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Student Learning Profile (SLP)

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Presentation on theme: "Student Learning Profile (SLP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Learning Profile (SLP)

2 What is Student Learning Profile (SLP)?
Contents of SLP Information Needed in the SLP Classification of Internal and External Activities Practices on Classification

3 Student’s Self Evaluation in Student Handbook

4 What is Student Learning Profile?
A requirement under the NSS curriculum To provide supplementary information on secondary school leavers’ competencies and specialties, giving a fuller picture of the student

5 Contents of Student Learning Profile
Student Particulars Academic Performance in School Public Examination Results (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education) Other Learning Experiences Awards / Achievement Student’s Self Account

6 Student Particulars

7 Academic Performance in School

8 Other Learning Experiences (OLE)
Moral & Civic Education Community Services Aesthetic Development Career-related Experiences Physical Development

9 Data Sources

10 Information Needed Student ID (s09XXXX) OLE component of the Activity
Name and Description of the Activity Name of Organizer(s) Date, Time & Venue Participation Role (leader, committee, participant) Whether the Activity is Award-bearing and the Type of Award

11 Internal Activities Activities that are solely organized / co-organized by the school E.g. Services organized by the Community Service Union E.g. ICAC Talk during Class Period E.g. Swimming Gala E.g. Joint School Activities (co-organized by the clubs in school) E.g. Inter-class Handball Competition

12 Record of Internal Activities
Teacher advisors will submit the attendance list to the SLP team Student leaders may also need to help advisors to prepare the attendance list Students are also advised to keep their own record

13 External Activities Activities that you joined through the school
E.g. Violinist in the School Orchestra participating in the Music Festival Activities joined on your own E.g. Elementary Japanese Course at HKFTUSTSC Inter-school Competition E.g. Representative of SMCC in Inter-school Handball Competition Grade C

14 Activities that are NOT RECORDED
Training camp of prefects Regular training of basketball team Duty time of prefects Orchestra rehearsals Duty of a committee member of a club (not a particular activity), e.g. a treasurer preparing the balance sheet for a club

15 Time for Practice

16   E A e.g.  C e.g. 1 Activities joined Put into SLP (/)
Activities joined Put into SLP (/) Internal (I) / External (E) Activity OLE Component (‘A’ –Aesthetic Development; ‘S’ –Community Services; ’C’ – Career-related Experiences; ‘M’ – Moral & Civic Education, ‘P’ – Physical Development) Award-bearing (/) and Type of Award (‘C’ – champion / gold medal; ‘B’ – 1st or 2nd runner-up / silver or bronze medal; ‘O’ – other awards; ‘N’ – no award) Participation Role: (‘1’ – leader; ‘2’ – committee members; ‘3’ – participants) 1. 1. Intermediate Choir Practice every Thursday during lunch time 2. String Orchestra – violinist 3. Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – leaders of the school in String Orchestra E A e.g.  C e.g. 1

17 Let’s do it!

18  I M  E P A Activities joined Put into SLP (/)
Activities joined Put into SLP (/) Internal (I) / External (E) Activity OLE Component (‘A’ –Aesthetic Development; ‘S’ –Community Services; ’C’ – Career-related Experiences; ‘M’ – Moral & Civic Education, ‘P’ – Physical Development) 4. Lunch time reading programme for SMCS organized by the Library Prefects Team I M 5. Lunch time duty in the Library – Library Prefects 6. Christmas Carolling organized by the Legion of Mary 7. Handball Team Regular Training 8. Inter-school Handball Competition – B Grade (representative of SMCC) E P 9. Invitation Relay of Belilios Public School (representative of SMCC) 10. School Picnic – Hong Kong Disneyland (Animation Workshop) A

19  I S E C A  Activities joined Put into SLP (/)
Activities joined Put into SLP (/) Internal (I) / External (E) Activity OLE Component (‘A’ –Aesthetic Development; ‘S’ –Community Services; ’C’ – Career-related Experiences; ‘M’ – Moral & Civic Education, ‘P’ – Physical Development) 11. Joint School Voluntary Services organized by Zonta Z Club, SMCC I S 12. HKFTUSTSC Cooking Class (Tiramisu) E C 13. The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Pianoforte Examination Grade 8 A 14. Piano Lessons at home every week 15. Hong Kong Schools Music Festival – Flute Solo Grade 5 (application sent by XX Music Company)

20   E P I S Activities joined Put into SLP (/)
Activities joined Put into SLP (/) Internal (I) / External (E) Activity OLE Component (‘A’ –Aesthetic Development; ‘S’ –Community Services; ’C’ – Career-related Experiences; ‘M’ – Moral & Civic Education, ‘P’ – Physical Development) 16. Cello Class in school every week 17. SMCC Chairladies’ training organized by the Student Council 18. Guidance Prefect Training Camp 19. Shatin District Swimming Competition – 100m Breaststroke organized by LCSD E P 20. Flag Selling for Conservancy Association (coordinated by Community Service Union, SMCC) I S

21 Internal (I) / External (E) Activity OLE Component
Activities joined Put into SLP (/) Internal (I) / External (E) Activity OLE Component (‘A’ –Aesthetic Development; ‘S’ –Community Services; ’C’ – Career-related Experiences; ‘M’ – Moral & Civic Education, ‘P’ – Physical Development) 21. CUHK Summer Gifted Programme for Young Scientists E C 22. Aviation Training in Australia 23. 明愛賣物會 (義工) S 24. 中央音樂學院 古箏九級考試 A 25. International Competitions and Assessments for Schools – English (University of New South Wales)

22 Reminders It is NOT NECESSARY to include every single activity attended by a student in the SLP A lengthy SLP could be a sign of incapability in presenting personal strengths concisely

23 Where should you keep the external activities record?

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