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Why do we do formative assessment?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we do formative assessment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we do formative assessment?

2 Give 4 reasons why we use assessment for learning

3 What do the terms ‘Hawthorn’ & ‘Halo’ effect mean?

4 What key details would be required for the design of a good lesson plan?

5 How would you logically plan an introduction to a new teaching topic?

6 What do you think has been a major influence on education within the last 20 years?

7 What makes a good assessment?

8 Why didn’t the assessment work?

9 What does criterion referencing mean?

10 What is meant by the following terms: Normative: Ipsative

11 What changes would you make to your curriculum?

12 Describe the process of internal and external validation.

13 State 6 things that are included in a good lesson.

14 What would happen if…?

15 Is it true that formative assessment is more important than summative assessment?

16 Develop a proposal for a new course.

17 How is formative assessment similar to summative assessment?

18 Debate assessment for learning.

19 Is there a better solution to the current planning procedure (e. g
Is there a better solution to the current planning procedure (e.g. lesson plans and schemes of work).

20 What changes to the lesson plans could you recommend?

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