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1 Forestfireprotection
in Poland and Europe

2 Characteristics of Polish forests
Examples of Polish forest complexes: Kampinos Forest, Niepołomice Forest, Tuchola Forest, Białowieża Forest, Augustów Primeval Forest Over the years, many of the largest Polish forests have been reduced in size. After II World War, Polish government initiated National Plan of Afforestation. Polish forests cover about 30% of country area. In Polish forest structure is high share of conifers.

3 Things, which create a fire hazard
Meteorological conditions (air temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, solar radiation); Soil humidity; Appearance of energy stimulus (fire, cigarette butts, match); Type of forest firewood (tree age, tree species, chemical composition); Distance of urban agglomerations and industrial establishments; Size of forest; Number of tourist; Awareness of the society about forest fire protection; “Fire Weather” – reason of 60% of fire temperature is over 24 °C humidity is below 40% no cloudiness

4 Types of forest fire Sub-surface fires Fires covers the soil
Without flames combustion High temperatures (up to 1000 ° C) A place of fire on peat bogs as well as in deep mudslides Fires covers the soil Flame temperature reaches up to 900 ° C They do not depend on the time of year Burn down: mulch, moss, grass, bushes, couch, pods, bark and shallow roots Total fires of the stand The combustion temperature can reach up to 1200 ° C in pine stands The heated air generates convection currents Height of the flames can reach up to meters above the tops of trees Fires of single trees Fires of a single tree arise very rarely, as a result of intentional arson or lightning strike

5 Extinguishing forest fires
Fire suppression with the branches Soil filling Digging a „fire break” Burning grass and plants Extinguishing with the water Extinguishing with the foam

6 Forestfireprotection in Poland
Fireprotection track – it is a system of tree stands of different widths subjected special prossesing or deforestation areas and purified to the miner layer. Forests’ area control Control point (towers) by ground fire patrol by air patrol Hydrant is the place to get water to perform extinguish.

7 Types of fireprotection tracks
Type A Separates forest from public roads Width: 30 meters Type B Separates forest from car parks and industrial factories Type C Separates forest from military areas meters Type D Separates large forests areas

8 Characteristics of European forests
Forests cover in certain European countries ranges from 86% in Finland to 7 % in Ireland. That gives an average of 35% in Western Europe and 47% for the whole of the continent. In Europe, the largest forest area is located in Russia; It is about 809 million hectares, which accounts for 79% of the total forest area in Europe. Over the past two centuries, European forestry has favored coniferous stands (mainly pine and spruce), which has reduced the area of ​​mixed and deciduous forests. Throughout Europe, mixed forests occupy about 14% of the forest area. Coniferous forests dominate in northern countries (Scandinavia) and in mountainous areas (Austria, Germany).

9 Fire causes CATEGORY Unknown Natural Accident Negligence Deliberate
GROUP CLASS Unknown unknown Natural lightning, volcanism, gas emission Accident electrical power, railroads, vehicles, works, weapons (firearms, explosives, etc.), self-ignition (auto-combustion), other accident Negligence Use of fire vegetation management, agricultural burnings, waste management, recreation, other negligent use of fire Use of glowing objects fireworks, firecrackers and distress flares, cigarettes, hot ashes, other use of glowing object Deliberate Responsible (arson) interest (profit), conflict (revenge), vandalism, excitement (incendiary), crime concealment, extremist Irresponsible mental illness, children Rekindle rekindle

10 Forestfireprotection in Europe
EFFIS The European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) supports the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in the EU countries and provides the European Commission services and the European Parliament with updated and reliable information on wildland fires in Europe. Since 1998, EFFIS is supported by a network of experts from the countries in what is called the Expert Group on Forest Fires, which is registered under the Secretariat General of the European Commission.  Currently, this group consists on experts from 40 countries in European, Middle East and North African countries. The EFFIS network meets regularly twice a year, in spring and in autumn, i.e. before and after the main fire season.

11 Ways of firefighting in European forests
PREVENSION – of course! Before the beginning of the forest fire season, the ERCC organises meetings with all countries participating in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to exchange information on the state of preparedness for the upcoming season. Over the summer period, the ERCC and countries at high risk of forest fires (like Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece or Croatia) are in contact on a weekly basis. But, when it’s too late… When forest fires occur, European countries can send assistance in the form of water-bombing aircrafts and helicopters, heavy firefighting airplane, the Buffer-IT, fire-fighting equipment and personnel. Additionally, the Mechanism can co-finance the transport of assistance to the affected area.

12 Methods of fireprotection in Mediterranean Sea countries
Because of location and climate with high temperatures countries above Mediterranean Sea are endangered to fires. In that case, the government of European Commission created "Forest Focus”, which monitors forests and sends information to 27 countries. Project purposes: - monitor of forest fires and their causes and effects - prevent forest fire - monitor of air pollution

13 Losses and damages after fire in forest
It’s difficult, but necessary to define how large was fire and its consequences. But this information should be communicate to the society. Especially this one, about lost forest functions, like changed landscape, destroyed undergrowth. Losses after fire could be different, but we should know, that fire destroys not only woods, but also other inhabitants of forests, like deers, owls, wolves, boars. They are frightened and they are trying to escape, but fire is often faster.

14 European Union projects related with forestprotection
Every project is a result of politics environmental protection and international commitments. The real problem is deforestation and smaller influence forest economy. Projects includes reforestations, protections forests resources and fire protections.

15 Sources Our visit in the School of State fire brigade in Cracow
„Szkolenie specjalistów ochrony przeciwpożarowej. Ochrona przeciwpożarowa lasów”- Jarosław Zarzycki „Instrukcja ochrony przeciwpożarowej lasu” – Lasy Państwowe „Harmonized classification sheme of fire causes in the EU adopted fore the European Fire Database of EFFIS” – Andrea Camia, Tracy Durrant, Jesus San-Miguel-Ayanz „Prawa lasu, część 4”- newspaper „Przegląd pożarniczy” „European forest types” – European Environment Agency „Emergency Responce Coordination Centre” – European Commission „Educational material 2016” – YPEF „Gaszenie pożarów lasów” – OSP Swarzędz „Kierunki działań Unii Europejskiej w sektorze leśnym” – Mirosław Gwiazdowicz „Legislation on protecting the EU's forests against fire” – European Commission „Civil protection. Forest fires.” – European Commission „The EFFIS Network” – European Commission „Welcome to EFFIS” – Copernicus EMS

16 Project by Zofia Dąbek – class I a Alicja Kot – class I a
Aleksandra Skorupa – class I a VIII Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Krakowie

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