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5th Grade Band Parents: Welcome.

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1 5th Grade Band Parents: Welcome

2 Why Band? Fine Art requirement Biggest team you will ever be a part of
More well-rounded students Higher math scores Higher SAT / ACT scores One of the top undergrad majors for Pre-Med students

3 Goals of Abernathy Band
Learn to be housebroken Care of instrument and materials Becoming ladies and gentlemen How to act in a concert setting Fulfillment of state required objectives (TEKS—Objectives 6:a,b,c,d)

4 Instrumentation The Wish List

5 Instrumentation Flutes 4 to 6 Clarinets 6 to 10 Alto Sax 3 to 4
Cornets 10 to 14 French Horns 4 to 6 Trombone 5 to 8 Baritone 4 to 6 Tuba 3 to 5 Percussion 3 - 5

6 We hope that every child can play the instrument they WANT to play.
Want them to be most successful Physical attributes will be considered Braces are not a problem

7 School Horns French Horn Baritone Tuba Percussion Kit*****

8 Instrument Prices Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone Saxophone
Rent-to-own plan—about $28.69 per mo. for used (on availability) Rent-to-own new—about $47 per month (Clarinets—plastic is better for beginners) Saxophone Rent-to-own plan—about $82.00 per mo. (new) Used will vary on availability

9 Service Policies A service policy will allow you to take the horn into the shop for repairs without charge for basic repairs/maintenance. It is included in the rental price. To add it to a personal horn, it is $8.50 per month.

10 School Horn Mouthpiece Prices
French Horn $40.00 Baritone $52.00 Tuba $79.00

11 Other Necessities Reeds Clarinet—$4.00 each Saxophone—$5.00 each
Valve / Slide Oil $2.00 (brass instruments only)

12 Standard of Excellence
Everyone MUST have a book Standard of Excellence $10.00 WAIT TO BUY THESE…GET THESE FROM US!

13 Percussion By audition only Rhythm Interview Considerations: Grades
Discipline Teachers

14 Percussion Needs This total will vary.
Ms. Burrell will address this with percussion parents. Percussion is by audition only.

15 Finances will never keep a child out of band!!!!!

16 Places to find instruments

17 Tarpley Music Company 50th and Memphis Lubbock

18 Pawn Shop, family, friends
**Siblings can share instruments, but must have separate mouth pieces.**

19 Grading Graded on material in book, playing tests, memorization of music All children will be graded on individual progression Attendance at all performances is mandatory Practice

20 Practicing Encourage your child (no matter what it sounds like Don’t send them away If it is not important to you, it won’t be important to your child.

21 Required Performances
Abernathy Band Festival April 27, 2017 Spring Concert May 22, 2017

22 Open Door Policy Please feel free to come by any time
Band Hall Phone numbers: (Mr. Knight) (Ms. Burrell) Knight phone numbers (Mr. Knight) (Mrs. Knight) Please call before 8:00 PM

23 We look forward to working with you and your children!!!

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