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Redefining Risk Reduction

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Presentation on theme: "Redefining Risk Reduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Redefining Risk Reduction

2 Paint the villain Deaths in India Economic Loss People injured
Wiping away the fruits of development

3 History need not be destiny

4 Hazard Profile Earthquakes Floods Cyclones Droughts Fires Avalanches
Landslides Mudslides

5 Blue Print for Inaction
Make the problem uncertain Make the problem which cannot be avoided Make the solutions seem expensive Make it an all or none issue Make it feel that a perfect policy or plan is the only answer Wait for perfection

6 A quantum Jump-Relief Manuals to DM Plans

7 International Initiatives
Yokohama to Sendai SGD and CoP 21

8 National Initiatives Act, Policy, guidelines, Plans (Policy Instruments) NDMA, SDMA, DDMA, NIDM (Institutions) NDRF, SDRF (Better response forces) Better early warning capabilities Better response

9 Pre-events Pre-events NDMA and NIDM

10 Sendai Four Priorities

11 Understanding Risk Risk Governance Investing in Resilience Better response and Recovery

12 Objective Risk Subjective Risk Desired Risk Acceptable Risk

13 Risk Assessments HRV Atlas and Risk Assessments, micro zonation studies, Analysis of losses What is the scale? What is the right methodology? Updation- How often? Is there enough expertise and capacity ? (Notes- within and outside government?) Do we have data? Are the HRV atlases used [effectively]?

14 Understanding risk Not a risk sensitive Society

15 Cutting across class, urban rural, education levels

16 Everyday Risk versus Long-term risk

17 Seeing is acting (the story of the girl in Latur)

18 Session on Understanding risk
HRV- the basics, the philosophy, need and approach Social aspects of risk- gender, social structure, access to education and health, physical and mental health- aged, inequity A case study of HRV in Himachal- the perspective of the authority which prepared and the views of the user

19 Risk Governance Institutions Instruments Finance Human Resources

20 From Response to Resilience

21 Need for Local Capacities

22 Regulation or Enforcement?

23 Regulation- Too many or too little?
Is it the inadequacy of laws or lack of implementation?

24 All or None Approach?

25 Extraordinary or ordinarily Mechanisms?

26 Can Government start schemes and programs with the confidence that people will cooperate?

27 Community Based Risk Reduction
Sustain- Sub- from below Tenere- Hold. Sustinere -to hold from below.

28 It is not always about Crisis
It is not always about Crisis. ( meaning- need to improve everyday governance)

29 Technical Session-2 Strengthening State and District Level institutions Building local capacities Techno-legal regime

30 Investing in Resilience
Beyond structures Livelihood Social security Access to education and health Human resource Research Knowledge generation and sharing

31 Additional Money?



34 Investing in DRR

35 Insurance and Risk transfer

36 Technical Session 3 Financing arrangements for DRR
Planning urban infrastructure Role of Panchayats

37 Response and Recovery Coordination (excellent organizations individually but when they come together there is confusion)

38 Response should also be local

39 Promote voluntarism

40 Training- Local capacity building

41 Help Yourself Help Others Help others to help themselves

42 Early warning

43 HUMAN RESPONSE To Major Disasters
May need a lot of time to explain. Is there a simpler way to present this? HUMAN RESPONSE To Major Disasters Stage Time Event Reaction Positive Negative 1 0 – 1 min Major earthquake Panic 2 1 min – 1 week Aftershocks Rescue and survival Fear 3 1 week – 1 month Diminishing Short term repairs Allocation of blame to builders, designers, officials etc 4 1 month – 1 year Long term repairs action for higher standards 5 1 year – 10 years Diminishing interests 6 10 years – next earthquake Reluctance to meet seismic provisions non compliance with regulations 7 Next Earthquake Repeat stage 1 - 7 Source : David Key, 1990

44 Shaken but not stirred

45 Building back better

46 Technical Session 3 Early Warning
Integration of communication technologies Strengthening response systems Building back better

47 Sendai Targets Issues in Quantifying?

48 Which 30% will not be Saved?

49 CBRN disasters

50 Data bases and resource inventories

51 Technical Session 5 Setting up of targets- National and State Perspectives CBRN Disasters- Monitoring for mainstreaming National Disaster Data Base

52 Way Forward Policies Regulations Sharing of best practices Improved planning Reduction in risk

53 Ministerial session Political Will

54 Seeing is acting

55 Leave the Platform, Board the train

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