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Neeraj Jain Cavisson System Inc

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Presentation on theme: "Neeraj Jain Cavisson System Inc"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neeraj Jain Cavisson System Inc
Automation Test Suite Neeraj Jain Cavisson System Inc

2 Agenda Features Directory Structure Commands Reports Demo Q & A

3 Features Run several tests (test set)
Tests to run may be selected by user On Failure of a test Test Set progress may continue Abort the test set Jump to certain test in test harness* Skip certain tests* For each test set run Test summary results are saved Detail logs for each test are saved

4 Features (Continued) Reporting
Results summary as text, html, XL and pdf * Results may be ed to subscriber on completion * Results may be ed to subscriber on each failure * Compare summary results against past test-set run(s) Test Run Management Show available test runs Manage test run data

5 Directory Structure Automation is installed in /home/netstorm/work directory which is called home directory. Bin Directory All programs are kept in bin directory under home directory of netstorm. All programs under this directory are replaced when upgrade is done. Test case Directory All test cases are kept in testcases directory under home directory of netstorm. There is one directory per test case. This directory is NOT replaced when upgrade is done. All test cases have four files which are in the test case directory: testcase.conf: This file have two keywords SCENARIO_NAME- To give scenario name. Scenario name should be without .conf extension DESCRIPTION – To give description of test case. pre_test_setup (Optional) - This script for making any pre test setup. post_test_setup (Optional) - This script for making any post test setup. check_status (Optional) - This script is for checking the status.

6 Directory Structure (Continued)
Test suite Directory All testsuites configuration files are kept in testsuites directory under home directory of netstorm. Name of testsuite configuration file will be with conf extension. This configuration file will have following keywords: TEST_CASE_NAME: This keyword is for given the test case name, which we want to run. This keyword also have second field Continue or Abort. This is for to make decision for continuing or aborting test cases on any failure (By default it is Continue). This keyword can multiple times in configuration file. _ADDRESS: This keyword is for giving the address. REPORT_FORMAT: This keyword is for giving format of report. Presently we are supporting only text format. This directory is NOT replaced when upgrade is done. Logs Directory All logs are kept in tsr directory under logs directory in home directory of netstorm. In this directory there will be directory named on test suite run number. In this directory there will be and file. tsr directory is NOT replaced when upgrade is done.

7 How To Run Test Suite? login as netstorm. Go into work directory
Run the ts_run command as following bin/ts_run –n testsuites/<test suite name> For Example: bin/ts_run –n testsuites/Sample_test_suite1 On running above command it will show the test suite run number (TSR). After completion Test case there will be directory as TSR under tsr directory in logs.

8 Commands ts_run This command is used to run test suite. Command runs in following manner: bin/ts_run –n testsuites/<test suite name>  ts_show_test_suite This command is used to get the information about the test suite. Command runs in following manner bin/ts_show_test_suite –n <test suite name>  Sample output: Test Suite Name: Sample_test_suite Test Case Name Description Sample_test_case Test Sample Sample_test_case Test Sample2

9 Commands (Continued) ts_show_logs
This command is used to get the logs of a specfic or all tsr. Command runs in following manner bin/ts_show_logs –n <tsr | ALL> Sample output: Test Suite Name: Sample_test_suite Test Suite Run Number: 1086 Start Date/Time: 09/14/07 13:59:57 Test Case Name Test-Run# Start Date/Time End Date/Time Status Sample_test_case /14/07 13:59: /14/07 14:00:19 Pass Sample_test_case /14/07 14:00: /14/07 14:00:41 Pass

10 Commands (Continued) ts_show_test_cases
This command for showing information about the test cases which are in testcase directory. Command runs in following manner bin/ts_show_test_case Sample output: Test Case Name Pre Test Script Post Test Script Check Status Scenario Sample_test_case1 Yes Yes Yes test_casesuits Sample_test_case2 Yes Yes Yes test_casesuits

11 Commands (Continued) ts_compare_tsr
This command is for comparing results of two or more test suite runs. Command runs in following manner bin/ ts_compare_tsr <tsr1> <tsr2> ……. Sample output: ./ts_compare_tsr Test Suite Compare Report Test Case Name tx_am_tiny_1req Pass Pass Pass

12 Reports There are two reports and in tsr log file. Sample output of Test Suite Name: Sample_test_suite Test Suite Run Number: 1086 Start Date/Time: 09/14/07 13:59:57 Test Case Name Test-Run# Start Date/Time End Date/Time Status Sample_test_case /14/07 13:59: /14/07 14:00:19 Pass Sample_test_case /14/07 14:00: /14/07 14:00:41 Pass

13 Reports (Continued) Sample output of
Starting test suite Sample_test_suite, TSR Number = 1086 Starting execution of test case - Sample_test_case1 Starting pre_test_setup script spawn su -c /home/netstorm/work/bin/nsu_assign_ip ' /24| :7|-|-|eth0'^M Password: ^M IP assignment completed!^M spawn su -c /home/netstorm/work/bin/nsu_assign_ip -s ' /24| :1|-|-|eth0'^M spawn echo Calling pre_dut_setup^M Starting scenario Checking status TRIED = 1 SUCC = 1 FAIL = 0 Test 1 Passed... Starting post_test_setup script

14 Demo Live Demo

15 Q & A ????

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