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Presentation on theme: "HCC CENTRAL LIBRARY ORIENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

Elizabeth C. Coiman-Lopez, BAT, MS. Adjunct Instructor Continuing Education Department Houston Community College System

Librarian: Leonard Cazares and Sawn Anderson LHSB Bldg. 3rd floor, 1300 B Hollman, Houston, TX Hours: M-Th: 7:30 am – 9:00pm Frid: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Sat: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm CLOSED SUNDAYS HCC Picture ID / Library Card. $15 to replace it. Home page: DO NOT: eat, drink, smoke, sleep, loud music, loud cell phone, talking on the phone. EXIT THE LIBRARY TO ANSWER YOUR PHONE Oldest and largest HCC Library in the system. About 83,000 books, 100 databases, and Netbooks (small computers) LIBRARY CATALOGUE: use computers in front of Reference Desk. Librarians will be happy to assist you. LIBRARY INFORMATION

Phone: Librarians desk, 2 librarians at a time. Help from Librarians on anything Schedule Study Rooms: 3rd floor 2 – 4 students, 4th floor 2-10 students. “Library staff exist to make your life easier,” HCC Librarian Shawn Anderson CIRCULATION DESK: Phone: Check-out Textbooks, Videos and DVD’s to use in the Library. (are behind desk) RENEW: Up to 2 more weeks (2 renewals). Renew in person, online, by phone, on the day due or before due day. OVERDUE: will result in loss of borrowing privileges and a “hold” on REGISTRATION and transcripts. Do not ignore overdue s. The library wants their books back NOT YOUR MONEY so no late fees. CIRCULATION AND REFERENCE DESKS

4 CHECKING- OUT Check-out 10 books, CD, Netbooks (2 weeks), 2 renewals
DVD, up to 1 week: Some can be checked out others need to watch at DVD room DVD (1 week), Two extensions Reference books and magazines: only for Library use Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: only for Library use (3rd floor) Bilingual Dictionaries on 4th floor can be taken home CHECKING- OUT

5 EQUIPMENT TO USE COPIER: $.10 cents B/W; $.50 color copies
Coins or dollar bills, credit/debit card Printing Account: add $ to your account so you can print SCANNER: Free COMPUTER LAB: Free to use, 3rd floor. (no checking in), no time limit. (HPL 1 hour) DESKS: in the “first come, first serve” basis (study carrels) Video/DVD Room: for 2-4 people Study Rooms: 3rd floor 2 – 4 students, 4th floor 2-10 students. EQUIPMENT TO USE

6 BOOK SHELVES Theme of the Month shelf New Books shelf ESL books shelf
Paper back shelves DVD shelves Books and Magazines for sale shelves (cheap) Reference Books shelves 3rd floor Magazines or Periodical shelves 4th floor Books shelves on both floors, including oversize books (can be check-out) Organized by subjects and CALL NUMBERS: A-L 3rd floor and M-Z 4th floor. After viewing books and magazines, leave them on tables or book carts. DO NOT PLACE THEM BACK ON THE SHELVES. BOOK SHELVES

Periodicals because they are changing periodically, every month, every week, etc. like magazines, newspapers. (only for reference) Library subscribes to about 81 different periodicals EXAMPLES: Bloomberg Business: latest business information GQ: leisure and entertainment Art in America: art Poder Hispanic: business PC World or Mack World: computers Newspapers: at Circulation Desk Ceramics Monthly: trade journal about ceramics right now. Nursing: Professional Journal Academic Journals, Scholarly Journals, Research Journals, (junior or senior classes) written by scholars (experts in the field), with new information. GOOD FOR RESEARCH. MAGAZINES OR PERIODICAL REFERENCE

Looking for members GPA 3.2 or above IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE LIBRARY: Reference Magazines: put magazines on shelves and take shelves from center and add bean bags Add more sitting around the Library by placing bean bags Add more electrical outlets so students can plug in their cell phones and computers to recharge cell phones. STUDENT’S LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE

9 BROWSING THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE website, use student ID card (you can access HCC library from home) Click on LIBRARIES Click on SEARCH & FIND Click on ENCORE ( like Google) Use a Broad Topic to search or Click on ADVANCED SEARCH with a more narrow topic Click on FORMAT to look for: YEAR 2010 to or Location: HCC campuses If in another Library, you can request it (3 days) Open a Data Base Advanced search Title Full text article to yourself (right hand corner) BROWSING THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE

10 BROWSING THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE website Click on SHELF, to look for a book in the library CALL # HT : tells what type of book ABSTRACT: is a summary PDF full text: is the COMPLETE ARTICLE ELECTRONIC BOOKS: E-Books. There are over 200,000 E-Books: (Public Domain, FREE) Library Home: ICON to browse back. BROWSING THE LIBRARY CATALOGUE

11 HCCS Database vs. GOOGLE Database
HCC is not FREE. $400,000 buys database (100), GOOGLE is free. HCC reliable information, GOOGLE, Wikipedia, You Tube, not the best source. HCC will give you the authors, sources and background to make a research. GOOGLE does not. Professors might say, “you are not allowed to use Google or Wikipedia” HCCS Database vs. GOOGLE Database

12 FORMAT: E-BOOK, click the book website BOOKS: Find E-Books TYPE of book: ____________ ALL HCC (find) ENCORE: type the TOPIC FORMAT: E-BOOK, click the book Hcc EBSCOhost (open to see the chapter) E-Book Collection If someone is using or reading the book, you cannot read it. You can print some pages, up to 60 pages or Turn it into PDF file and put it in your own flash drive E-BOOKS

Journals – Article tab Find Database, by subject Multi-subject Databases – ABC order Academic Search Complete: do not write questions, sentences Limit your Results – Check the Full Text Box Publication Date____ Abstract (summary of the article). After reading it, you can click PDF for Full Text It won’t save: it, print it, flash drive. FIND ARTICLES FOR RESEARCH

Click SEARCH & FIND Click MULTI- SUBJECT (THIRD) Click on Alexander Street Video DVD’S POLICY: Some DVD’S can be check-out (Disney) Others have to be watched in DVD room at the Library. VIDEOS AND DVD’S

15 CHECKING-OUT POLICY RENEWAL: Click on Libraries: Login - Renew
PENALTY: If you do not bring back what you checked-out, you will receive up to 2 S from the Library letting you know it is LATE. After 30 DAYS, if you ignore the 2 S, you will have a HOLD in your account: YOU CANNOT REGISTER FOR NEW CLASSES AT HCC You do not pay an overdue fine, BUT THE LIBRARY WANTS THEIR BOOKS BACK. RENEWAL: Click on Libraries: Login - Renew Renew books online: ONLY TWICE is allowed 48 to 72 hours before is due or on that due day, NO AFTER. CHECKING-OUT POLICY


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