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Shelley Primary School

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1 Shelley Primary School
Headteacher Recruitment Pack 2017 "Working together to become even better"

2 This Recruitment Pack contains the following information:
Welcoming message from the Governing Body Visions, Aims and Values Background Information about Shelley Primary School Job Description Personal Specification Priorities Application Process How to contact us "Working together to become even better"

3 "Working together to become even better"
Welcome We are delighted that you are interested in the position of Headteacher at Shelley Primary School and would like to extend a warm welcome to you. Our current Headteacher is retiring at the end of the academic year after many years at the school, and we are seeking to appoint a new Headteacher with strategic vision and a proven track record at senior leadership level, to lead our dedicated and caring staff. Shelley Primary School has increased its on-roll pupil number significantly in the last few years and we are looking for an individual who can drive forward with our School priorities during these exciting times. We are very much a community based school, sharing excellent links with other local schools as members of the West Horsham Schools Network and TSA24 Teaching Alliance. We have an active Parents Association (The Friends of Shelley School), and a very conscientious Governing Body. However, nothing demonstrates the ethos of Shelley Primary School as much as seeing us in action, so we would very much like to offer the opportunity to arrange a tour and meet the team. Yours sincerely Mrs Lucy Hammond (Chair of Governors) "Working together to become even better"

4 Visions, Aims and Values
School Values Our values underpin the ART of learning for all members of our school community, which in turn links with the fundamental values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and respect for those with different faiths, beliefs and lifestyles. Aspiration We value the development of the skills, knowledge and attributes that will enable all to meet their aspirations. Respect We value the development of the respect for ourselves, others and the wider world that will enable everyone to be included and their contribution recognised. Togetherness We value the development of the collaboration, co-operation and partnership between members of our community that will enable the betterment of all. School Vision At Shelley School we are 'working together to become even better'. School Aims Our school aims to enable children to become: Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and fulfil their potential Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society "Working together to become even better"

5 "Working together to become even better"
Background Information Shelley Primary School is a co-educational community school catering for children aged 4 to 11. We currently have 322 pupils on roll. Currently the school has 33 children (11.9%) on the SEN register. The school is situated in the village of Broadbridge Heath, just west of Horsham. We are part of the West Sussex Local Authority, and are members of both the West Horsham Network of Schools and the TSA24 teaching school alliance. The school is an integral part of the community it serves. "Working together to become even better"

6 "Working together to become even better"
Our School Priorities Assessment for Learning To ensure improved pupil progress across the school by developing further the school’s AFL processes. Quality of Teaching To raise aspiration for an increasing proportion of children to achieve AREs at the end of each year; To ensure the school’s teaching for learning policy and framework for teaching is reflected in practice in all classes; To enable all teachers to reflect critically on their practice and take responsibility for ensuring that required improvements are made; To maintain the percentage of lessons graded as good or better at 90% with ‘many’ outstanding aspects seen across the school. The Quality of EYFS To ensure a successful transition to a new building and two complete reception classes; To review the EYFS policy in light of the changes; To ensure a greater proportion of children achieve the Early Learning Goals; To develop the teaching and assessing role of other adults. Raising Achievement by developing ‘behaviour for learning’ and the ‘pupil voice’ To enable pupils to make appropriate challenging decisions about the type and quantity of work they undertake in lessons; To give opportunities for pupils to decide for themselves how they can demonstrate their ‘mastery’ of different curriculum expectations. "Working together to become even better"

7 "Working together to become even better"
Pupil Welfare and Safety To ensure that all pupils feel safe and secure in school and can take increasing responsibility for their own safety outside school. Improving Outcomes for Pupils To increase progress and raise attainment for all groups in core areas of reading, including phonics, writing and mathematics; To ensure that pupils are able to demonstrate their acquisition of core English and mathematical skills across the curriculum; To better use the outdoor environment to develop Y1/Y2 pupils’ independence and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning; To incorporate aspects of local, national and global citizenship within the taught curriculum. Developing Leadership Capacity To begin the development of the role of ‘phase teams’ as drivers of school improvement; To broaden subject leadership responsibility; To develop the role of middle leaders as key figures in driving improvement in subject knowledge and pedagogy. "Working together to become even better"

8 "Working together to become even better"
Job Description Main Purposes of the Job To provide professional leadership for the school which secures its success and improvement, ensuring high quality education which inspires and motivates its pupils and improves standards of learning and achievement. To work with and through others to secure the commitment of the wider community to the school. To be responsible for the leadership, internal organisation, management and control of the school, consulting appropriately with stakeholders. To create a safe and caring environment for all pupils and staff by ensuring that the relevant policies are known and adhered to and to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people s/he is responsible for, or comes into contact with. To carry out the duties set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. Main Tasks Qualities and Knowledge Articulate and promote the school’s distinctive aims and ethos by working with governors and school staff to identify, affirm and develop the school’s vision. Model exemplary professional behaviour towards pupils, staff, governors and others in the school community in terms of attitude, relationships, integrity and continual professional development. Keep up-to-date with any proposed or actual changes in legislation, guidance and research that is relevant to the school. "Working together to become even better"

