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MILLAIS SCHOOL OPTIONS KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM GUIDE All the information is on the moodle including this PPT. There is an extensive 54 page booklet which you can read. We do not print 300 copies for everyone to have one. Copies are in the LRC to look through.
MILLAIS SCHOOL What subjects do students have to take?
All pupils study several compulsory GCSEs English Language English Literature Mathematics Science – leading to two GCSEs One Modern Foreign Language
MILLAIS SCHOOL The remaining three courses that are compulsory under the national curriculum but do not lead to a GCSE are… Core Physical Education* Computing Personal Development, Core RE* & Citizenship. * GCSE Philosophy and Ethics, GCSE Citizenship and GCSE PE are also option courses.
It can influence post 18 choices.
MILLAIS SCHOOL What is the English Baccalaureate? Pupils will gain an Ebac if they get a grade 4 or 5 (TBC) in: English Maths 2 Sciences / incl. Computer Science A Language History or Geography The government want almost everyone to achieve a Ebac and study academic subjects like these. It can influence post 18 choices.
MILLAIS SCHOOL How will success be measured at GCSE?
All students and schools will be judged on the achievement and progress in their 8 best subjects. This must include English, Maths and a selection of “English Baccalaureate” subjects. A limited number of “other” subjects will also count. 5A*-C including English and Maths will not be a “judgment”, but part of Progress and Achievement 8.
MILLAIS SCHOOL Newly reformed GCSEs. New GCSEs are graded 9 – 1.
Students can also study Technical Awards in a small number of practical subjects which are the equivalent to GCSEs, but have coursework elements. Coursework and controlled assessment have reduced substantially or been stopped in most GCSE subjects. There is more content in the new GCSEs and they are designed to be more challenging then previous GCSEs. Most students do 10 GCSEs. One less than students in Y11, the same as those in Y10.
GCSE GRADES EXPLAINED Grade 9: equivalent to high A*
Grade 8: equivalent to lower A* grades Grade 7: equivalent to an A grade Grade 6: top two thirds of existing B grade Grade 5: Pitched from the top third of grade C to the bottom third of grade B Grade 5 is the international benchmark, showing performance equal to that of students getting top grade passes in high performing countries in in international league tables.
MILLAIS SCHOOL Grade 4: equivalent to the bottom two thirds of C grade
Grade 3: equivalent to a D grade Grade 2: equivalent to an E grade Grade 1: equivalent to grade F and G Most subjects will have a single exam paper although Maths is an exception and maintains two tiers of paper — higher and foundation.
Subjects need more time to complete the teaching. GCSEs have 5 lessons in Y10, 6 in Y11 or vice versa. Colleges and sixth forms look at individual subject grades but also attainment and progress 8 figures. Millais has been top or very high in attainment and progress league tables for years. Students should do better in the 10 subjects that most will take. Our girls will maximise their achievement.
MILLAIS SCHOOL How many subjects do students select?
These are the subject areas to choose from: One Modern Foreign Language Four Open Choice Courses Five options in total There is an additional reserve choice which should be completed at the bottom of the form. HARD COURSES ARE MARKED IN RED PURPLE COURSES ARE SPECIALLY SELECTED
Why has my daughter been allocated a pathway and what does it mean?
MILLAIS SCHOOL Why has my daughter been allocated a pathway and what does it mean? A requirement of the Department for Education is to offer pupils an education directed more specifically at their abilities and strengths. NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL. We want students to select courses that they enjoy, are good at and can do well in.
Why have I been allocated a pathway and what does it mean?
MILLAIS SCHOOL Why have I been allocated a pathway and what does it mean? There are three pathways… Endeavour (8 to 10 GCSEs) Ambition (10 GCSEs) Challenge (10 GCSEs) MOST OPTIONS ARE THE SAME but there are some variations. For example Additional Maths (higher level qualification) is only on the Challenge Curriculum.
What subjects are new at Key Stage 4?
MILLAIS SCHOOL What subjects are new at Key Stage 4? Business Child Development Citizenship Computer Science Food Preparation and Nutrition Information Technology Music Technology Performing Arts Philosophy and Ethics Statistics & Additional Maths Triple Science
What is the right balance?
MILLAIS SCHOOL What is the right balance? It is important that students do a variety of subjects to widen their opportunities in education and employment. In the “open choice” section, subjects are grouped. In an ideal world students pick 1 from each list. This will then give them a balanced and varied workload. It also makes it more likely that your daughter will get her choices.
One From Each Of The Four Doesn’t Suit Me!
MILLAIS SCHOOL One From Each Of The Four Doesn’t Suit Me! THIS IS FINE Students can choose two creative subjects like Drama & Music. Or two Humanities like Geography with Philosophy and Ethics. Some want Triple Science & Additional Maths. The only exceptions are Technology subjects Where coursework is very time consuming.
Will my daughter’s choices affect her long term career aspirations?
MILLAIS SCHOOL Will my daughter’s choices affect her long term career aspirations? Not in most cases but they could do. It is wise to consider what subjects may be useful in particular careers, should your daughter have an interest in a specific one.
What teachers will my daughter
MILLAIS SCHOOL What teachers will my daughter have for her GCSEs? At this stage we don’t know! It will depend on the options that are selected & timetabling. Some teachers will inevitably leave and others will arrive. PICKING A SUBJECT JUST BECAUSE YOUR DAUGHTER LIKES OR DISLIKES THE TEACHER IS WRONG
New bands are created based on options.
MILLAIS SCHOOL If my daughter chooses the same subjects as her friends will they be together? Probably not. Even if she has the same options they may not be together or at the same time. New bands are created based on options.
How long is there to choose Options?
MILLAIS SCHOOL How long is there to choose Options? Tuesday 7 March is the deadline to hand forms in. Forms should be completed in pencil in case your daughter changes her mind! Parents evening is Thursday 2nd March and this will also provide useful information. However ultimately these are the options of the student, not the parents.
FURTHER QUESTIONS? Students can see Mr Shepherd – office by the LRC
Parents can contact Mr Shepherd via
Will my daughter definitely get her first choice?
MILLAIS SCHOOL Will my daughter definitely get her first choice? Normally, but if groups are too small, we can’t offer them. Some combinations of subjects cannot be timetabled due to staffing or rooming limitations. This is why a reserve choice is selected. If there are problems with choices we will discuss them with your daughter on an individual basis.
What if I change my mind after I have handed in my form?
MILLAIS SCHOOL What if I change my mind after I have handed in my form? Students cannot change their minds after they have received notification of choices in the Summer Term. There is Options Evening tonight and Parents Evening before the form has to be handed in.
All information is on the school moodle under examinations.
MILLAIS SCHOOL Further Information All information is on the school moodle under examinations. You can also find out information from subject leaders in the Main School Hall. The Senior Staff Team are outside the Dining Hall and can also answer specific queries. Or there is
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