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Getting them seen, heard and adopted

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Presentation on theme: "Getting them seen, heard and adopted"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting them seen, heard and adopted
Marketing Dogs! Getting them seen, heard and adopted

2 Contents Introduction Basildon Centre Kennel positioning
Getting out and about Digital media Website Photography

3 Introduction We are going to look into the process of ‘showing’ and marketing our dogs. What are the considerations for kennel positioning What about dogs who cannot be on public view? How can social media help?

4 Basildon Centre We have average of 20 dogs in and out of the Centre each week. We have an average of 100 dogs in the Centre at any one time. We have a team of 22 canine carers, 4 rehoming staff, 4 TBA staff, 4 receptionists, 2 maintenance operatives, 4 veterinary staff, 4 managers and an average of 100 volunteers.

5 Kennel positioning Dogs who have arrived at the Centre and spent approx 7 days in the intake block. They will have seen the Vet and will have received flea and worm treatment and be in the process of becoming fully vaccinated. They will have had a behavioural assessment to determine the ‘type’ of home they are looking for.

6 Kennel Positioning What is the most appropriate way to market them.
Treat each dog as an individual Options- can the dogs be on public view? Reactivity? Handling? Site of kennel? opposite other dogs? Kennels showing happy playful dogs Engagement with clients

7 Kennel Positioning Who wouldn’t want to adopt this little lady?!?

8 Kennel Positioning Public facing kennels Set dogs up to succeed!
Positioning is important Mix it up! To pair or not to pair….. Clean eyes!

9 Kennel Fronts Kennel fronts What info is important? Keep it simple
1st dog or 3rd person? Photos?

10 Getting Out and About Dogs who may not show themselves off very well in kennels Get them seen with people! Favourite games Favourite staff Tricks Off site

11 Marketing Public kennels all very nice, but what about the dogs who are unable to go on public display? Behaviour Medical How can we maximise coverage of our more challenging dogs?

12 Marketing Boards Pawfolio Every dog in the Centre. Kept updated daily
Can use as a visual aid for rehoming staff Kept in a prominent position on the Reception desk.

13 Digital Media Website

14 Digital Media Digital Media Who is your audience?
Facebook Twitter Instagram You Tube Snapchat Who is your audience? What are you trying to achieve? Be honest, be consistent, be current

15 The Press Local and national! Utilise current affairs
What is the hook? What do you want your message to be? Be current

16 Photography Never underestimate the power of a photo!

17 Staff and Volunteers Are your secret weapon!
they know the dogs better than anyone. Can give potential owners ‘soft’ information e.g. favourite toys Use them at each step of the assessment and review process. They are your dogs best advocates.

18 Summary Know the dog! Set them up for success
Have you used all the tools available to you? Review frequently as behaviours change and so dogs don’t become part of the furniture.

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