9 "Working together to become even better"
Keep staff and governors informed of trends in education theory, research and opinion and how these impact on the school’s vision and improvement priorities. Engage parents effectively in the education and development of their children. Take direct responsibility for the school’s continuous improvement. Demonstrate an up-to-date understanding of how school leaders make use of public money, the processes that underpin this and how accountability is assured. Oversee and ensure the school’s accountability to other agencies that work on behalf of children and families. Pupils and Staff Track and report on the attainment of all pupils within the school, including disadvantaged individuals and group. Benchmark the school’s performance against other schools, both locally and nationally. Ensure the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum, where all statutory duties are met, with ambitious standards of achievement. Ensure that appropriate pastoral care, guidance and support is available to all pupils, including the most vulnerable, those with special needs or disabilities. Secure excellent teaching through identifying and sharing best practice and appropriate staff development. Energise and inspire colleagues by creating an open culture where success is celebrated and weaknesses are challenged supportively. Use formal systems such as Performance Management and informal knowledge of staff aspirations to offer opportunities for wider responsibility in ways that are transparent and equitable to all staff. Oversee and report on a system of performance management that is proportionate to the roles undertaken, but supportive of improving outcomes for children. "Working together to become even better"

10 "Working together to become even better"
Systems and Processes Ensure that key policies are current, accessible and understood by relevant staff and governors, taking action to address any oversights or weaknesses where these occur. Deploy staff effectively, having regard for personnel policies and equality of opportunity. Create a safe and caring environment for all pupils and staff by ensuring that the relevant policies are known and adhered to. Seek views and consider feedback from children, staff and families. Hold all staff to account for their professional conduct and practice or establish systems for other senior leaders to do so. Respond positively to appropriate challenge and support from governors, providing timely, accurate and transparent information to enable them to carry out their strategic role. Provide, in turn, appropriate support and challenge to governors to enable them to fulfil their strategic role. Be accountable for pupils’ progress and achievement. Balance the long term needs of the school with the priorities in the current improvement plan. Adhere to the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) in deployment of budgets and resources, both human and material. Demonstrate effective leadership in agreeing improvement priorities and effective management in executing the agreed plans. Develop a culture and systems that make roles and responsibilities clear and manageable, whilst holding all staff to account for the expected outcomes. Delegate staff responsibilities effectively. "Working together to become even better"

11 "Working together to become even better"
The Self-Improving School System Make use of external benchmarking or partners to evaluate any innovation and to moderate the school’s own methods. Identify and develop future leaders. Participate in and contribute to local and national leadership improvement opportunities. Create systems that allow the school to engage effectively with agencies and bodies such as: other schools; social care; health authorities and businesses. Model, develop and disseminate good practice. "Working together to become even better"

12 Personal Specification
We are looking for a Headteacher who: Is a dynamic, confident and enthusiastic leader Can provide inspirational strategic vision Provides a happy and secure environment where children can develop independence, learn to the best of their ability and grow in confidence and self esteem Demonstrates an understanding of excellent teaching and learning Demonstrates proven leadership and management skills to motivate children and empower staff Has the pupils at the forefront of all that they do, and will be able to inspire pupils, parents, staff and governors alike. "Working together to become even better"

13 "Working together to become even better"
Application Process Please submit your application using the application form with a supporting letter of no more than 2 sides of A4 when typed. This should tell us how you satisfy the personal specification. Please complete your application form and supporting letter by 12 noon on 24 March 2017 to: Schools Recruitment Team, Job Reference No: 16233 West Sussex Capita Partnership Ground Floor The Grange, CHICHESTER PO19 1RG or Interviews will take place on 26 and 27 April 2017 As soon as applications are received, references may be sought from: Your Chair of Governors / Headteacher Your Local Authority Safeguarding Statement: This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. There will be a need for the successful applicant to undertake a criminal record check via the DBS. This appointment is also subject to medical clearance, satisfactory references, proof of qualifications, photographic proof of identity and entitlement to live and working in the EU. "Working together to become even better"

14 "Working together to become even better"
How to contact us In the first instance, please contact our administrative officer, Mrs Haigh-Kneeshaw at: Shelley Primary School Wickhurst Lane Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3LU Tel: Fax: The village of Broadbridge Heath is located 2 miles from the historic market town of Horsham in West Sussex. Situated between London and the South Coast, it has excellent commuter links within a beautiful setting near the South Downs. "Working together to become even better"

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