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Information on Availability of Healthcare and Mental Health Services

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Presentation on theme: "Information on Availability of Healthcare and Mental Health Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information on Availability of Healthcare and Mental Health Services

2 Purpose To inform members of the health care options available to the Transitioning Service Member and their family.

3 Introduction Information on the availability of health care and mental health services will be covered during this presentation. Medical coverage can be very expensive, so it is important you are aware of what is available to you so that you can make the best choice for your own unique situation.

4 Before Separation -Physical -Dental Check-up -Copy of Medical Records

5 Separation History and Physical Examination (SHPE)
-Required by separating service member -Identify and document any medical conditions requiring ongoing care -Begin 180 days prior to separation

6 DOD Mental Health Self-Assessment Program
-Mental health and alcohol screening and referral program -For military families and service members -Voluntary and anonymous program

7 Medical Treatment Facility
-Active duty members can self refer -Active duty family members appointments

8 DOD’s inTransition Program
-Confidential coaching program -Secures appointments with behavioral health provider -Automatic enrollment/opt-out

9 Veterans Affairs Coverage
-Combat veterans discharged from active duty on or after January 28, 2003 -Reservist or National Guard on active duty after November 11, 1998

10 Suicide Resources For Veterans and Family Members
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11 Conclusion Attending the veterans benefits briefing will provide the opportunity to talk with a professional from Veterans Affairs in more detail on benefits programs and resources available through the Veteran Affairs.

12 Questions?

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