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Agnes Mando banda Zambian open university Zambia

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1 Agnes Mando banda Zambian open university Zambia
The capacity of maids training centres to train housemaids for infant care in Lusaka, zambia Agnes Mando banda Zambian open university Zambia

2 introduction Many women in Zambia are involved in income generating activities Maternity leave is only three months Housemaids take care of infants They are trained by Maids Training Centres The quality of training affects infant care Nothing is known about the capacity of these Maids Training Centres to train housemaids

3 Importance of the research
In the absence of crèches and nursery schools, house maids are cheaper option for many Zambian families Infancy is a delicate stage of development. The need for caregivers who are knowledgeable in child development and have skills on how to stimulate learning can not be overemphasizes This research aims at creating an awareness among parents and the government of the vulnerability of infants taken of by housemaids The Zambian government should take an interest in the mushrooming maids training centres (register them, train the trainers, quality assure their curriculum, develop the curriculum and issue appropriate certificates) There are not studies of this nature in Zambia

4 How well do housemaids performance their duties after training?
Research questions What is the capacity of maids training centers to train housemaids for infant care? How relevant is the curriculum used by maids training centres for infant care? How well do housemaids performance their duties after training?

5 Methodology Qualitative methods In-depth interviews (FGDs)
Personal interviews Document analysis Quantitative methods questionnaires

6 Findings Maids training centres have no capacity to train house maids for infant care Trainers are not trained in infant care There are no Instructional materials The duration of training is inadequate Curriculum is not standardized and is not quality assured Trainers focus more on house keeping than infant care Record keeping is poor

7 The government should:
Recommendations The government should: Provide policy guidelines for registration and operations of maids training centres in Zambia Provide a standardized maids training curriculum for infant care Recognize infant care as a special field

8 Recommendations Contd…
The maids training centres should: Meet the minimum standards for training housemaids in infant care; Have a library for students to study and improve their theoretical knowledge Invest in instructional materials such as computers, printers, photocopiers, scanners, text books, overhead projectors, material for practical work, and communication gadgets among others; Increase the duration of training

9 Topics for further research in this field in Zambia could be:
The effect of housemaids on social and language development of infants The attachment process of infants to house maids who in-live and those that live out of the employees’ homes The effect of live-in maids on personality development of infants The infant care skills and knowledge and it effect on the development of infants The effect of high rate of turn over of house maids taking care of infants on the holistic development of infants. Can house maids replace the mother?

10 Thank you for listening

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