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What is God ? How do we describe God?

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Presentation on theme: "What is God ? How do we describe God?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is God ? How do we describe God?
Watch the video. What is the problem in speaking about God?

2 What is God ? How do we describe God?
Make a list of adjectives to describe God Try and divide these adjectives into female/ male qualities? How? Even though most religions would agree that God is not an “entity” as other things are in the world, yet God is spoken of as “He”. Why should God be imaged as a Father? Most societies stereotype gender roles – certain attributes or roles are said to belong to men/ women, as men/ women. - In ancient Israelite society, compassion was seen as a strongly feminine trait. We would say it was a gender-neutral quality. To consider why some theologians think that God should NOT be thought of as a Father To investigate what difference it would make to see God as “Mother”.

3 The nature of God 1: Is God best considered as male?
Sally McFague Professor of Theology, Tennessee. Speaking of God God is, by definition, a very different being from us. We cannot say very much about him, as we only know how to speak of things within our own experience. All we can do is: Use analogy: say that God is very similar to/ really like something else, but realising this is true only up to a point. Use metaphor: since God is a very different thing from us, we can best speak about him in figures of speech – comparisons we know do not exactly apply, but serve to highlight some surprising attribute or aspect (applying a metaphor = applying an alien term) What analogies do we use of God? What metaphors?

4 God is a warrior The Wrath of God God is a rock
Which are analogies (suggesting real similarity of feature)? Which are metaphors (suggesting a feature by comparing to something otherwise alien?) God is a warrior The Wrath of God God is a rock God is a consuming fire God is a lion God is living God is a jealous lover God is good God is a Father Explain what analogy/ metaphors are Give examples of analogies for God, metaphors for God. How do you see the statement “God is a Father”?

5 Problems with male God-language
Effects on individual – emphasises.. Domination/ dictatorship, distance, rule of law, oppression, judging, feudal/kingship model, oppressive, resulting in passivity Effects on society – emphasises.. Human-centred (anthropocentric), obedience, subjugation, strength/ power/ force, demanding, justice, awe/ fear, unfair to women What aspects of God are downplayed because of it Nurturing relationships, care, concern, being “with”, inclusive, responsive, interconnected, nurturing, involvement, sharing How serious is this male-bias? Does this male-bias matter?

6 Imaging God as Female “To image God, in a feminine way, is simply to ascribe qualities society deems feminine to God. But to image God in female personal terms, is a very different matter. (think gestation, birthing, lactation) The birthing and feeding process of females expresses the interrelatedness of life and a holistic, inclusive vision of fulfillment for all, one that is absent in male metaphors of God. God as female is a metaphor, but a powerful one…by using it, we are attributing active, powerful qualities to God that are missing in the metaphor of God as father.” In each box of your table, summarise what the extracts seem to be saying about what difference seeing God as female makes.

7 What difference would it make to see God as a “mother”?
Creation as “bodied forth” rather than “issuing” - gestation, birthing, lactation: shows the dependence, intimacy, relatedness of creation to God Creation is expression of God’s own self and being. God is almost physically related to creation. God is not distant, loving disinterestedly, but intimate with creation, knowing it “from the inside”, desiring union and connection with it Mothers care about growth, flourishing, fulfilment of all: sin is preventing that, not about rules or rebellion against authority. Justice is not punishing rebels, but making sure everyone is fairly treated. Inclusive: not focused just on humans, but all of life is within God’s mothering care. Humans are not at the centre. Which of these ideas do you find strange? appealing? Do you think they are already included in God “as Father”? Is McFague changing the truth about God, in seeing God in this way?

8 Sally McFague: recap so far..
Problems with male God-language Benefits to theology if God imaged in the metaphor of “Female”/”Mother” . May be more appropriate for us today, as we are now aware of ecological issues, problems with dominance/ power. We need to recover the female image more, redress the male bias. The Bible is a record of people’s experience of God recorded in the language of their own time and culture. Why not do the same for us today? Responses to McFague.. How could McFague be criticised? Are there any problems with her arguments?

9 Responding to McFague Identify McFague’s points
Identify her top 4 points Identify top 4 opposing point Evaluate: Is McFague right? Can God be spoken of as “Mother”? Explain your points to your partner What does your partner think of them?

10 Exam Q: research your answer
Explain the ways in which the Bible could be considered a source of moral advice. (25mks) Evaluate the metaphor of God as Mother. (25mks) 1st – gather your info 2nd - plan your essay (arguments + evidence) 3rd – write.

11 Responding to McFague Compare the points
Mark McFague’s strongest points - as many as you like Mark the strongest opposing points What do you think? Can God be spoken of as “Mother”? Explain your points to your partner What does your partner think of them?

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