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WELCOME to the Italian class

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to the Italian class"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to the Italian class
Prof De Candido

2 Allow me to introduce myself
I grew up in Italy I hold a Bachelor degree at Universita’ degli Studi Milano I live in Florida since 2011 This is my second year teaching at Somerset Academy


4 IMPORTANT DATES August 23rd :Grade level Meetings –– 8.15 – 2.50pm
August 25th: Documents Due to 1st Period/Last day for Schedule Changes August 25th: 1st Day Forms are due by to the 1st Period teacher Middle School Open House - September 6th pm High School Open House September 13th pm

5 MATERIAL 1 pencil 2 pens ( blue and black) Highlighters
3 subjects notebook Italian-English dictionary (not mandatory-at your disposal during class) Flash drive/ USB 1 plastic folder

6 GRADING Exams 35% Quizzes 20% Classwork/Participation 25% Homework 10%
Projects %

7 Homework NO late homework accepted Quizzes given on a bi-weekly basis
Tests are typically every 3-4 weeks Vocabulary Quiz every chapter Oral Quiz every quarter One Project per chapter

8 RULES – to start….. Be ready to learn Take your proper seat
Have a notebook out Have multiple pens/pencils Take out homework

9 RULES – IN CLASS No eating, drinking other than water.
No electronics of any kind Raise your hand with questions During discussions one person talking at a time During group/pair work stay on task Off task = working on your own Only one out to the bathroom at a time, grab the pass by the door The bell does not release you, I do All text books put away and trash picked up before dismissal

10 RULES – TESTING All phones will be shut off and on my desk for all tests/quizzes If a phone goes off during testing or I see one = a score of “0” and a call home No make-up for cheating or electronics seen/heard Unexcused absence: Test/quiz taken upon return Excused absence: Test/quiz taken the following period after return

11 RULES – DISCIPLINE Major infractions automatic referral (Fighting, Bullying, Disrespect to staff). 1st infraction: Warning 2nd infraction: Call Home 3rd infraction: Detention 4th infraction: Meeting with parent 5th infraction: Referral to the office

12 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo preliminare Buon giorno Italia!!
Introduction, greetings In the room Numbers Calender

13 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 1 Una citta’ italiana Places, direction
To have Singolar and plural

14 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 2 Come siamo An adjective for everyone
To be Article – the La Sicilia

15 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 3 Studiare in Italia Family and university
Verbs ending in ARE Possessive adjectives L’Umbria

16 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 4 Sport e passatempi Hobby and sport
Verbs ending in ERE/IRE Clock La Valle d’Aosta e il Trentino-Alto Adige

17 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 5 Caffe’ e cappuccino To have a coffee
Past tense Campania

18 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 6 Buon appetito! At the restaurant To like
Interrogatives Emilia-Romagna

19 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 7 La vita di tutti i giorni Clothing
Reflexive verb Adverbs Lombardia

20 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 8 Cinema, stampa e TV Press, cinema..
Impefetto – past tense Veneto

21 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 9 Sentirsi bene Health, body Comparisons

22 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 10 Buon viaggio Vacation Future tense

23 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 11 Spesa e spese Shops CI and NE Imperative
Basilicata e Calabria

24 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 12 Cercare casa Houses
Indefinite adjectives Imperative Puglia

25 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 13 La difesa dell’ambiente Environment
Conditional present and past Abruzzo e Molise

26 WHAT do WE LEARN? Capitolo 14 and 15 La musica, teatro e le belle arti
Music, teather and arts Past Liguria e Toscana

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