Aim: To know the difference between informal and formal education

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1 Aim: To know the difference between informal and formal education
What is education? Aim: To know the difference between informal and formal education What is education? The process of gaining knowledge and understanding of the world and the people in it. As we learn, we are changed by our new knowledge and understanding. Formal Education At the age of 5, children in Britain begin their formal education. This involves learning particular subjects from trained teachers at set times. Informal Education This means learning through everyday experiences or from others we come into contact with.

2 Aim: To know six functions of education
Why am I still at school? Aim: To know six functions of education For society For individuals Preparation for world of work Skills Attitudes e.g. hard working Picking out the most talented Ambition Qualifications Good jobs Secondary Socialisation Teaching expected behaviour in large groups Passing on values e.g. punctuality Self-Development Develop new qualities Try new activities Functions of school Social Control Controlling behaviour Teaching acceptance of rules Minding children while adults are at work Compulsion The law forces us to go

3 All primary schools in England Secondary Modern School
What replaced the tripartite system? Aim: To know what a comprehensive school is All primary schools in England 11+ exam 20% 75% 5% Grammar School Secondary Modern School Technical High School Public Exams University Practical lessons Manual jobs Some Public Exams

4 What replaced the tripartite system?
Aim: To know what a comprehensive school is The 11+ test was unreliable The 11+ caused low self esteem Problems with the Tripartite system Not all the school types had good reputations Age 11 was too early to label pupils ‘failures’ Children were being divided by social class

5 Punctuality is important Accept authority and rules
What is the Hidden Curriculum? Aim: To know how schools teach pupils values subconsciously Accepting inequality Controlling boredom Accept hierarchy The Hidden Curriculum Punctuality is important Accept powerlessness Accept authority and rules

6 Teachers may concentrate on the ‘bright’ pupils
How does labelling affect how well a pupil does at school? Aim: To know how labelling influences achievement Teachers may concentrate on the ‘bright’ pupils Pupils may give up trying if they are labelled as not bright Lazy Trouble-maker Consequences of labelling pupils Examples of labels given by teachers Teacher may not bother pushing some pupils very hard to succeed Teachers may dismiss pupils’ attempts to change their behaviour

7 Why do girls do better at school?
Aim: To know reasons why girls get better exam results Differences in behaviour Boys are more energetic and disruptive Girls tend to sit quietly and follow the rules Differences in attitude Boys have ‘masculine’ values – being sporty, and tough Studying hard is not seen as ‘masculine’ Girls are better motivated to learn Possibly because they are more closely controlled by their parents than boys Changes in ambitions Young women now have much higher career ambitions So they work harder at school Why do girls do better at school? Girls mature quicker? Some say girls mature faster than boys They approach their schoolwork in a more mature way

8 GCSES Successes  Failures  Has the GCSE improved education?
Aim: To know whether the GCSE has been successful GCSES Successes  Failures  Coursework reduces pressure of final exams Middle class pupils have unfair advantages in coursework Teachers don’t have to divide pupils at Year 9 The amount of coursework is being decreased All pupils sit the GCSE Pupils sit different tiers of papers Results and grades have gone up Employers are only interested in A*-C grades

9 Are public schools good for society? Better quality of education
Aim: To know advantages and disadvantages of public schools Public Schools Good thing? Bad thing? Right to choose Unfair choice Well respected Unfair advantages Better quality of education Divisive to society

10 Are public schools good for society? Answer questions a-c as
Aim: To know advantages and disadvantages of public schools Task Answer questions a-c as you would in the exam

11 Are public schools good for society?
Aim: To know advantages and disadvantages of public schools Mini Essay Question To what extent would sociologists agree that schools are the main cause of differences in educational achievement? [9 marks]

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